Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation


New member
You have no right to employ Christian language to voice your anti-Christian denials.

I'll employ Christian language if I want, thanks.

Ask CR and GT if I am anti-Christian.

You are the one affirming non-Calvinists aren't saved.


TOL Subscriber

I'm not debating, and you don't get to demand debate over simple conversation. My last statements stand as declaration of valid fact according to scripture and lexicography. There's no need for debate, only clarification and acceptance without obtuse continued challenge from a fallacious premise.

Your continued false claims of never being rebutted are a character issue even more than a topical issue.


New member
I'm not debating, and you don't get to demand debate over simple conversation. My last statements stand as declaration of valid fact according to scripture and lexicography. There's no need for debate, only clarification and acceptance without obtuse continued challenge from a fallacious premise.

Your continued false claims of never being rebutted are a character issue even more than a topical issue.

That these remain without response implies that a response here would probably meet the same fate.

Paul's preaching to unbelievers that Christ died for their sins wasn't disingenuous. He meant it salvifically.


New member
I'm not debating, and you don't get to demand debate over simple conversation. My last statements stand as declaration of valid fact according to scripture and lexicography. There's no need for debate, only clarification and acceptance without obtuse continued challenge from a fallacious premise.

Your continued false claims of never being rebutted are a character issue even more than a topical issue.

I don't demand debate - though one would expect it on something called a 'forum'.

Pointing out the fact that those of the Calvinist persuasion haven't properly responded when challenged isn't a demand.


TOL Subscriber
As a Monergist, here's what I've done and am going to continute to do.

Jesus Christ was made sin (the singular anarthrous noun), so that includes every qualitative characteristic and (dys)functional activity of THE sin condition of all mankind. So I'm going to preach that to everyone. And I'm going to teach them enough semantical and grammatical analysis of the Greek text to know how that answers the age-old false dichotomy of Calvinism and Arminianism, especially when coupled with a cogent and cohesive teaching of many other areas of integrated theology that help understand election in the light of time versus timelessness.

You're going to waste your time and others' time here on TOL with whatever your internal subconscious and/or conscious motives are to justify either your previous belief or your apostasy (or whatever it is) by obtusity and obfuscation of the simple things you've been served and rejected for your false premise.

Though you steer away from it constantly, you have as great a paradox as an Arminian that the Calvinists do. And you KNOW that. You've made reference to it yourself.

None of this is any skin off my nose whatsoever. I know the truth, and it has made me free. Free from the law of sin and death in my members. A new creature. Translated in the kingdom of God's dear Son. Seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Living and moving and having my being in Christ, having put Him on and put off the old man.


TOL Subscriber
That these remain without response implies that a response here would probably meet the same fate.

Paul's preaching to unbelievers that Christ died for their sins wasn't disingenuous. He meant it salvifically.

Of course Christ died for their sins. He was made (poieo) sin (singular anarthrous hamartia). Unless and until you can ever understand what those mean, you will always be framing this topic according to your false premises.

None of this means what you think it means. You are blinded to the simple truth. I can see you. Just beyond the veil. Literally. I can see you there. Blinded. Groping.

I think if you'd look carefully at the distinctions between the Supralapsarian and Infralapsarian positions, you might get a clue from their contrasts. But I doubt you will. You've not demonstrated any willingness to be served, so this will probably meet with the same fate.

You're the one playing the games, even if Calvinists don't know how to destroy your false premise. And the more you reinforce your self-determined "victory", the more accountable your become to whatever the truth is while you ignore it.


New member
Of course Christ died for their sins. He was made (poieo) sin (singular anarthrous hamartia). Unless and until you can ever understand what those mean, you will always be framing this topic according to your false premises.

None of this means what you think it means. You are blinded to the simple truth. I can see you. Just beyond the veil. Literally. I can see you there. Blinded. Groping.

I think if you'd look carefully at the distinctions between the Supralapsarian and Infralapsarian positions, you might get a clue from their contrasts. But I doubt you will. You've not demonstrated any willingness to be served, so this will probably meet with the same fate.

You're the one playing the games, even if Calvinists don't know how to destroy your false premise. And the more you reinforce your self-determined "victory", the more accountable your become to whatever the truth is while you ignore it.

I think you remain outraged that I dared to question you here.

It's yet without response.


TOL Subscriber
I think you remain outraged that I dared to question you here.


It's yet without response.

Pearls/swine thing. You don't want to be served. You want to debate and feel superior to make up for being a victim of Calvinists.

My only outrage is at the diminution of the true Gospel. That isn't just you, by the way. And I don't anathematize Arminians.

So... Wrong again, just like your theology.

I see you. Just on the other side of the veil. You're not even trying to peer in. You're just... there.


Literal lunatic
That these remain without response implies that a response here would probably meet the same fate.

Paul's preaching to unbelievers that Christ died for their sins wasn't disingenuous. He meant it salvifically.

Fact is Jesus told Paul he had much people in that city before Paul even got on a roll.

Before they heard or believed anything Paul said.

Imagine that, Jesus calling things that weren't as though they were.

Why should Paul even preach?

Be kinda foolish wouldn't it?

Oh, wait a minute, it pleases God to save folks by the foolishness of preaching.:doh:

So just think Sonnet, the foolishness of God is wiser than you with those uncircumcised ears.

9 Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace:

10 For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city.


New member
Fact is Jesus told Paul he had much people in that city before Paul even got on a roll.

Before they heard or believed anything Paul said.

Imagine that, Jesus calling things that weren't as though they were.

Why should Paul even preach?

Be kinda foolish wouldn't it?

Oh, wait a minute, it pleases God to save folks by the foolishness of preaching.:doh:

So just think Sonnet, the foolishness of God is wiser than you with those uncircumcised ears.

9 Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace:

10 For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city.

Nothing that I disagree with here.

Cross Reference

New member
Those double minded such as yourself need to try.

Luke 16:9
And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.

"Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded." . . . "and every one who is having this hope on him, doth purify himself, even as he is pure."

James 4:8 KJV; 1 John 3:3 (YLT)

You a sinner, 1mindslip1? Why?

Cross Reference

New member

What have we here?

A confessed non-believer weighing in with theological language pertaining to Trinitarianism?

This Forum is being snookered, fellow Christians!

Beware. And do not respond to this kind of fake troll . .

What's the problem, Nangster? Gittin' burnt and can't figger it out?

Cross Reference

New member
The Mods have made a big mistake allowing you to post here, when you begin challenging our Christian testimonies.

Especially when you go so far to weigh in on the most holy subject of the Trinity.

Why don't you chew on your own accusations, Nangster? You are the one who consistently denies the truth of Jesus Christ; the why and wherefore of God's ways of bringing man unto Himself. . as written in the "Holy Scriptures".

Cross Reference

New member
I'm not debating, and you don't get to demand debate over simple conversation. My last statements stand as declaration of valid fact according to scripture and lexicography. There's no need for debate, only clarification and acceptance without obtuse continued challenge from a fallacious premise.

Your continued false claims of never being rebutted are a character issue even more than a topical issue.

What false claims??