Some Jerk Brought TNP to ToL


New member
Are you not aware that Mt Sanai is above each of us and it only takes one word of judgment from Moses Law to bring its full weight on our shoulders?

In this country we are not subject to Russian law or Arab law or Moses' law.

Paul explained there are two covenants and said, "So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman but of the free."

Quit abusing the bondwoman, she's not yours.


Paul was church of God, how about you? Are you church of God?


I'm sorry.

I didn't know.

I have no animosity towards the house of the speech of fire and angelic tongues.

Do you forgive me?

Sent from my iPad using TOL ~Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary


In this country we are not subject to Russian law or Arab law or Moses' law.

Paul explained there are two covenants and said, "So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman but of the free."

Quit abusing the bondwoman, she's not yours.

I agree with that.

I don't despise Moses.

I just use strong verbiage to try to explain how mixing Moses with Jesus brings some severe problems on.

She is Loved by God too.

So was her son. The wild donkey against all humanity. [emoji846]

Sent from my iPad using TOL ~Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Translation: In order to show what loving Christians we are, we can't just kill them outright! That would be MEAN, and not according to God's plan!

We have to torture them first, otherwise they won't know how much we love them!!


You should read the whole thread. I've repeatedly said the opposite of this. Killing them outright would be murder, not justice. The rule and due process of law is an indispensable aspect of criminal justice. Vigilantism is unjust.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I see your point, but do not get the 'they' part? Are there two of them being dragged?
Well, it's not about a literal, single individual and given homosexuals come in both genders and he'd presumably execute more than seemed like the right call.

Are you as disgusted as I am?
I don't invest much, personally, in hypothetical outrage, so for me it was more of a, "Really?" moment to couple with a light bit of dry notation.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Homosexuality is a sin and a crime. It used to be against the law even in this country but we have completely decriminalized it.
Well, it is a sin, but it isn't a crime.

Child molestation is a sin and a crime.

We are in the process of decriminalizing that too!
Absolutely not.

The age of consent has already been lowered to 16 in many places in the U.S.
In point of fact, the age of consent has risen steadily since the turn of the last century.

In the late 1800s here it was around 10 to 12 years of age here in the states. After a lot of hard work, female reformers were successful in having the age raised here. Most states were closer to 16 by the early to mid 1920s, with some straggling in later.

Any other "sins" (crimes) you think we ought to decriminalize?
I don't think a secular republic should be in the business of legislating morality, only defending against abrogation of right. So no Sharia and no stoning homosexuals.

Or is it that you think that I'm suggesting that sodomites cannot get saved or something. I'm not suggesting that. In fact, quite the contrary. The prospect of a painful, public death leads people to earnestly seek after God.
Then let's just threaten all non-Christians with painful death in the name of swelling the ranks of the saved. :rolleyes:


like marbles on glass
You should read the whole thread. I've repeatedly said the opposite of this. Killing them outright would be murder, not justice. The rule and due process of law is an indispensable aspect of criminal justice. Vigilantism is unjust.

Oh. So you convict them first, before you torture them and kill them so they'll know how much you love them.

Still sick.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Well, it is a sin, but it isn't a crime.
According to who, you?

I'm not offering my personal opinions here.

It is a crime whether you want to acknowledge as one or not.

So glad you agree with God on something.

Absolutely not.
When was the last time someone was executed in this country for the rape of a child?

You don't know the answer because it's been since long before you were born.

What is the connection between homosexuality and child-molestation?

Do you have any idea?

Did you even know that such a connection existed?

In point of fact, the age of consent has risen steadily since the turn of the last century.

In the late 1800s here it was around 10 to 12 years of age here in the states. After a lot of hard work, female reformers were successful in having the age raised here. Most states were closer to 16 by the early to mid 1920s, with some straggling in later.
Legalizing Sexual Child Abuse: Pedophilia Now Classified As A Sexual Orientation

I don't think a secular republic should be in the business of legislating morality, only defending against abrogation of right. So no Sharia and no stoning homosexuals.
Why should I care what you think?

Then let's just threaten all non-Christians with painful death in the name of swelling the ranks of the saved. :rolleyes:
This was a stupid thing to say. It has nothing to do with anything I believe or anything I've said on this thread. Can you seriously not think any more clearly than that?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Oh. So you convict them first, before you torture them and kill them so they'll know how much you love them.

Still sick.

It's not my idea!

On what basis do you call it sick?

I do not advocate torture, by the way. The form of execution should be swift but not painless. It isn't about punishment as much as it is deterring crime and the results of it.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
According to who, you?
Yes, in exactly the same sense that the speed limits are set "according to a police officer". :plain:
I'm not offering my personal opinions here.
Too bad, because that was the only chance you had of being right on some which I mean right about how you felt about it.

It is a crime whether you want to acknowledge as one or not.
Almost right. It isn't a crime, no matter how anyone feels about it.

So glad you agree with God on something.
I don't disagree with God on any particular, though I have more than a few disagreements with some people who appear to think they speak for Him.

When was the last time someone was executed in this country for the rape of a child?
We don't execute rapists of any sort that I know of and you know why? In large part because when we did that we found that we were inadvertently encouraging rapists to kill their victims.

You don't know the answer because it's been since long before you were born.
This will surprise you then: I know who won both World Wars and I can recite the Canterbury Tales in Middle-English...go figure.

What is the connection between homosexuality and child-molestation?
In your mind or objectively speaking?

So you think that because someone put that in the headline of their bit on some website right before an article about Muslims prisoners suing Pamela Geller for wearing a polka do bikini that it's true?

It isn't. At least the legalizing part. I don't know if the DSM is going to be altered on the point of particulars, though many people with mental disorders are tried for crimes they committed in any event and many more are institutionalized, as with Hinkley for shooting Reagan while deranged.

As I've noted to people who aren't invested in the domino theory (nice step around my note about the actual case regarding the age of consent, one contrary to your chicken-little cry) there are a host of reasons you don't have to worry about pedophilia being legalized, beginning with consent and the capacity that founds it. The 19 year old and 17 year old scenario has seen a good deal of redress with laws amended specifically to reflect that the nearness in age in relatively minor (unintended) age differences should be treated differently than those involving adults and children, by way of side bar.

Why should I care what you think?
I don't care if you care what I think. I'm rebutting a few of your wrong headed and factually deficient declarations. I don't expect you to stand up and cheer. It's really not about you. It's about the statements.

This was a stupid thing to say.
Thanks. I was meeting you on your level to underscore the bone-headed nature of your premise:

The most loving thing to do with a homo is to convict him of his crime and execute him publically and painfully.
That one was altering the tides.

It has nothing to do with anything I believe or anything I've said on this thread.
It really did.

Can you seriously not think any more clearly than that?
Said the fellow who got the law wrong, the history of the law wrong and just about everything in between and following it. Yeah, I can think clearly enough to see the truth even when some of it isn't particularly palatable. I can understand the law even when I differ on it. And I can have a grasp of history without having lived through it.

All of those seem to confound you.