Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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I am sure I will get flamed for this, but after reading the thread some, there seems to be a lack of diversity. Being a bisexual female I think homosexuality as a blanket minority (as far as admittance) should be accepted. I do no expect everyone to approve, nor like me for my preference. I do think that people should keep to their own business should they not have anything nice to say. Plastikbuddha seems to be quite a lively member of this community. Very fun to read your post.


Psa 2: Why do the gentiles rage, And the peoples meditate emptiness? The sovereigns of the earth take their stand, And the rulers take counsel together, Against יהוה and against His Messiah, and say, “Let us tear apart Their bonds, And throw away Their ropes from us.” He who is sitting in the heavens laughs, יהוה mocks at them. Then He speaks to them in His wrath, And troubles them in His rage, saying, “But I, I have set My Sovereign on Tsiyon, My set-apart mountain. I inscribe for a law: יהוה has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have brought You forth. ‘Ask of Me, and I make the gentiles Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth Your possession. ‘Break them with a rod of iron, Dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’ ”

And now, be wise, O sovereigns; Be instructed, you rulers of the earth. Serve יהוה with fear, And rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be enraged, And you perish in the way, For soon His wrath is to be kindled. Blessed are all those taking refuge in Him.
the only thing needs saving in my house is some potatoes. those little buggers sit around all day long being lazy and never accomplish nothing. therefore they will roast in the firey depths of hell called my oven. how is that for allegory mr. everyone has a house?

anyways, if being saved means u have the mindset of 80% of the people on this site who wants it?

How about you own up to your sexuality like a man, my love? Use that tragic mind of yours to stand up for people like us and gays. Stop playing these "Allegorical" games. :mad:



The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Er.....was made with my previous answer, they cant commit adultery!
Is that it? How does that even matter?

What exactly do you think Jesus was writing that convicted a crowd along with his own powerful words?
I already told you.

so rape and child molestation werent mentioned under mosaic law then, is this what you're attempting to say....?

Rape was mentioned! Child molestation falls under rape! Are you really this stupid?!

For the same reasons that the spanish inquisition would be viewed as bloodthirsty now, does it really need to be spelled out to you? Barbarism and torture are wrong, but justify it to yourself as you will.....
The Inquisition wasn't bloodthirsty then?

He called us to do away with the hatred of enemies and to love them, to bless those who persecute us, not to just ALSO love them...... easier though that may be....... :rolleyes:
And we are also told to abhor evil. We can do both. He does. And as His children, so should we.

How do you love a sinner, while abhorring sin, braindead? Do you know?

What, about it being merciful for violent criminals to evade justice for rape, murder, molestion etc? I seem to have answered this question several times already to you as it is.....
Anyone who murders, rapes, molests, assaults etc should face justice, will you please stop with this strawman now?!
Then why not those who commit adultery or homosexuality?

I am sure I will get flamed for this, but after reading the thread some, there seems to be a lack of diversity. Being a bisexual female I think homosexuality as a blanket minority (as far as admittance) should be accepted. I do no expect everyone to approve, nor like me for my preference. I do think that people should keep to their own business should they not have anything nice to say. Plastikbuddha seems to be quite a lively member of this community. Very fun to read your post.

God does not approve. In fact, God abhors you and your choices. You commit abominations against Him. Why do you do this to the One who knows you better than you even know yourself?


New member
Capital Punishment is Unjust

Capital Punishment is Unjust

I voted "no" but my voting that way had nothing to do with the issue over homosexuality. If follows from a more general principle--namely, that the death penalty is unjust for anyone, regardless of sexual orientation.

Capital punishment is unjust. It does not deter serious crime and only those who think justice should be in the business of "getting revenge" think it serves a retributive role. (Justice ought not be governed by our rage or any of our feelings, however justified we are in having them.):plain:


New member
Is that it? How does that even matter?

What? If they cant commit adultery then that is actually the point! :liberals:

I already told you.

Yes, very convincing and objective it was too.... :rolleyes:


Rape was mentioned! Child molestation falls under rape! Are you really this stupid?!

Child molestation isnt mentioned in itself though is it? Even modern law differentiates between the two although i dont disagree that it is a form of rape even with no penetration....

The Inquisition wasn't bloodthirsty then?

Well, I'm glad that you can appreciate that it was - and that there's no call for any such thing to be tolerated any more - right?

And we are also told to abhor evil. We can do both. He does. And as His children, so should we.

How do you love a sinner, while abhorring sin, braindead? Do you know?

I can hate what someone does without hating the actual person!

Then why not those who commit adultery or homosexuality?

And you call me braindead?! does it have to be spelled out to you AGAIN?! Rape, murder, child molestation, assault are all violative! They are crimes against society! Now has this finally got through?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
What? If they cant commit adultery then that is actually the point! :liberals:
It doesn't matter whether or not they can commit adultery. They shouldn't be shacking-up, period.

Yes, very convincing and objective it was too.... :rolleyes:

Child molestation isnt mentioned in itself though is it? Even modern law differentiates between the two although i dont disagree that it is a form of rape even with no penetration....
Who cares what modern law does? It ignores the law of God. And you're a fool if you think that it not being specifically mentioned is a justification to say it isn't against God's law.

Well, I'm glad that you can appreciate that it was - and that there's no call for any such thing to be tolerated any more - right?
The Inquisition? Of course I don't agree with it.

I can hate what someone does without hating the actual person!
No you can't.

Even non-Christians, like the lyricist of the song, 'I Hate Everything About You,' understand that.

And you call me braindead?! does it have to be spelled out to you AGAIN?! Rape, murder, child molestation, assault are all violative! They are crimes against society! Now has this finally got through?
And homosexuality and adultery are crimes against society as well. They are crimes against the very foundation of society, moral family values.


New member
Quote: from #3372...
I can hate what someone does without hating the actual person!

No you can't.

Even non-Christians, like the lyricist of the song, 'I Hate Everything About You,' understand that."

We must also consider, that since True Scripture is "inspired" by Elohim...Who it would have been to "inspire" the other than true "Scriptures". And it is that particular "inspiration" that makes effects to keep the abomination of it ongoing. Thus, I'm thinking the thought should be in our minds of just "what" it is that we're fighting here? And the various levels are becoming, I don't know if interesting is the word, seemingly, jesters of the earthly court of satan mock that which is brought before the children, in a viscious attempt to keep the children from eating it. I'm reminded of a battle in the OT between a Messenger to Daniel and a certain Prince.

Maybe I'm a little off the "wall" here, but, hey that's me. What I'm saying is, there is always more than meets the eyes. Maybe I'm typing it so I'll remember that more myself. I think we are dealing more with the spirits within them than the persons themselves. Otherwise, I just can't understand HOW such simple things proved can be declined by a lover of Yah.

I wonder...could it be that one of the keys of David was the love between Yah and himself. The lessons to be learned from their relationship is definitely some of the most advantageous in teaching us the same, by example. Ultimately, NOTHING got in the way of that love!

It is that love for Elohim that is why we HATE EVIL. Homosexuality, adultery, fornication, and child molestation are ALL ABOMINATIONS to Elohim, so they are then ABOMINABLE to US...IF, we love HIM.

There is no human being here I love more than Yahuweh Elohim! Yahu'Shua would be next, He is half human. The human ones I do love are of "His People" and they know His Name. And they don't DO abominations. OR HAVE REPENTED OF THEM to Yahuweh.

Then there IS a certain love I have for the rest, but that love wants to pull them away from the WRATH of YAH, and into His Love. But they don't want to be! He would like for none to be lost, but it is their choice to die, they have been warned. And they have been warned about what would happen to their children if they exhibited hatred towards Yahuweh.

We can talk until we are blue in the face to them, but if they choose to refuse to listen then "what is the chaff to the wheat?" Something to be burned.

And they flagrantly exhibit that hatred and the flaunting of it, in front of OUR FACES, and WE ABHOR IT.

Do THEY care?

Not at all! They would just love it if there were as they say "I can't wait until the Collosiums are open again" and don't think they ain't workin' on it! They're itching to shut us up for good. And if you think it is "not in my life" you best look deeper into "Hellywood" and the various so called "wrestling federations" around...What are your children watching? I just got an email the other day trying to recruit ANYBODY into one of them. Who runs all that? You guessed it...SATAN.

Give credit where credit is due, evil is evil, and I personally, don't want it on this planet anymore, no matter what it takes!

Yah WILL Reign!

And that's the way it really is.:)


New member
A third consideration would be that they are, as stated before, a result of this day being like the days of Noah. i.e...not even human because of being a result from an affair between a "fallen one" and a human woman.

Sometimes I wonder if half the stuff I see go on in the world is the result of that. The Scripture said, "and also after that", so, they've had quite a while to infiltrate the human genome. To me, what human could propogate such horrible abominations, but then again, I can't understand how humans could put to death one who had given them healings and miracles and food? But they did, and they still do.

Something to think about, it seems to me that could have been a big reason behind the slaughters of entire populace by order of Elohim. Majority may not have even been human...GIANTS etc...


New member
A third consideration would be that they are, as stated before, a result of this day being like the days of Noah. i.e...not even human because of being a result from an affair between a "fallen one" and a human woman.

Sometimes I wonder if half the stuff I see go on in the world is the result of that. The Scripture said, "and also after that", so, they've had quite a while to infiltrate the human genome. To me, what human could propogate such horrible abominations, but then again, I can't understand how humans could put to death one who had given them healings and miracles and food? But they did, and they still do.

Something to think about, it seems to me that could have been a big reason behind the slaughters of entire populace by order of Elohim. Majority may not have even been human...GIANTS etc...

-wipes a tear from his eye- Man, that's great.


New member
It doesn't matter whether or not they can commit adultery. They shouldn't be shacking-up, period.

Well thats up to them really

Who cares what modern law does? It ignores the law of God. And you're a fool if you think that it not being specifically mentioned is a justification to say it isn't against God's law.

I do, the justice system may well suck but at least it isnt founded on mosaic law which applied for a set time and place...

The Inquisition? Of course I don't agree with it.

Good, maybe now you'll understand why some of us dont want state intervention into peoples private lives....

No you can't.

Even non-Christians, like the lyricist of the song, 'I Hate Everything About You,' understand that.

Of course you can! I can hate what somone does without hating the actual person, if you cant it's not really my problem...

And homosexuality and adultery are crimes against society as well. They are crimes against the very foundation of society, moral family values.

Stealing is a crime against society, the reason noone believes it should warrant the DP is because it's in no way as bad as murder, rape and molestation, what people do in their private lives as long as none of the above occurs shoukd remain their business and their business alone.....


New member
The word 'gay' is mentioned in the bible and it does not mean a homosexual!

James 2:2 KJV For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment;

James 2:3 And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool:

James 2:4 Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts?

What is the gay clothing? It means colourful. It does not mean what homosexuals wear. We need to take the word 'gay' back from the homosexual lobby.

The bible does not call homosexuals gay, instead the bible calls homosexuality:

An abomination (Lev 18:22)

Indecent (Romans 1:27)

A perversion (Romans 1:27, Jude 1:7)

Sexual Immorality (Jude 1:7)

Sin (Isaiah 3:9)

Wicked (1 Cor 6:9)

Its time to take our language back from the politcally correct minority!

Recently read!
Why hide behind scriptures? You have no thought process of your own? Like none of us have read those......You must have just discovered them. They should make u Pope.



New member
The word 'gay' is mentioned in the bible and it does not mean a homosexual!

James 2:2 KJV For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment;

James 2:3 And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool:

James 2:4 Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts?

What is the gay clothing? It means colourful. It does not mean what homosexuals wear. We need to take the word 'gay' back from the homosexual lobby.

The bible does not call homosexuals gay, instead the bible calls homosexuality:

An abomination (Lev 18:22)

Indecent (Romans 1:27)

A perversion (Romans 1:27, Jude 1:7)

Sexual Immorality (Jude 1:7)

Sin (Isaiah 3:9)

Wicked (1 Cor 6:9)

Its time to take our language back from the politcally correct minority!

Recently read!

I believe that is "Politically Corrupt MINORITY:execute: "


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Well thats up to them really
Not if it's against the law.

I do, the justice system may well suck but at least it isnt founded on mosaic law which applied for a set time and place...
So, all of the Mosaic law was only for Israel, at that one time?

Good, maybe now you'll understand why some of us dont want state intervention into peoples private lives....
You really are a moron. The reason I disagree with the Inquisition is because it was set up to force people to convert to Catholicism. And God would never be behind forced conversions, to any belief system.

Of course you can! I can hate what somone does without hating the actual person, if you cant it's not really my problem...
If I hate everything about you, I hate you. It doesn't mean I don't also love you. And if you can't love someone you hate, that's your problem, isn't it?

Stealing is a crime against society, the reason noone believes it should warrant the DP is because it's in no way as bad as murder, rape and molestation, what people do in their private lives as long as none of the above occurs shoukd remain their business and their business alone.....
Of course it isn't as bad. Not even God believed it deserved the death penalty. But the Muslims do. If you get caught stealing three times in a Muslim theocracy, you die. Now that's barbaric.