Squeaky's threads

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New member
Aimiel said:
No, Peter was without understanding, so when he spoke what a demon had caused him to think was truth Jesus rebuked the source of those words, but Peter wasn't demon-possessed.You could say that, but it isn't technically correct. One who is even demon-possessed isn't really a devil, they simply have surrendered control of their flesh to a demon(s). They are still a man (descendant of Adam). Nope. Wrong again. The lost are humans, who need salvation. Demons are real spiritual beings, not humans who have become 'evil.'No, Satan is Lucifer, who fell from grace, as did many other angels. He is the first to sin, and the father of lies.

---You, like a fool, are trying to explain what I said; I said what I said, and I did not say a thing you said I said, You are not only a stupid fool, but a layer, who cannot say the truth about what someone else has said. You HAVE TO MAKE UP SOMETHING, TO MAKE you FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF, Because you're nothing but a snibling little minded, foolish and childish spoilt brat.


Well-known member
Letsargue said:
---No wonder you can't understand anything. You don't have any idea what I said there, and you looked right straight at it. HHHAAAA, HHAA, HHHHHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
---There's no flesh in Hell, and there's no flesh in Heaven, WIZARD!!! -- GOOD LORD!!! -- I'M SO GLAD THERE'S A HELL, Wizard.
What you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent answer did you approach anything even close to an answer. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having heard it. You are awarded no points, and may God have mercy on your soul”.

"I know that you believe you understood what you thought that I had said, but I don't think that you realize that what I said is not what I meant."


Well-known member
Letsargue said:
---You, like a fool, are trying to explain what I said; I said what I said, and I did not say a thing you said I said, You are not only a stupid fool, but a layer, who cannot say the truth about what someone else has said. You HAVE TO MAKE UP SOMETHING, TO MAKE you FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF, Because you're nothing but a snibling little minded, foolish and childish spoilt brat.
"What you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent answer did you approach anything even close to an answer. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having heard it. You are awarded no points, and may God have mercy on your soul”.

"I know that you believe you understood what you thought that I had said, but I don't think that you realize that what I said is not what I meant."
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