RELIGION: Man's attempt to become like God.


Well-known member
In the judgment I will be standing with the prophets and apostles that confessed that they were unworthy sinners saved by the grace of God and by the merits of Jesus Christ.

You will be stand with the group that will be saying... "But Lord, Lord, didn't we...?"

You'll be answering for your phoney salvation by works false gospel.

God's Truth

New member
In the judgment I will be standing with the prophets and apostles that confessed that they were unworthy sinners saved by the grace of God and by the merits of Jesus Christ.

You will be stand with the group that will be saying... "But Lord, Lord, didn't we...?"

Jesus says he never knew them because they never repented/stopped doing evil That is you.


New member
That's according to your false religion

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No it's according to the bible.

And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world. John 4:42


Well-known member
Saving faith is faith in the work and the person of Jesus Christ.

It is not faith in a doctrine or a religion.

B57 has faith in Calvinism and not in Christ.

He believes the scriptures as I do, which is the only Authority for all Truth 2 Tim. 3:16.

Calvinism is the Gospel, and is supported by the scriptures alone!



New member
He believes the scriptures as I do, which is the only Authority for all Truth 2 Tim. 3:16.

Calvinism is the Gospel, and is supported by the scriptures alone!


Calvinism is one man's interpretation of scripture and a flawed one at that.