the apocalypse


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Hall of Fame

What do you want to know about the apocolospical ? hic

I want to know why they ignore

the seven hills of constantinople
the thousand years of the byzantine empire
the seven dynasties of the roman empire
the ten dynasties of islam

don't you?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
day 42

day 42

so did you save it?

the history of islam?



looks like a lot of work

it was

does that cover all the battles?

just what I think are the significant ones

did you always like history?

not until I found it useful

wikipedia sure is useful

I am loving it

so what is next?

babylon the great

that's great
Last edited:


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Hall of Fame
day 43

day 43

so why should we care?

seek and you shall find

only what you are looking for

a better understanding?

how can you be sure?


how do you do that?

expose your ideas to the critics

we got plenty of them

don't surprise me none

so what is next?


what do we know about him?

who knew and when is the issue


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
day 44

day 44

so how is this working for you?

we already have a copycat thread

is that a good sign?

we need signs and we must watch for them

what kind of signs?

right now my grandson wants to watch garbage truck videos

now that is a sign that the end is near

what is next?

just watch


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
day 45

day 45

so what do you know about armageddon?


so why start a thread about it?

somebody might have a clue

like a sign?


so you are just going to watch?

I may ask a few questions

why should we watch?

blessed is he that watcheth

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much


Dear chrysostom,

You play with fire leading God's children away from Him by actually lying about what He means about the latter times. You have no knowledge given by Him. Only your own interpretation on what 'sounds' best for you. I'm not that way. Give people the truth and I won't both you again. Otherwise I will. It is getting very later here (it is 5am) and I cannot address this for now for I am too tired. Steer clear here all for now.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
day 46

day 46

so what are you watching for?


are you looking for directions?

we all need a navigator

so you just watch?

I also try to listen

to what?

to what others have to say

that can be very confusing

there are a lot of false prophets

how will you know them?

watch what they do

so it comes back to watching?


so what is next?

the thousand years

that is a long time

there has only been one


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
day 47

day 47

do you have a navigator?

when you are as old as me you need one

do you have trouble reading signs?

yes and amy tells me when I have to make a turn

is she your navigator?

she never gets upset when I miss a turn, she just recalculates

do you still watch for signs?

that's my job

shouldn't that be everyone's job?

not everyone has the time that I have

sunday is the day you make time

this is true

so what is next?

the four beasts

but there are only two

I'll explain


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
day 48

day 48

everybody agrees about the four kingdoms of daniel

they may be kingdoms but they are not all beasts

based on what?

the temple

what does the temple have to do with it?

don't mess with the temple

and if you do?

that makes you a beast

why don't the others see it that way?

they aren't watching

and you are?

it's my job

so what's next?

the little book


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
day 49

day 49

so you think the little book is the apocalypse?

so does victorinus

who is he?

he wrote a commentary on the apocalypse in the third century

where do you find this stuff?




so you don't have to go to the library anymore?

not really

so you like books


so what is next?





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Hall of Fame
day 50

day 50

so why is recapitulation so important?

without it you are more likely to make errors in interpreting the apocalypse


you are more likely to think the chapters are in chronological order?


an error in the interpretation of one chapter will likely force another in the following chapter

is that why they think Christ will reign during the millennium?

yes because they think chapter 19 is the second coming

and you don't?

I don't know but I do know Christ does not reign during the millennium


it says the saints will reign

so what is next?


now there is a fly catcher

you know you will catch something with that one


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
day 51

day 51

sure have a lot of links in that last 666 post

I hope it is not a problem

amr does it

do his get deleted?

haven't heard him complain about it

you get a lot of links with wikipedia

have you considered it?

I love it

have you ever edited it?

no but I am considering it

maybe you should start a thread to see who has

sounds good

so what is next?

the seven heads

you think they are dynasties?

it fit's


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
day 52

day 52

so when are you going to participate in the other threads?

I am

not like you use to

I'm saving myself

how do you do that?

why don't you ask the others who are saved?

what are you saving yourself from?


don't you mean disruption?

is that necessary?

I think it is

so what is next?

new jerusalem




Well-known member
Hall of Fame
day 53

day 53

no one believes rome is new jerusalem

you can't say that anymore

because you do?

somebody has to say it

based on what?


why don't others see it?

they are not looking for it

seek and you shall find?


who has time for this?

I do as long as I am not distracted by all the other stuff

you mean the unnecessary disruptions?


so what is next?

the three johns

are you sure it is only three?



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
day 54

day 54

are you proselytizing?

I don't think so

what do you call it?


sharing what?

my understanding of scripture

you mean the catholic understanding of scripture

it is not the catholic view

so where did you get it?

from historians

what do they know about the bible?

they know history

but this is prophecy

prophecy is about future history

so you think it has already happened?

you won't know if you don't look at history

so what is next?

the ten horns

more history?
