Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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No Worries

New member
Just Tom said:
Homos Thus they have and continue to do everything they can to kill the heterosexual self image of those resisting this disorder.

That is WICKED..

Are you resisting, or have you ever resisted, this disorder yourself?

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Granite said:
Clete, quit taking yourself, your hatred, and your sky god so seriously. A stuffed shirt gets old real fast.
The hatred is evident. The "sky God" as you call Him, he doesn't really know His heart. He missed the part on why He sent His save as many sinners as possible.....before HE destroys those remaining....might want to get out of that line Granite ;) .


New member
Clete said:
In another thread Evee said the following...

Evee! Please help me understand why you get it when it comes to your own family members using crank but lose it completely when it comes to stigmatizing homos?

Don't you understand that the sentence "I love her BUT I refuse to hang with her." doesn't compute? You should have phrased it "I love her and so I refuse to hang with her."! That is why you refuse isn't it? Because you can't stand by and watch her destroy herself and everyone around her, right?
Well it's just precisely the same with homos! This is the very reason why God insisted that homos be executed; BECAUSE HE LOVES THEM!!!!

Please tell me you can see the logic in that statement.

Resting in Him,
Because yes I can't stand to see her stand and destroy herself and the unfortunate part is people on drugs usually take someone with them.
I can't take it on myself to put myself through anymore hell.
She used my name and almost got me killed so you see what I mean.
The rest of my family can do what they choose but I choose to pray for her and love her at a distance...hopefully.
I believe drug addicts can be cured just like homosexuals can change with the help of God.
I don't believe homosexuality is any where near as harmful as drugs.
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Just Tom

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
The hatred is evident. The "sky God" as you call Him, he doesn't really know His heart. He missed the part on why He sent His save as many sinners as possible.....before HE destroys those remaining....might want to get out of that line Granite ;) .

Clete doesn't hate homosexuals he loves them. He loves them enough to have a few who would never have repented anyway be executed so that many thousands more would fear God and repent..

But you BMN and your ilk love the homo right to hell. You are so focused on feelings and how the homo will feel and how the idea of executing those guilty of a capital crime makes you feel that you can't see the spiritual ramifications of your position. It is really about you and not about the homo but those of us here who are mature enough, see through your facade.

I agree with Clete REPENT...


New member
Did anyone here on the news where this man busted in a gay bar I think Massachusets
One or two people killed in this tangent.
I believe killed was a girl taken hostage and a police officer.
The man has two bullets in his head now.
This is very basic but I caught a little on the news.
This is what hate does.

No Worries

New member
Originally you posted Just Tom:

Homos Thus they have and continue to do everything they can to kill the heterosexual self image of those resisting this disorder.

That is WICKED..​

I ask again,

Are you resisting, or have you ever resisted, this disorder yourself?

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Clete said:
Well it's just precisely the same with homos! This is the very reason why God insisted that homos be executed; BECAUSE HE LOVES THEM!!!!

Please tell me you can see the logic in that statement.
This is the most stupid statement that I have heard come out of your head yet!!!! I want this backed by scripture!!!You talk about me not thinking biblically, but you aren't even thinking rationally. You don't know what the heck you are talking about. I'll use earthly terms here so you can comprehend what I am saying. If your son was a homosexual, would you want him executed??? Answer honestly, as God is reading your thoughts. NO!!! You always have the hope...if you are a Christian, a miracle may happen in their lives. God see's His kids in the same light. It is His will that none should perish, but have everlasting life...2nd Peter 3:9. The only thing different about God and our earthly fathers is, God is holy, perfect, totally sinless, so therefore He has to judge in total righteousness. That is one reason that He sent Jesus to take our sins and make a way for repentance, because otherwise, God would have wiped us all out by now like He did in Noah's day. You don't understand all of the aspects of Jesus coming at all...or the love of the Father.


New member
Just a thought . . .

To Nana and Evee . . .

You claim to be sisters in Christ, and I beleive your claim. Why don't you stop beating up on brother Clete and start fighting the battles you are called to?

To No Worries . . .

Here and elsewhere you ask "why is fornication wrong?" "why is homosexuality wrong?" "and don't tell me because God says so."

Right and wrong are, by definition, normative propositions. As such, they are not subject to logical or empirical proof. Why was killing 6,000,000 Jews or 10,000,000 Russians wrong? Because it is wrong to murder? Says who? It made sense to some people to do these things, so who is to say they were wrong?

Those are silly statements right? Why? Only because we can agree on an objective standard that murder is wrong. (If you bring up the Amalekites again so help me I'm going to deck you). We who believe the Bible to be the word of God consider fornication and homosexuality wrong, essentially, because God says it is. And that is just the way it is.
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New member
docrob57 said:
Just a thought . . .

To Nana and Evee . . .

You claim to be sisters in Christ, and I beleive your claim. Why don't you stop beating up on brother Clete and start fighting the battles you are called to?

To No Worries . . .

Here and elsewhere you ask "why is fornication wrong?" "why is homosexuality wrong?" "and don't tell me because God says so."

Right and wrong are, by definition, normative propositions. As such, they are not subject to logical or empirical proof. Why was killing 6,000,000 Jews or 10,000,000 Russians wrong? Because it is wrong to murder? Says who? It made sense to some people to do these things, so who is to say they were wrong?

Those are silly statements right? Why? Only because we can agree on an objective standard that murder is wrong. (If you bring up the Amalekites again so help me I'm going to deck you). We who believe the Bible to be the word of God consider homosexuality and homosexuality wrong, essentially, because God says it is. And that is just the way it is.
I honestly didn't believe we were.
I admit my comment was bad taste a couple posts back.
I thought I got along fine with Clete other than we disagree on some things.
I hold no ill feelings toward him.
We just differ on how to deal with homosexuals.
Nana and myself are friends from Cf she speaks fervently about her belief.
I wish I could be more agressive but seems it isn't that way and I have to accept it.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
docrob57 said:
Just a thought . . .

To Nana and Evee . . .

You claim to be sisters in Christ, and I beleive your claim. Why don't you stop beating up on brother Clete and start fighting the battles you are called to?
He's not my brother from what he has been spouting. Any Christian brother would not tell a sister in Christ that she is a blasphemous fool, lower then the homosexual, that she is his enemy, etc., and all because I disagree with him. Also, anyone who wants the lost executed is a real sicko, no matter how grievious the sin is. No compassion for those who are headed for hell.
This guys father is the devil, not God, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see it. There is NO love in this mans heart. I was serious when I said in a post last night that I was adding his name right under the homo's on my prayer list. I am doing what I was called to do, and that is to exhort the wrong with the truth, and he isn't the first one.


New member
You are to love all people and pray for those who hate you.
This is what we are doing.
We believe Jesus words when he said love thy neighbor as thyself, Who is your neighbor? It could be anyone anywhere.
We are doing some serious praying here that the hate the homosexual attitude is gone and replaced with Prayers for salvation for the homosexual.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Just Tom said:
Clete doesn't hate homosexuals he loves them. He loves them enough to have a few who would never have repented anyway be executed so that many thousands more would fear God and repent..
Oh yes, he loves them so much that he would rather be floating in sewer scum then homosexuals. That's not love but stupidity. If he had to actually jump into a sewer to save one of their lives, they would drown.

But you BMN and your ilk love the homo right to hell. You are so focused on feelings and how the homo will feel and how the idea of executing those guilty of a capital crime makes you feel that you can't see the spiritual ramifications of your position. It is really about you and not about the homo but those of us here who are mature enough, see through your facade.

I agree with Clete REPENT...
Of course you can't be including yourself in that maturity, or that would make you a liar. I had you pegged right off after reading your posts. You don't have an agenda really, you are a Clete "groupie". Your opinion means about as much to me as reading The Cat In The Hat by Dr. Suese.


New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
He's not my brother from what he has been spouting. Any Christian brother would not tell a sister in Christ that she is a blasphemous fool, lower then the homosexual, that she is his enemy, etc., and all because I disagree with him. Also, anyone who wants the lost executed is a real sicko, no matter how grievious the sin is. No compassion for those who are headed for hell.
This guys father is the devil, not God, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see it. There is NO love in this mans heart. I was serious when I said in a post last night that I was adding his name right under the homo's on my prayer list. I am doing what I was called to do, and that is to exhort the wrong with the truth, and he isn't the first one.

I know that some go overboard at times. Lead by example!! You can do it!!!

Just Tom

New member
No Worries said:
Originally you posted Just Tom:

Homos Thus they have and continue to do everything they can to kill the heterosexual self image of those resisting this disorder.

That is WICKED..​

I ask again,

Are you resisting, or have you ever resisted, this disorder yourself?

Now I knew you could admit that homosexuality is a disorder that wasn't so hard now was it...

Here is another dichotomy set up by homos and those who accept them..

This person resisting the homosexual self image, if called 'gay' or homo may become upset. He may even beat the **** out of the person who calls them one. this is the same guy who is upset when a homo comes on to them. Now homos have said this person is unstable and conflicted since if they aren't 'gay' then they shouldn't be upset about being labeled 'gay'. And they will even say to someone you aren't upset by being called 'gay' are you? Now, since if they say that yes they then are label as being conflicted or closeted, they will then be persuaded to say no, so as to not be labeled a homo. This is how homos have manipulated and used a person innate disgust with homosexuality and the natural desire not to be known as a homo to isolate those who are doing what is natural. And further the social and psychological isolation of the person resisting the pathology that creates homosexuality. They then have no way socially to fight the social labeling and do what is natural..

If it was known that it is normal and healthy to beat the crap out of someone who accuses you of being a 'gay' it would put a big crimp in the homos agenda. And it should be a crime to accuse someone of being a 'gay' since you are slandering their character.

You see this convoluted thinking in sitcoms where someone is call or accused of being a homo, the seinfeld episode comes to mind. Every time they denied, Jerry and George, and were upset by being labeled a homos they had to add the caveat "not that there is anything wrong with it". Because instinctively humans know that that there is something wrong with it but homos can't let people do or think what is natural.

It is because of this social dynamic that the guy walked into the fag bar in Mass the other day and killed a few fags. He had no other way to deal with his conflict in a society that accepts what homos have to say as true.

Then homos use this dynamic created by them, using the pathology that creates them, and the fact that homosexuality is naturally unwanted, and the natural behavior of the heterosexual self image to further laws to protect them. And in doing so those resisting are further condemned in a sense of hopelessness. And the homos further their victim persona.. This is why homosexuality was on the DSM as a sociopathic personality disorder.

Which is why HOMOS are WICKED...

Big Mouth Nana

New member
docrob57 said:
I know that some go overboard at times. Lead by example!! You can do it!!!
Sure I can do it, but I will defend who I am in Christ :) It is very important to me that He loved me enough to save a lost sin ridden individual like myself. Except for the homosexuality, I see myself at one time just as lost as they are...lost is lost, and all the lost are going to end up in the same place. There isn't a homosexual side, and an all others enter here, lol.

No Worries

New member
docrob57 said:
Here and elsewhere you ask "why is fornication wrong?" "why is homosexuality wrong?" "and don't tell me because God says so."

True - I do say that

Right and wrong are, by definition, normative propositions. As such, they are not subject to logical or empirical proof. Why was killing 6,000,000 Jews or 10,000,000 Russians wrong? Because it is wrong to murder? Says who? It made sense to some people to do these things, so who is to say they were wrong?
One looks at the motives. Is it in the best interests of the other people or of the person committing the act?
Does the act harm others? Is it selfish and destructive or giving and constructive? We all have an understanding of morality outside of the bible....some just like to ignore it because its easier to say what the bible tells you to say. It is outdated because many of the things it teaches we have passed by or situations have arisen which are not explained in it. Back then it would have made perfect sense to someone to kill all your can't imprison or place sanctions on them, you can't watch over them like we can today so in some sense one can see why the Jews of old carried out acts of Genocide just like they did against the Amaleki.....

If you bring up the Amalekites again so help me I'm going to deck you.

....Oh! Anyway you get the idea.

We who believe the Bible to be the word of God consider homosexuality and homosexuality wrong, essentially, because God says it is. And that is just the way it is.

Fine....but that answers the thread title really. Should Gays be given the death penalty? Well the answer is no because you justify it as wrong with the bible and since law in a free state has to be considerate of all walks and beliefs as long as they are respectful of others then homosexuality cannot be criminalised.

Maybe if a social argument were to have been put forward... but that is not the case, a biblical one has. A seperation of church and state answers a resounding 'No' to the thread.

Just Tom

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Oh yes, he loves them so much that he would rather be floating in sewer scum then homosexuals. That's not love but stupidity. If he had to actually jump into a sewer to save one of their lives, they would drown.

Of course you can't be including yourself in that maturity, or that would make you a liar. I had you pegged right off after reading your posts. You don't have an agenda really, you are a Clete "groupie". Your opinion means about as much to me as reading The Cat In The Hat by Dr. Suese.

You are so ignorant about what you are ranting about that is is pointless to even reply to you..
It is loving to discipline your children. God gave us moral laws to follow and to impose on ourselves and others, "Love your neighbor as yourself" because he LOVES us and wants what is best for all of us.

You reject his council in favor of your feelings.

Have a nice Delusion...

No Worries

New member
Just Tom said:
Now I knew you could admit that homosexuality is a disorder that wasn't so hard now was it...

I'm admitting no such thing. But answer the question please...the disorder as you see it, do you suffer from it, or have you ever suffered from it? Have you ever had to address it personally?

Yes or No will suffice.
