Starbucks Baristas To Hassle Customers About ‘Race Relations’


New member
Why not a discussion on ABORTION?

that ought to liven things up at the coffee shop

we're all getting a little tired of the race thing anyway...

those libs... they protesteth too much...



New member

By 2050, "Black," Hispanic and Asian Americans will be in the majority and how we treat them now will set the stage for how they'll treat us then!

Blacks (some) are already obsessed w/ paying back Whitey...

you may want to recal that back in the pre-civil rights era, ther were Whites on the side of emancipation and civil rights... and today there are Blacks against Whites...

ho hum...

human nature never changes...

2 wrongs make a right... with a vast majority of people, it would seem



Well-known member

Simon Baker

Counts as a "Well lookie there!" in my book, though Morphine and the others will say it was a genuinely sincere, not-at-all-cynical move on Starbuck's corporate part. :nono:

The Baristas Noticed People Were Not Discussing "Important" Topics, For Next Year They Are Deciding Between Abortion Or Islam Vs. Christianity. :think:


Starbucks Baristas To Hassle Customers About ‘Race Relations’

Excerpts from :

Not very smart and ill bet it wont be long either before lots of what happens because of this will be on the news.

Are liberals trying to start a race war?

darn - and it's all over

i wuz planning on going into starbucks dressed like this:


If you go to a coffee shop do you really want the cashier to start up a conversation...

not unless she's young and cute! :banana:

Do they want to be slaves again?

that's the conversation i'd have!

I bet koban would go into a Starbucks and say, "Negro, please!" to whatever they have to say about race relations. :chuckle:

that's "negro, i implore you"

Yes he would! Then he'd hit on the hot looking 21 year old Asian female barista who looks like Ziyi Zhang and ask her if she wants to have children. Then she'd slap him in the face. :rotfl: I'd go to upstate NY just to see that.

they hire hot looking 21 year old Asian female baristas who look like Ziyi Zhang??? :noway:

i'm heading for starbucks! :banana:

From that article:

What is the definition of "opportunity youth"?

i suspect it means youth who have the opportunity to go to jail

The Baristas Noticed People Were Not Discussing "Important" Topics, For Next Year They Are Deciding Between Abortion Or Islam Vs. Christianity. :think:

how about the morality of aborting black muslims?