Real Science Friday: The Best Astronomy DVD Ever Made

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The fact that Enyart considers Psarris’ DVD to be the best astronomy DVD ever made is fascinating. With the myriads of good DVDs detailing what has been learned through astronomy and astrophysics, Enyart prefers a DVD that focuses on trying to show much of the astrophysics community are a bunch of incompetent dolts.

It's par for the course for creationists to (attempt to) discredit good science and and detest acquired knowledge. They have no desire to add to the knowledge base. Their desire is to destroy all of that which doesn't agree with their particular religious dogma and literal reading of the book of Genesis. Astronomy and astrophysics, evolutionary biology, geology...It's all on their chopping block.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The fact that Enyart considers Psarris’ DVD to be the best astronomy DVD ever made is fascinating. With the myriads of good DVDs detailing what has been learned through astronomy and astrophysics, Enyart prefers a DVD that focuses on trying to show much of the astrophysics community are a bunch of incompetent dolts.
:mock: Evolutionists.


Active member
Actually from the chapters that I can view for free he does not actually do this, he mostly makes claims that say that the current hypothesis for the formation of the solar system is wrong not claims that would put well defined limits on age of the solar system. At best I recall him saying Io could be at most millions of years old otherwise it would have cooled down, though he never cites his calculations for this and as I have pointed out he ignored obvious extra sources of heat.First of all he actually mainly quote mines statements saying variations of "we don't understand how this process occurred" he rarely cites the factual data he sprouts.I have watched it, or at least the chapters I can see for free on the website. Based on those chapters I make my criticism and based on those chapters there is no way I would pay money to see the rest.Because such massive changes in the speed of light would leave changes in our observations of objects unless he created the light "in transit already" and thus we are seeing false history.No, I'd have thought he'd put the speed of light at an appropriate amount to see everything and then not mess with it in such a way that it looks like it is and always has been constant. Why not make light instantaneous?

Furthermore what reason would anyone have other than faith to conclude that God did such a thing as mess with the speed of light?


Why are you bashing a video you haven't even seen? It isn't rhetorical, I really want to know WHY you would do that? You seem smart enough to know how ignorance disqualifies one from a credible opinion, yet you seem to think your two viewings gives you enough to draw a conclusion on the other one hour and ten minutes of the video.

I am not telling you to go and buy a copy... I would recommend it to anyone but that isn't the point HERE... if you don't think you'd like his perspective, then fine, don't get it... but don't make excuses or draw silly conclusions, and don't complain because a video on the solar system doesn't address issues concerning the universe. It is meaningless anyway, why would anyone believe your opinion about something when you never watched it?

It's like saying, "E.T.was a horrible movie," when you only saw the previews.

Your answer about star light isn't thought through. God doesn't need to create false history to get a stream of light from a star to here... he could do such a thing miraculously for one day, hour, nano second if he willed... God can overcome this through some method that is beyond our understanding.

You are not God and not aware of the full ability of physics. If there is a "natural" answer, there may be many ways to get star light here besides having to "traverse" its way.

For example:

If I were to tell you sound waves (that travel 350 meters per second) can make it to the moon in seconds, what would you say?

Impossible? Would you say I created false history? Or would you possibly conclude that there is a method to get sound waves to the moon in seconds?

If you picked C, then maybe you know something about radio... it can carry sound thousands of times faster than it could travel on its own. It takes sound waves, duplicates them into pulses of light, sends them everywhere until a receiver is able to translate it back into sound on the other end. It allows sound information to travel at the speed of light!

I know it isn't a perfect explanation (hey, maybe it's teleported ;) ). But it shows how (with a little know how) something very slow can be moved very quickly without false history being involved... If we can do this with sound waves, how much more could a creator God do it with light?

Something to think about (I hope)
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The Barbarian

I know it isn't a perfect explanation (hey, maybe it's teleported ). But it shows how (with a little know how) something very slow can be moved very quickly without false history being involved... If we can do this with sound waves, how much more could a creator God do it with light?

Of course, all things are possible for God. But if you're going to dream up unscriptural and unnecessary miracles to save your theory, you've left the realm of science.

And of Christianity, too, for that matter.


New member
If I were to tell you sound waves (that travel 350 miles per second) can make it to the moon in seconds, what would you say?

350 miles per second? Even ignoring Alates comment about sound not propagating in a vacuum, 1,126 feet per second is how fast it travels on the earth (depending in part on temp or humidity and elevation). thats about 1/5 mile per second in STP air.
You really should try to understand the physics before you make a statement like that.


Active member
350 miles per second? Even ignoring Alates comment about sound not propagating in a vacuum, 1,126 feet per second is how fast it travels on the earth (depending in part on temp or humidity and elevation). thats about 1/5 mile per second in STP air.
You really should try to understand the physics before you make a statement like that.

Jukia, don't be a butt. The point isn't that I know the speed of sound, it is that data can travel faster through different means.

At any rate, I changed the "miles" to "meters" in the post.


New member
Jukia, don't be a butt. The point isn't that I know the speed of sound, it is that data can travel faster through different means.

Do you understand the difference between meters and feet and miles? If so your lack of understanding goes way beyond basic physics.

Please tell me you were being sarcastic.


Active member
Do you understand the difference between meters and feet and miles? If so your lack of understanding goes way beyond basic physics.

Please tell me you were being sarcastic.

Of course I understand. Are you here to just embarrass me over a simple mistake or would you to contribute to the conversation in a REAL way?


New member
Of course I understand. Are you here to just embarrass me over a simple mistake or would you to contribute to the conversation in a REAL way?

Sure, but Alate already contributed the most important thing. Makes not a whit how fast sound travels, it ain't getting from the earth to the moon as sound.

It really was not a simple mistake by the way.


Active member
Sure, but Alate already contributed the most important thing. Makes not a whit how fast sound travels, it ain't getting from the earth to the moon as sound.

It really was not a simple mistake by the way.

Alright, let me simplify this for you.

Shure it is. I thout my sarse was using the us messsurment sistem and red miles when i shoold have red meters.

how iz it dhat you can reed the speed of soond miztake but not under stand the rest?

No duuuh it aint gettten to the moon as sound wavs, itsa getten ther as light over raddeo. It hazzsta get in coded and tranzmitedd and then dcoded ondah odder end... thads howl soond thate travvelez sloow can geet sume whare faar a way fast. the hole point iz that God kooold send lite a cross the unavarse in other wayz be sides just from aaaa to bee. He is way smarter than u n i r so i suppoze he kould work it out just like we figgered out the soond sped problem by ussin radeos


New member
Alright, let me simplify this for you.

Shure it is. I thout my sarse was using the us messsurment sistem and red miles when i shoold have red meters.

how iz it dhat you can reed the speed of soond miztake but not under stand the rest?

No duuuh it aint gettten to the moon as sound wavs, itsa getten ther as light over raddeo. It hazzsta get in coded and tranzmitedd and then dcoded ondah odder end... thads howl soond thate travvelez sloow can geet sume whare faar a way fast. the hole point iz that God kooold send lite a cross the unavarse in other wayz be sides just from aaaa to bee. He is way smarter than u n i r so i suppoze he kould work it out just like we figgered out the soond sped problem by ussin radeos

You need a new keyboard.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Hey! Jukia's back with nothing to say again. How was your vacation, matey? :)


New member
Why are you bashing a video you haven't even seen? It isn't rhetorical, I really want to know WHY you would do that? You seem smart enough to know how ignorance disqualifies one from a credible opinion, yet you seem to think your two viewings gives you enough to draw a conclusion on the other one hour and ten minutes of the video.
But I have seen part of it, and I comment based on that :confused:. There are after all a few chapters which are available to view for free, I cannot watch the rest of it without paying. However I also know in part what is contained in the unseen sections because the guy signposts what he is going to talk about in chapter 1 (which I can view for free).
It's like saying, "E.T.was a horrible movie," when you only saw the previews.
What if I saw the opening 30 minutes?


Active member
Of course, all things are possible for God. But if you're going to dream up unscriptural and unnecessary miracles to save your theory, you've left the realm of science.

And of Christianity, too, for that matter.

My theory? What theory?

Tyrathca asked a fair question about star light travel, I told him/her that God probably did it miraculously. He/She offered reasons that it's impossible and I answered that there is more to the universe and how things travel than we mere mortals understand (with examples).

What's wrong with that?
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