Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

Cross Reference

New member
Fly c? I'm not aware of this saying...

LOL! Think about it. You'll find it fits a lot of posters who like to major on minors.. Minors is all they know.

Side thought: In music [arguably] a "minor" chord presents a heavy dark yet very beautiful expression in the music to one's senses when arranged properly. Sortta like what an angel of light might do.


Literal lunatic
Strong's Concordance

malista: most
Original Word: μάλιστα
Part of Speech: Adverb, Superlative
Transliteration: malista
Phonetic Spelling: (mal'-is-tah)
Short Definition: most of all, especially
Definition: most of all, especially.

Yer gettin' closer.....

The KJV translates Strongs G3122 in the following manner: specially (5x), especially (4x), chiefly (2x), most of all (1x).

Let me help......

Why..... did.......they..... translate....... it....... specially....... 5 times?


Jesus said "I did not come to bring peace, but a sword".
The Cross was a sword that pierced the world. Literally.

The Crucifixion healed the elect, and condemned the wicked. This is a main design of the Cross which many contemporary Christians have outright neglected, but which Calvinism fully embraces.

This is where all of you protesting Reformed doctrine are failing to necessitate in your doctrine.


New member
LOL! Think about it. You'll find it fits a lot of posters who like to major on minors.. Minors is all they know.

Side thought: In music [arguably] a "minor" chord presents a heavy dark yet very beautiful expression in the music to one's senses when arranged properly. Sortta like what an angel of light might do.

? So what is the fly c and pepper saying?


New member
Jesus said "I did not come to bring peace, but a sword".
The Cross was a sword that pierced the world. Literally.

The Crucifixion healed the elect, and condemned the wicked. This is a main design of the Cross which many contemporary Christians have outright neglected, but which Calvinism fully embraces.

This is where all of you protesting Reformed doctrine are failing to necessitate in your doctrine.






It's very substantiated- the cross is a sword, and the Tree of Life. You'll find all sorts of correlations- Jesus was a carpenter, he is the vine, and all things are under his feet.

So, good luck with your heretical interpretations :wave2:

Cross Reference

New member
It's very substantiated- the cross is a sword, and the Tree of Life. You'll find all sorts of correlations- Jesus was a carpenter, he is the vine, and all things are under his feet.

So, good luck with your heretical interpretations :wave2:

Last time I read, Jesus didn't come into the world to judge it. . . nor was the cross a sword or a tree of life, but death.


New member
I am speaking about the ONE LAW OF LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. You cannot love our neighbor unless you obey the whole law.

James was speaking of the ROYAL LAW OF LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR.

Love is not harming your neighbor that is how we love our neighbors, we do no harm to them.

If you do not harm your neighbor by not murdering your neighbor, it is good and you have obeyed a commandment of do not murder.

If you do not harm your neighbor by committing adultery with your neighbor's wife, then you have obeyed another commandment.

If you do not harm your neighbor so you do not bear false witness against your neighbor, you have done right and obeyed yet another command.


Do you understand now?

You are an expert in bifurcation.

God on the other hand says, you, gt, are GUILTY OF THE WHOLE Law.

James 2:10 - For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.


TOL Subscriber
The view that NIG presents is premised on Universalism and includes elements of Patripassianism which is as unorthodox as any other anti-Trinitarian heresy.


New member
You are right to correct me about being on this thread earlier. I had left off reading here because I gave up on Sonnet.

So I missed out on the arrival of NIG and now must play catchup.

It remains the case - pleasingly so - that you have not refuted the central argument of this thread. Carping about unbelief would include all those who do not share you doctrines even though they claim belief - as you made clear.


New member
The view that NIG presents is premised on Universalism and includes elements of Patripassianism which is as unorthodox as any other anti-Trinitarian heresy.

As if anyone knows with exactitude the nature of the trinity. Nobody does - obviously. The real heresy is the destruction of the Gospel that you and others continue to prosecute.


TOL Subscriber
As if anyone knows with exactitude the nature of the trinity. Nobody does - obviously. The real heresy is the destruction of the Gospel that you and others continue to prosecute.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is utter fallacy and rubbish, except with the caveat that the minutiae of terminology is Incarnational expression. The Trinity doctrine has a meticulous formulaic, and any amibiguities are well defined as at least a perimeter.

Any overt breach of said perimeter can be identified readily, and should be corrected. Universalism and Patripassianism are clearly declared anathema, and do not represent the God of the Christian faith

I see your biggest problem is Relativism and Subjectivism, which is why you deny the full Soveriegnty of God and His incommunicable attributes.

You have a god of your own making, which is why that would be the only god you would accept. That makes your faithlessness compatible with Arminianism.

You can't even realize that for the new creation, unbelivers have no true functional hypostasis (foundational underlying substantial objective reality of existence), so "all" does not apply those who do not have the imputed everlasting qualitative existence in Christ. If you understood the Greek aorist verb tense, this wouldn't be difficult at all, but alas...

You have a chronology-based menial understanding and perspective. God is timeless. Election is not about when. There is no "before" for God. He has the entirety of illimitable life all at once in His self-conscious self-existence of eternity present (which is not the fleeting individual frames of the temporal present flanked by past and future).

God's eternity has a present that IS all past and future of creation in an eternal simultaneity that transcends the "momentness" of temporal chronoligcal time.

God is everywhen, while being nowhen. God is everwhere, while being nowhere. Temporality as chronology and spatiality are created and don't contain or constrain Him as He pervades AND transcends them.

Your tiny little box cannot dictate God and His existence and attributes. You have no idea of what you speak. Neither do most of any doctrinal affiliation or confession.

The Trinity is much more defined than you insist. You shouldn't speak of things you know nothing about.