Uh, no. But the point stands: pro-lifers's involvement shouldn't end with an abortion avoided. That's nowhere near good enough.
Holding a sign is easy. Helping to fight poverty? Well, that requires real, actual work.
Most of them aren't anything even resembling "pro-life". Let's see:
Pro-death penalty, even in cases where the evidence against the condemned was questionable, witnesses changed their stories later, and the condemned didn't exactly get a fair trial (and during said trial are quick to condemn the accused as automatically being guilty even before the verdict is returned).
Enthusiastically pro-military and pro-war. Were beating their chests over George 43's invasion of Iraq and denouncing anyone who was opposed to it as traitors, even when it became clear that Saddam had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11, never had any WMD's and was in no position to pose any threat to the United States; and his removal only created a power vacuum that further destabilized the region. And they want to do the same with Syria.
Against even common sense gun regulations to try to keep guns out of the hands out of criminals and the criminally insane and to try to restrict gun ownership to those who know how to properly use them and who are mentally balanced. (And while tighter gun control laws that are vigorously enforced won't prevent all criminals from getting their hands on high-powered assault weapons, it would certainly make a dent in it. The Virginia Tech and Aurora, CO shooters might still have been able to acquire the weapons they used - or when they went to take possession of their guns might have instead ended up handcuffed in the back of a police car facing serious felony charges).
Against environmental regulations to keep toxic substances out of the environment that make people sick and invariably shorten a lot of lives. Also against occupational safety regulations to try to keep people from getting killed in accidents on the job or dying from illnesses resulting from exposure to toxic substances while on the job. (All in the name of corporate profits)
And of course against expanding health care access, despite the fact that every other industrialized first world nation on earth has a universal, single-payer health care system (or something that is functionally equivalent). Yet so many of these same so-called "pro-lifers" are bleating incessantly about "Obamacare" - apparently wanting to go back to the old system where if you got sick and didn't have health insurance (because you couldn't afford it, or had a *gasp* "pre-existing condition") you either died or went bankrupt.
Of course we have one red state (Tennessee) passing a law to allow the state to punish women for the outcome of a pregnancy, yet do absolutely nothing to help pregnant, low-income women obtain access to affordable prenatal care.
EDIT: Just to make it clear, I am well aware the above does not describe ALL people who are against abortion. (It certainly wouldn't apply to someone who was against abortion but liberal in other areas).