Real Science Radio: More Soft Tissue Confirms RSR Dino Prediction

The Barbarian

Collagen isn't tissue. Tissue is groups of cells organized together.

a group or layer of similarly specialized cells that together perform certain special functions.

Collagen is merely a chemical. And we already knew that organic chemicals can last for millions of years under the right conditions.

But here's the important thing we learned from these materials:

A bit of heme (a fraction of the hemoglobin molecule) was found in T-rex bones. When tested it turned out to be most like the heme of...


A new study of ancient proteins retrieved from a Tyranosaurus rex fossil confirms the long-hypothesized evolutionary connection between dinosaurs and modern birds, experts say.

The finding is the first molecular evidence that birds, not lizards or other reptiles, are the closest living relatives of dinosaurs, the researchers note.

"The amazing part of this study is that we could establish the dinosaur-bird connection using only 89 total amino acids [the building blocks of proteins]," Asara said.

Another reason that scientists don't accept YE creationism. Thanks for the reminder, Jefferson.

Horner refused to carbon date it because he knew that his god (science) would prove to him that his denomination (evolution) was false.

He knew that carbon dating doesn't work much beyond 50,000 years. After that, random contamination would obscure any results.
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The Barbarian

How can it date 22,000 when you believe it is 70,000,000?

For the same reason a candy thermometer will give you a reading of about 270 degrees or so for the temperature of a blast furnace that melts steel.

We know that coal burning and atomic testing effects the ratio of C12 to C14. Also unknown conditions in the past such as solar rays and the strength of the earths magnetic field may effect the ratio. Another factor that would drastically effect the ratio is the global flood...Several things would change the ratios such as volcanic activity around the globe emitting C02 without the normal C14.

So it always goes when creationists run into problems:
"Maybe it was a lot different, back then."

But magic and fantasies are not part of science. If you want to overturn all the real evidence for an ancient Earth, you'll need more than an active imagination.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Interesting. How would carbon dating a dino fossil prove that evolution is false?

It wouldn't.

Given that evolution is not science, nothing can prove it false. However, given that it is a religion, if its tenets were disproved, adherents would fall away.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
How would carbon dating a dino fossil prove that evolution is false?

It wouldn't.

Why wouldn't carbon dating a dino fossil prove that evolution is false?

Given that evolution is not science, nothing can prove it false. However, given that it is a religion, if its tenets were disproved, adherents would fall away.

Why haven't the tenets of evolution been disproved?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Why wouldn't carbon dating a dino fossil prove that evolution is false?
Because there's nothing in evolution that says dinos and people could not have lived together. Darwinists just resist the idea because... well... nobody is really sure why. :idunno:

Why haven't the tenets of evolution been disproved?

They have. It just takes a long time for religious fanatics to get over themselves.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Because there's nothing in evolution that says dinos and people could not have lived together. Darwinists just resist the idea because... well... nobody is really sure why. :idunno:

Mightn't the placement of fossils in the fossil record have something to do with why evolution says that dinos and people could not have lived together?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Mightn't the placement of fossils in the fossil record have something to do with why evolution says that dinos and people could not have lived together?

Sure. However, that would be to assume evolution is true.

If we accept the Biblical account, most of what Darwinists would say becomes irrelevant.

The key is: When the opposing sides discuss the issues, they must not assume the truth of their positions. Unfortunately, it is next to impossible for evolutionists to use words that are not laden with old-Earth assumptions, let alone trying to get them to appreciate an alternative.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I offered Jack Horner $25k to carbon date his soft-tissue T. rex

Horner refused to carbon date it because he knew that his god (science) would prove to him that his denomination (evolution) was false.

How would carbon dating a dino fossil prove that evolution is false?

It wouldn't.

If carbon dating a dino fossil wouldn't prove that evolution is false, then why did Bob Enyart offer Jack Horner $25k to carbon date his soft-tissue T. rex, and why did Jefferson say that carbon dating the dino fossil would prove that evolution is false?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
If carbon dating a dino fossil wouldn't prove that evolution is false, then why did Bob Enyart offer Jack Horner $25k to carbon date his soft-tissue T. rex.
Listen to the call. It is all explained. :up:

Why did Jefferson say that carbon dating the dino fossil would prove that evolution is false?
Why do you never accept answers and work desperately to cover up the ignorance of your fellow believers?


New member
For the same reason a candy thermometer will give you a reading of about 270 degrees or so for the temperature of a blast furnace that melts steel
So evolutionists now reject all c14 readings of 22,000 years??
Or just the ones that disagree with their belief system?


Staff member
Super Moderator
Mightn't the placement of fossils in the fossil record have something to do with why evolution says that dinos and people could not have lived together?
The only place on earth where the fossil records line up with the theory of evolution is in Darwinian text books, not in the earth's actual strata.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Listen to the call. It is all explained.

I just found this quote by Colton Rodoski in the comments section of this video:

With regards to Schweitzer's work, I've emailed her asking her to clarify on C14 dating her fossils. Found out something interesting. Her team used a buffer containing carbon to demineralize the bone, so even if they C14 dated the soft tissue, it wouldn't give an accurate date anyways because demineralization would have contaminated it. BUT she DID have a colleague grind up a bone extract from the fossil before they demineralized it and C14 date that. No surprise, it had no detectable carbon in it. So if you ever see the videos of a creationist asking Jack Homer to C14 date the tissue samples, remember:

1. The soft tissue had been treated in carbon based compounds, so no accurate date will be given.

2. The bone itself had no detectable carbon anyways, so it's at least older than the limits of the method.​

Ergo, the young earth model is still wrong. So the real question is how come the first scientist to make such a discovery finds no 14C, but the creationists who are out to prove the earth is young, are finding tons of it?​


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I just found this quote by Colton Rodoski in the comments section of this video.
Oh, wow. That settles it then. User has found a link. :plain:

The bone itself had no detectable carbon anyways, so it's at least older than the limits of the method.
Then show us the paper. :up:

he real question is how come the first scientist to make such a discovery finds no 14C, but the creationists who are out to prove the earth is young, are finding tons of it?
There's only one group looking. Who should we believe?

Did you get around to correcting JD yet?