Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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No Worries

New member
You can't possibly rationally believe that Noah put 2 of every creature on the ark can you? Every creature?!!?

That is an aside to why homosexuality is bad. You're answer in effect is 'I don't know'. 'I don't know is not enough to chastise someone (I appreciate that you Nana are not the one doing the hateful chastising). Whilst faith in what God allegedly said is great for you it is by no means great for society. Society is not made up of people from one faith so a mutually law has to be agreed. Socially we have to say what is and isn't wrong and write our own rules because we all live on the same planet (or country/state however you wish to scale the argument down). So if socially there's nothing wrong and you only believe it to be wrong on faith (which by definition is unproven) then the answer to the thread "should homosexuals be given the death penalty?" is quite simply no because you don't give out the death penalty if someone has done nothing wrong.

If someone wants to argue this they will have to provide a social reason for why homosexuality is wrong. Otherwise you will be conditioning people to accept Christian values at 'gunpoint' and liberty will be lost. Want to stay 'land of the free'? Find a reason why it is socially wrong for homosexuals to be so.


Well-known member
No Worries said:
You can't possibly rationally believe that Noah put 2 of every creature on the ark can you? Every creature?!!?
Not fish, but remember that of some types there were seven of each.

No Worries

New member
Agape4Robin said:
Yes, moron..........EVERY creature.:rolleyes:

:rotfl: I love this....this is the best cul-de-sac the 'literallists' have been led into so far. Genocide was a good one but the humour aspect wasn't there because of the subject matter but this is classic.

How the hell did a polar bear get to Noah?

How did he seperate the predators from the prey?

How did 8 people shovel that much manure?

How do you people swallow all this stuff and yet still keep coming back for more?

New thread time.

Anyways to not take this thread of topic,

me said:
If someone wants to argue this they will have to provide a social reason for why homosexuality is wrong. Otherwise you will be conditioning people to accept Christian values at 'gunpoint' and liberty will be lost. Want to stay 'land of the free'? Find a reason why it is socially wrong for homosexuals to be so.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
No Worries said:
You can't possibly rationally believe that Noah put 2 of every creature on the ark can you? Every creature?!!?
Two of every creature does not mean that all of creation was put on the ark. There might have been 5,000 elephants, but He only took one male and one female. We also do not know how many animals there were at that time. To believe that God put several thousand animals on one boat is ludicrous.
Whilst faith in what God allegedly said is great for you it is by no means great for society.
This is why so many people are going to hell, they don't accept God's Word. Number one, God never "allegedly" said anything. He said it!!
So if socially there's nothing wrong and you only believe it to be wrong on faith (which by definition is unproven) then the answer to the thread "should homosexuals be given the death penalty?" is quite simply no because you don't give out the death penalty if someone has done nothing wrong.
Firstly, it is faith in Gods word on what HE said...which evidently you are lacking in that area. Are you sure that Agnostic doesn't really fit your lack of belief? Homosexuals are definitly doing something wrong, but I do not believe that they are deserving of our government executing them.
If someone wants to argue this they will have to provide a social reason for why homosexuality is wrong. Otherwise you will be conditioning people to accept Christian values at 'gunpoint' and liberty will be lost. Want to stay 'land of the free'? Find a reason why it is socially wrong for homosexuals to be so.
I never thought to ask this since I am new on this site. Are you a homosexual? Oh, they will be free...right up until they get Aides and die, or enter hell, then they will never be free again, constant burning torture. Land of the free???? Just because there are no wars on our soil does not make us the land of the free. There is nothing free in this life...except salvation through Jesus Christ. We will be free once we get away from all of the sicko's and sin in this life who refuse to believe the truth. What a burden lifter that will be!!! That's not to say that I don't love those who are bound by sin or those who are "Spirtiually dead" at the moment. I was in the same "drifting toward hell" boat at one time.


No Worries said:
:rotfl: I love this....this is the best cul-de-sac the 'literallists' have been led into so far. Genocide was a good one but the humour aspect wasn't there because of the subject matter but this is classic.

How the hell did a polar bear get to Noah?

How did he seperate the predators from the prey?

How did 8 people shovel that much manure?

How do you people swallow all this stuff and yet still keep coming back for more?

New thread time.

Anyways to not take this thread of topic,
You are the perfect example of a person who is not satisfied.

You are not centered in God, but in yourself.

No Worries

New member
Big Mouth Nana,

It is allegedly what God said because all you have to prove it is your faith in the bible. You have faith, great. Faith is belief in something that is unproven and much as it may sit awkwardly with you the authenticity of the bible is unproven (in fact there is considerable weight against it since you don't know who the authors were nor even when it was written).

Secondly warning many people they're going to hell achieves nothing especially if like me they don't believe in an eternal hell.

Thirdly, no I am not gay but if I were then I wouldn't have a problem with it. To me there is absolutely nothing wrong with two consenting adults wishing to be together, regardless of their sex. That in itself is such a non-event. What is an issue is people either a)wanting to criminalise them, or b) telling them its continuially wrong purely of the back of their own beliefs. If a Buddhist came upto you and started telling you about buddhism and why you should believe in it then you'd probably ask them to stop and would expect them to respect your beliefs. Same applies here. Homosexuals know the majority of the church does not approve. Respect their beliefs and people, stop making it an issue. People have already admitted that when not actively ignoring gays they are actively aiming to build on the stigma, hence make lies, to further alienate them.

No Worries

New member
Agape4Robin said:
You are the perfect example of a person who is not satisfied.

You are not centered in God, but in yourself.

People are calling for homosexuals to be killed and I'm one of those saying 'hey if they're not hurting anyone then just leave em alone' and I'm the one who is not satified and self centred?

Fundamentalism has warped your fragile mind's perspective on matters Agape.

Seek out a retreat and rediscover yourself before its too late.


No Worries said:
People are calling for homosexuals to be killed and I'm one of those saying 'hey if they're not hurting anyone then just leave em alone' and I'm the one who is not satified and self centred?

Fundamentalism has warped your fragile mind's perspective on matters Agape.

Seek out a retreat and rediscover yourself before its too late.
Back at ya, buddy!:thumb:


New member
No Worries.. I am not sure exactly why homosexuality is wrong.
Nana says it best and more loving.
I am unfortunately not gifted like she is with explaining.


New member
No Worries said:
People are calling for homosexuals to be killed and I'm one of those saying 'hey if they're not hurting anyone then just leave em alone' and I'm the one who is not satified and self centred?

Fundamentalism has warped your fragile mind's perspective on matters Agape.

Seek out a retreat and rediscover yourself before its too late.
That has always been my belief to leave them alone and pray that God reveals the truth to all of us.
Some would call me apathetic but it really don't concern me other than we must not kill someone that is different.
Prayers is all I can offer.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Evee said:
That has always been my belief to leave them alone and pray that God reveals the truth to all of us.
Some would call me apathetic but it really don't concern me other than we must not kill someone that is different.
Prayers is all I can offer.
You're right about one thing.

Some people would call you apathetic.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Clete said:
You're right about one thing.

Some people would call you apathetic.
As usual, your brain is in nuetral. Do you even know what apathetic means?
adj. ap·a·thet·ic
Feeling or showing a lack of interest or concern; indifferent.
Feeling or showing little or no emotion; unresponsive.
Evee said that all that she could do is pray for them. To me that is doing something, so she is not apathetic. If anyone is in the catagory of being apathetic, it is you by your ignoring them and thinking that they are disgusting vermin. The homosexual is your enemy. Jesus said to pray for our enemies..Matt 5:44 But I tell you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
Matt 5:45 To show that you are the children of your Father Who is in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the wicked and on the good, and makes the rain fall upon the upright and the wrongdoers [alike].
Matt 5:46 For if you love those who love you, what reward can you have? Do not even the tax collectors do that?
Matt 5:47 And if you greet only your brethren, what more than others are you doing? Do not even the Gentiles (the heathen) do that?
I'm beginning to wonder just who your Father is. Mr. A...PATHETIC :devil:
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New member
Thank you Nana.
This is what some here just don't seem to get it is God that changes people, not humans.
I am with you let God do his job. :cheers:

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
Thank you Nana.
This is what some here just don't seem to get it is God that changes people, not humans.
I am with you let God do his job. :cheers:
Yes, ONLY God can change peoples hearts. I do believe that He will use us to lead the lost to Christ. I didn't get saved until I heard a preacher, lol. The world is full of vigilantes. Instead of dealing with the lost the way that God intended, their idea is just to exterminate what they see as a problem. If the church would get off of their lazy butts, no telling what miracle would happen in the homosexual community. The bible states this..1st Peter 4:17 ~ For the time is come that judgment must begin AT THE HOUSE OF GOD: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? We are going to fall under Gods judgment also for our complaceny where the lost are concerned.