Spiritual Israel or Isrealites.


Well-known member
Jesus is Christ, He claimed it and He is the Head of His followers.

Yes. I know you believe all that. But the fact remains that he was a Jew. When alive, he dealt with Jews and visited synagogues. He even reportedly said that he was send to the lost sheep of Israel.


Yes. I know you believe all that. But the fact remains that he was a Jew. When alive, he dealt with Jews and visited synagogues. He even reportedly said that he was send to the lost sheep of Israel.

No one denies He was a Jew. Yes, He was sent for the lost sheep of Israel and He taught His disciples to teach the world about Him and His gospel.

This is what Jesus said to His disciples: "Go therefore make disciples of all nations... teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

patrick jane

No one denies He was a Jew. Yes, He was sent for the lost sheep of Israel and He taught His disciples to teach the world about Him and His gospel.

This is what Jesus said to His disciples: "Go therefore make disciples of all nations... teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."
You don't obey


Cause you witness to us the Jesus is unworthy to be our God and then leave us with a good day. There are no good days in hell for those who deny Jesus

You are falsely witnessing about my faith in God and His Son Jesus.

Jesus is my Lord and Savior.

You are tying to make division against Jesus' followers.

Your faith is nothing but elitism.


You are falsely witnessing about my faith in God and His Son Jesus.

Jesus is my Lord and Savior.

You are tying to make division against Jesus' followers.

Your faith is nothing but elitism.
You're the one that said Jesus isn't 100% God, not me, not us, YOU ! You're the one with the knife


Well-known member
A synagogue is an assembly and a church is an assembly. Please explain the difference.

By "synagogue" I refer to a Jewish place of worship. By "church" to a Christian place of worship. This is the common use of the terms- you can check Webster's online dictionary to verify this.


You're the one that said Jesus isn't 100% God, not me, not us, YOU ! You're the one with the knife

You are adding the word into Jesus' mouth or adding your own ideas to the Scripture.

It is blasphemy.

Your god is Calvin and trinity theory.