Real Science Radio: A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Too Far Away


New member
Wow, in the last 4,000 years, lions and tigers have diverged from a common ancestor, and possibly all the cats descend from a single "kind" that Noah took aboard the ark. I guess all the bears were represented by a single "bear kind" on the ark as well!

What that means is that creationists believe in not just evolution, but a souped-up hyper-evolution on steroids. If you believe that tigers and lions diverged into their present states in just 4,000 years, you should have no trouble at all in accepting that all vertebrates diverged from a common ancestor in the last few hundred million years. In fact, at the rate they apparently believe, creationists should expect that all the vertebrates could evolve in less than a million years.

Check in to Dog breeding sometime. You would be amazed at what they have done with breeds in just a few years. Not 4000 years!


New member
Check in to Dog breeding sometime. You would be amazed at what they have done with breeds in just a few years. Not 4000 years!

Not 4000 years, more like 7000 (certainty) to 30 000 (earliest evidence)years, depending on the amount of archaeological evidence you want.


New member
Check in to Dog breeding sometime. You would be amazed at what they have done with breeds in just a few years. Not 4000 years!
Yep, and give your pedigrees free range to mate as they choose and pretty soon all you'll have is mutts. Whereas you can give mutts free range to mate and find you'll wait a long time before you'll see a dachshund.
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Well-known member
Check in to Dog breeding sometime. You would be amazed at what they have done with breeds in just a few years. Not 4000 years!

Dogs can still breed with one another. Can a housecat breed with a lion and produce offspring? Bobcats can't even produce offspring with housecats.

Did you know the DNA of domestic dogs are all virtually genetically identical despite their different appearance?

Did you know that's not even close to the case with the cat family?