Rediscovering Faith , faithing , and the Salvation process .

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There are only a few Scriptures that pertain to those who have yet to receive the Spirit of Christ . Rom. 8:9 pretty much covers any state of being before that happens . I state Rom 8:9 many times

So, based upon a couple of Scriptures, you're willing to spread your imaginings to an unbelieving world, as part of the Gospel of salvation? Are you really that confident?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
2 Corinthians 10:5 "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There are only a few Scriptures that pertain to those who have yet to receive the Spirit of Christ . Rom. 8:9 pretty much covers any state of being before that happens . I state Rom 8:9 many times

Colossians 2:18 "Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If you're confident that your theories have truthful validity, then, you have to be prepared to defend your theories with Scripture, logic, and reason. So far, you're asking us to accept your theories at face value. That's really not good enough.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's you who has the burden to convince us that what you say is acceptable or not acceptable. So far, you haven't done that. You've given us speculation and theory, but no real sound evidence.


Phase 3 of 5

Phase 3 or parable of the sower .
A) Christ Himself is the seed .
B) the called out ones are the soil .
C) this phase is a proving or testing ground .
D) what is being tested ? The surrendered life .
E) decisions are made here that prove if we really have turned our life and will over to God or not . Are decisions being made here that show we stand on the fact our lives are God's now , or still our own ?
F) 3 of the 4 soils here will fail .
G ) for one soil , Christ is starting to be formed in its heart by faithing . ( Pisteuo )
H) for that one soil , a grafting process begins to take place .
I) at this point , still no Spirit of Christ yet . So prayer and worship are not acceptable yet either .
J) God's paradoxical truths start to form here .
K) only one of the four soils will move onto phase four .

Any questions ?

Phase 4 of 5

Phase 4 , gate 2 or accepted surrendered life .

A) here is the point where our continually surrendered life has been tested and accepted by Christ .
B)the Spirit of Christ has been sealed into us , making us a temple of the Holy Spirit .
C) for the first time , He is in us and we are in Him .
D) a Spiritual awakening happens here .
E) Gods nature begins to flow .
F) the kind of giving that can't be imitated begins .
G) saving Faith or saving pisteuo has begun .
H) prayer and worship are acceptable now .
I) praying without ceasing starts here .
J) the mind of Christ and His presence start to take hold .
K) a called out one , can only go through this gate one time .

Any questions about phase 4 ?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Phase 4 of 5

Phase 4 , gate 2 or accepted surrendered life .

A) here is the point where our continually surrendered life has been tested and accepted by Christ .
B)the Spirit of Christ has been sealed into us , making us a temple of the Holy Spirit .
C) for the first time , He is in us and we are in Him .
D) a Spiritual awakening happens here .
E) Gods nature begins to flow .
F) the kind of giving that can't be imitated begins .
G) saving Faith or saving pisteuo has begun .
H) prayer and worship are acceptable now .
I) praying without ceasing starts here .
J) the mind of Christ and His presence start to take hold .
K) a called out one , can only go through this gate one time .

Any questions about phase 4 ?

I find it very suspicious that you refuse to answer post 81? That's rather troubling.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I really don't understand why you'd have the audacity to continue on when you haven't even proved your previous speculations? You should add a caveat to your teachings. Such as, "This is my own theory." Or, "This is only speculative."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Phase 4 of 5

Phase 4 , gate 2 or accepted surrendered life .

A) here is the point where our continually surrendered life has been tested and accepted by Christ .
B)the Spirit of Christ has been sealed into us , making us a temple of the Holy Spirit .
C) for the first time , He is in us and we are in Him .
D) a Spiritual awakening happens here .
E) Gods nature begins to flow .
F) the kind of giving that can't be imitated begins .
G) saving Faith or saving pisteuo has begun .
H) prayer and worship are acceptable now .
I) praying without ceasing starts here .
J) the mind of Christ and His presence start to take hold .
K) a called out one , can only go through this gate one time .

Any questions about phase 4 ?

You REALLY don't want any questions, do you? Just be honest with yourself and others.