Satan, Inc (TOL's heretic's list)


Eclectic Theosophist
truth beyond questions.......

truth beyond questions.......

you should be able to tell me
you are born again
you know the typical connotations associated with the term 'born again'

I'm not sure the motive behind the question....or how relevant it was to my last post....hence the inquiry.

I know that I am. This is certain. Other things are less certain and fluxual.....being a play of consciousness. That is what I'm aware of. Isn't that enough? Is anything else necessary....and says who?

The reality that I more essential to my being than a concept of 'being born again'. I've experienced rebirth before and im sure there are many more rebirths to the laws of nature afford in my soul's journey. Birth, death and rebirth continue on by the laws of they not?



Well-known member
This is kind of a weird thread to keep alive if Choleric doesn't come back and do updates....

Somebody want to make a S,I (T.H.L) 2 and take up the reigns?


Eclectic Theosophist
the courageous........

the courageous........

This is kind of a weird thread to keep alive if Choleric doesn't come back and do updates....

Somebody want to make a S,I (T.H.L) 2 and take up the reigns?

With a change of the guard and apologist monitoring the list comes other changes, plus that some of us more liberal eclectic ones are on a progressive journey where our viewpoints and denominational affiliations can change periodically. Some see this thread as more 'comedic' than serious attempting to put others in a 'box' goes along the same erroneous path as putting 'God' in a box.

True heretics are those pioneers of Spirit who lead the way, daring to go outside the 'box' and choose to think for themselves.



Eclectic Theosophist
beyond a script.........

beyond a script.........

Chapter and verse. You always make claims with no scripture.

Not all things are revealed literally. You dont need a chapter and verse for every little thing. God also gives us reason, logic, creative intelligence and revelation in determining this or that....and some things are unknowable.



New member
This is kind of a weird thread to keep alive if Choleric doesn't come back and do updates....

Somebody want to make a S,I (T.H.L) 2 and take up the reigns?

I nominate you Lon. You've been here for a long time and know most people. Quite a few have been mentioned for this list since 2013.

Right Divider

Body part
Not all things are revealed literally. You dont need a chapter and verse for every little thing. God also gives us reason, logic, creative intelligence and revelation in determining this or that....and some things are unknowable.
"Jesus said" needs chapter and verse, unless you have some other reliable source of this QUOTE of what He said.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Seems like meshak was added a few pages back
Cross Reference


New member
Don't waste computer disk space with your useless comments.

I am not, I could go into a long drawn out process of explaining to you how memory on my computer..and your,,or the server of this web site works... but to no point s you would not understand..

aside from that God thought it not a waste of space for "you" to be here so ill respect that,,, but you should open your eyes.. before they are closed.. sir,,in love..


Turning into the tragic list. It's so easy to be a believer yet these people will burn in eternity and that is not funny.