Ron Paul is pro-choice on abortion, state by state


TOL Subscriber
And all the brainwashed Christians say "hail bob" and follow mindlessly?

I just answered your question. You don't need to be a jerk about it you little twerp.
Bob is a friend of mine. Like all my friends he has problems and we don't agree on everything. He is human. I don't know of any one who follows Bob mindlessly or says hail Bob. I follow Jesus Christ.


New member
So you disagree with God or you don't believe the Bible is His Word.:eek:
Which is it?

Actually I was trying to decide how you wanted them dead?

You want a moral law to put homosexuals to death so they will stop killing themselves......:hammer:

do you want to be the one to pull the trigger or... what?

what are we going after here? cuz AIDS would be a lot more entertaining to watch if you hate them so much.


Hall of Fame
Actually I was trying to decide how you wanted them dead?

You want a moral law to put homosexuals to death so they will stop killing themselves......:hammer:

do you want to be the one to pull the trigger or... what?

what are we going after here? cuz AIDS would be a lot more entertaining to watch if you hate them so much.

Oh now don't be silly, Stephen! We all know that wanting ppl put to death is the epitomy of love!


TOL Subscriber
S†ephen;1633243 said:
Actually I was trying to decide how you wanted them dead?

You want a moral law to put homosexuals to death so they will stop killing themselves......:hammer:

do you want to be the one to pull the trigger or... what?

what are we going after here? cuz AIDS would be a lot more entertaining to watch if you hate them so much.

I love them enough to tell them the truth and support laws that would discourage them from killing each other.
Pearls: Very few homos would die if we had God's laws. Many more die because we don't. Millions.

But you disagree with God, right?


TOL Subscriber
Or you don't believe His Word is true.
Or you really just don't care what God has to say on the matter.
That's probably it.


TOL Subscriber
Why do you call yourself a Christian and reject God's word?

Is it murder when a government puts a convicted rapist to death?


TOL Subscriber
That was your last pearl boy.
If you want to keep on mocking God and rejecting His word you can answer to Him for it.
You've been warned.


New member
"Where in the Bible is any government allowed to permit the murder of the innocent?"

If the US bans abortion should we overstep our boundaries and invade Britain, France, Israel if they choose to keep abortion legal?


New member
That was your last pearl boy.
If you want to keep on mocking God and rejecting His word you can answer to Him for it.
You've been warned.

I'm not mocking God.

When I get to heaven I will proudly tell him I never murdered anyone. If I ever kill it will be strictly in self defense.

Use evidence, not scare tactics, in you arguments. You'll get further.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
And you're sinning against God by allowing the feds to murder homosexuals.

Yeah, because God sins against Himself, all the time.:rotfl:

Paul stands for states rights and you say he's lusting after power? You support a monarchy and that's not supposed to be lusting after power?:doh:
Did he say he wanted to be the Monarch? Your intelligence is like your artwork. You're pretending it's good.

THAT is a barefaced lie.
Just because I can, the proper term is "boldfaced."


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
That doesn't address the cynicism inherent in your opinion or in Jefferson's. You all appear totally incapable of imagining a state that illegalizes abortion. Truly sad commentary on your part.
You're as ignorant as you are arrogant. Nobody thinks that there won't be states that will outlaw abortion. But only an idiot would think that every state will. And only a moron can't see that abortion is un-Constitutional, and therefore a federal issue.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
As I mentioned earlier, when it was a state issue abortion was illegal.
When the feds trampled the constitution in 1973 is when the slaughter began.
False. It was legal in several states before it became legal across the nation.