Shooting at SC Church During Bible Study - Suspect still at large


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
How much do you want to bet that Nazaroo and his ilk will soon claim this as a false flag government conspiracy to ignite a race war and confiscate our guns?

Watching politicians squirm out of admitting racism played a part, or that maybe--juuuuuuuust maybe--South Carolina should've lowered their state capitol's rebel flag, is just downright pathetic.


This Charming Manc

Well-known member
You mentioned the key issue and are unable or unwilling to think it through.

the issue is the wide availability of guns, until that issue is sorted there really wont be an issue.

You have not thought through this issue even slightly.

Adding an "education" requirement is a restriction. Adding restrictions is adding to the problem.

Guns are widely accessible. Regulations mean the people who respect the rule of law are at a disadvantage in situations like OP.

If you're looking for a solution to OP, you're going in exactly the wrong direction.

And the false flag issue you raised was entirely worthless.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
so would the Nazis, Mao's communist China, white slave owners, and any other human rights oppressive regime.

It sounds like a good argument till you work out which other stable liberal democracies have strong gun control, which just about all of them(switzerlands the exception like on most things).

The US is pretty much the only western democracy with mass gun ownership, so you could pick any group of countries or movements and claim they are pro gun control to paint a picture.

Also if you check you history the Nazi party broadly relaxed gun laws they didn't impose them.

I made this post in 2012 when the sandy hook shootings took place but its worth re-posting.

there simply isn't a universal correlation between gun ownership and homicide.

Good post factually based id agree that its much more complex than simple direct relationship, lots of other factors play into it. But the USA's constant position on top right does not give you cause for concern?

Is it not reasonable to believe that the more guns in a country the more people who get shot?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
We are a country founded on and built by racist violence, and there are a lot of people who haven't let it go yet. In fact, there are many in denial about it in the first place, or who think it's all in the past. .

people like you, obama, holder, sharpton, etc will keep it alive because somehow you think it can be used to your benefit


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
1. How could it benefit any of us?

2. How can you say that when young men are shooting people for their race?

the people of that church are trying to forgive and forget
your kind won't let them
you need the hate to promote your agenda


New member
Hall of Fame
It shouldn't surprise anyone that racial violence like this occurs in the midst of a culture steeped in the past that continues to glorify a treacherous rebellion built on the cornerstone of white supremacy. South Carolina's ground zero for the Civil War. Doesn't seem like many folks there are able or willing to accept that their heritage--such as it is--remains vile, hateful, and something to learn from, not aspire to.


It shouldn't surprise anyone that racial violence like this occurs in the midst of a culture steeped in the past that continues to glorify a treacherous rebellion built on the cornerstone of white supremacy. South Carolina's ground zero for the Civil War. Doesn't seem like many folks there are able or willing to accept that their heritage--such as it is--remains vile, hateful, and something to learn from, not aspire to.

I know you live relatively close to Boston.

Google "most racist city in America". Boston will come up on thousands of pages.

Do you remember just a few years ago when the Bruins lost to the Capitals in overtime in the playoffs? The Capitals Joel Ward scored the overtime goal that ended the Bruins season.

Joel Ward is black.

The response to Joel Ward's goal by Boston fans makes South Carolina look like Berkley, California.

I can't figure Boston and Massachusetts out. They twice elected a black governor, and overwhelmingly voted for Obama both times, but when it comes to sports, it's as if Boston sports fans are closet Confederate Flag waving rebels from the South.


New member
Hall of Fame
Have you ever been to Boston?

Yes indeed, live a bit more than an hour north.

Google "most racist city in America". Boston will come up on thousands of pages.

Well that's a slam dunk right there.:chuckle:

The response to Joel Ward's goal by Boston fans makes South Carolina look like Berkley, California.

David Ortiz. Troy Brown. Ty Law. Deion Branch. Willie McGinest. Bill Russell. Andre Tippett. Pedro. Garnett. Paul Pierce. And so on. Now: As for Ward I remember catching scuttlebutt that some freaks on Twitter reacted as you'd expect but the feeling around here was just normal anger at a playoff loss. Not like people were swinging nooses from lampposts, as it were.

I can't figure Boston and Massachusetts out.

You and me both. Don't mix me up with those commonwealth tax and spend devils.:chuckle:

They twice elected a black governor, and overwhelmingly voted for Obama both times, but when it comes to sports, it's as if Boston sports fans are closet Confederate Flag waving rebels from the South.

Well I live here, so not surprisingly I completely disagree and know you simply don't know what you're talking about. (Try this closeted reb stuff down in a southie bar next time you're in town. You'll make front page of the morning's Herald, I assure you.) Sports fans are by definition tribal, and Boston may have a troubled history with embracing the future--the Sox were the last team in the majors to integrate, after all--but some philistines don't speak to a five-state fanbase that's consistently embraced players of all colors and creeds for quite a long time.


Sports fans are by definition tribal, and Boston may have a troubled history with embracing the future--the Sox were the last team in the majors to integrate, after all

The Red Sox didn't sign a black free agent until 1993.

You can read all about how racist the Red Sox were in the following book:


My point is that racism isn't limited just to the south.

But, I agree with you on things like the Confederate Flag being flown on South Carolina's Capital building.

I think it's a disgrace that a Confederate Flag is being flown right now as I type this from the Capital Building of South Carolina.

Republican Governor Nikki Haley should immediately take down the racist flag.



New member
Hall of Fame
It's one thing to say racism exists everywhere. Unfortunately that seems to be part of the human condition. But I'd simply say comparing Boston's troubled racial history with South Carolina's, or even attempting to conflate the two, is completely wrong-headed--especially if we're using pro sports as a baseline. Put it this way: Boston has the legacy of Crispus Attucks. South Carolina's got Fort Sumter and a rebel flag waving to this day as part of its legacy. There's really no comparing the two.


Just realized the Confederate Flag pic in my previous post is outdated.

Apparently, the Confederate Flag is on a different flag pole beside the Capital Building:



and a rebel flag waving to this day as part of its legacy

This is bazaar:

"In solemn tribute to the nine people gunned down at a Charleston church, two flags atop the statehouse in Columbia, South Carolina, were lowered to half-staff on Thursday. They will stay there for nine days in honor of each victim.

But in a bewildering display, a Confederate flag on statehouse grounds is still flying high. It wasn't an oversight. It's because of state law."



New member
Hall of Fame
This is bazaar:

"In solemn tribute to the nine people gunned down at a Charleston church, two flags atop the statehouse in Columbia, South Carolina, were lowered to half-staff on Thursday. They will stay there for nine days in honor of each victim.

But in a bewildering display, a Confederate flag on statehouse grounds is still flying high. It wasn't an oversight. It's because of state law."


Yeah, I read it takes two-thirds of the legislature to vote to bring it down...and that it's apparently padlocked in place.

Uh, subtle, guys. Real subtle.


Yeah, I read it takes two-thirds of the legislature to vote to bring it down...and that it's apparently padlocked in place.

Uh, subtle, guys. Real subtle.

There's hope.

Just last week, Texas (not exactly a blue state) won a Supreme Court decision that allows it to now deny issuing license plates with a Confederate Flag on them.

I don't agree with President Obama often, but I do agree with this statement by him: "The Confederate flag has a place in America. And that place is in museums"


New member
Hall of Fame
There's hope.

Just last week, Texas (not exactly a blue state) won a Supreme Court decision that allows it to now deny issuing license plates with a Confederate Flag on them.

I don't agree with President Obama often, but I do agree on this statement by him: "The Confederate flag has a place in America. And that place is in museums"


Yep. When in doubt tap into the spirit of Indiana Jones.:chuckle:

But seriously, enough already--the flag's a complete disgrace.

Does any other country honor the losers of a civil war like we do? Can't think of one.:help:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The issue is the wide availability of guns, until that issue is sorted there really wont be an issue.

There are plenty of places where guns are readily available, but the gun-crime rate is not out of control. There are also plenty of places where guns are not allowed, but the crime rate is high.

The issue is the combination of guns available and regulations making them difficult to bear.

Does any other country honor the losers of a civil war like we do? Can't think of one.

:wave: We keep voting them into office.


Well-known member

Yep. When in doubt tap into the spirit of Indiana Jones.:chuckle:

But seriously, enough already--the flag's a complete disgrace.

Does any other country honor the losers of a civil war like we do? Can't think of one.:help:

In war, the victors always get to write the history. For over century and a half of federal government propaganda about the causes and effects of the War for Southern Independence has been so effective that Granite even believes it...


Does any other country honor the losers of a civil war like we do? Can't think of one.:help:

"The South's Gonna Do It Again" - Charlie Daniels.

Even more disturbing than honoring the losers, is the fact that a good number of descendants from the losers actually believe Charlie Daniel's song.
