
Word based mystic

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My husband and I were baptized on the same cold October day in the stock pond of one of our congregation members. Despite the cold, upon immersion, my husband was suffused with deep warmth which only increased as he came out of the water. I was so looking forward to a baptism experience filled with the Ruach (Holy Spirit) as my husband had had. I went into the water cold with my eyes scrunched shut, fingers holding my nose and came out of the water with a squeal as the preacher declared me "Joy". "Joy my foot," I thought, as I boogied for the waters edge and my waiting towel and blanket. I looked over at my husband who seemed on fire with joy and I was so disappointed, having no report of any great experience. After the ceremony, the congregation gathered for some hot cocoa and snacks and I sat quietly through it, ruminating on my disappointment. Finally, as we were driving home, my husband was going on and on about the warmth he'd experienced but I didn't want to listen anymore. I said, "I don't know what was so great about it. The water was filthy!" "How would you know," my husband asked, "you had your eyes screwed shut!" And suddenly it hit me. I did have my eyes screwed shut but as clear as day, I remembered seeing through the water as the pastor laid me back. I saw him through the water, heard him speaking the blessing and I saw all this dirt coming off of me while the rest of the water was fairly clear. My husband grabbed my hand, smiled and said, "Seems to me you had a very nice time with the Ruach." And I was filled with joy!

His Joy is our strength.

your testimony reminds me of the scripture

john 3:3 Jesus answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot (see) the kingdom of God.

john 3:6 "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.