Real Science Friday: Dawkins Proves a Creationist Right!

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RSF: Dawkins Proves a Creationist Right!

This is the show from Friday December 17th, 2010.


* BEL Audio from 1997 Confirmed Now By Richard Dawkins: Real Science Friday co-hosts Fred Williams and Bob Enyart play audio from an old Bob Enyart Live program in which Bob claimed that in Richard Dawkins' books, he just assumed evolution and he didn't give evidence. A dozen years later, Dawkins admits that in all of his previous books, he assumed, but did not provide evidence. That vindicates Bob Enyart's direct statement of a 1997 caller who was recommending that Bob read Dawkins (which Bob had done, but which the caller had not

* Sarfati Interview & RSF's $2,000 Offer: And remember Bob's interview with Dr. Jonathan Sarfati on his Greatest Hoax book rebutting Dawkin's latest effort. Also, Real Science Friday has already awarded $2,000 in prize money and now there's another $2,000 being offered right from our Evolve page!

* Robots and Consciousness: Enyart and Williams also discuss from the latest issue of Creation magazine Robots, living fossils, and a full-size Noah's Ark replica. With Bob having studied artificial intelligence at Arizona State University, he is so thankful for Carl Wieland's article quoting Noel Sharkey, a leading AI researcher, describing the notion that computer science is nearing the time of giving self-awareness to robots as a "fairytale" and that "there is no evidence that machines will ever... gain sentience." And Bob asks Fred, a software engineer, questions about how to go about building an android, and Fred explains how a team of engineers would go about doing so... until they get to the functional spec's requirement that the android be self aware. At that point, the dynamic duo are completely at a loss for how to even think about the solution to that problem, and they suggest that atheists do not know even where to begin an algorihtm that would give sentience to a computer.

* More Living Fossils: Allegedly 70-million year old flightless birds and a150-million year old sting rays leave fossils that are essentially the same as modern living species. You could fill a book (as Dr. Carl Werner has done) with examples of "Living Fossils!"

* Noah's Ark Found: in Hong Kong! Well, at least a full-sized replica build alongside a major highway approaching one of the world's busiest airports! And the beat goes on...

* Special Editions of Real Science Friday:
- BEL's famous List of Not-So-Old Things
- Bob's debate with Christian Darwinist British author James Hannam
- PZ Myers blogs against Real Science Friday so Bob hits back with the Trochlea Challenge
- Waiting for Darwin's Other Shoe: Evolution mag's cover story Darwin Was Wrong on the Tree of Life
- Microbiologist in Studio: Bob talks with the Creation Research Society Quarterly editor about new genetic findings
- Caterpillar Kills Atheism: describe how a bug could evolve to liquefy itself and then build itself into a flying creature
- And see RSF Offer of $2,000 to get 16 letters of the alphabet in their correct places; $500 pd in 1998; $1,500 in 2010!

For our RSF Friends: in case you miss other BEL programs, here are some of the atheists Bob Enyart has debated:
- ABC's Reginald Finley, called The Infidel Guy, from ABC's Wife Swap program; 3-26-07;
- TheologyOnline's psychologist Zakath in a 10-round moderated written online debate, also available in soft cover;
- TOL's member who calls himself Fool; 3-28-06;
- John Henderson who wrote the book 6-15-2006;
- Carlos Morales, Fox News, Huffington Post, etc. reports on U of Texas atheists Bible-turn in program, president of Atheist Agenda 7-14-10
- Freedom from Religion Foundation's Dan Barker (put the atheist sign near the Nativity at the capitol in Seattle) who was involved with the ministry of Kathryn Kuhlman, one of a group of so-called faith healers. (See a BEL listener who initially compared Bob to Benny Hinn until...) The BEL show was on 12-11-08;
- Michael Shermer, an editor with Scientific American and the Skeptic Society who in in this famous 73-second excerpt on BEL denied that the sun is a light, illustrating that it's tough debating atheists when they're hesitant to admit to even the most obvious common ground. 8-28-03

* Today's Resource: Give a science Christimas Gift and get free shipping!
Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out especially Walt Brown's
In the Beginning and Bob's interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You'll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez' Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media's Unlocking the Mystery of Life You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart's Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's debate about Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott; And the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins! And Bob strongly recommends that you subscribe to CMI's tremendous Creation magazine!
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I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Dawkins--Open mouth in goes foot.:jawdrop: The randomization game is really going to hurt the evolution theory.

I have played with AI bots on websites quite often. They are not self aware. They say bizarre things in conversations. To have a completely lucid conversation the program, or the robot needs to have consciousness.

Soft tissue T-Rex 'fossils' are pretty cool!

Evolution= loss of genetic information. A beetle will always be a beetle. On a windy island, the ones with the wingless mutation will survive.

I googled Hong Kong's Noah's Ark. It's beautiful!

Boat = 8 mouths to feed in Chinese-- Pretty cool!


New member
Dawkins needs to retire. He is much too angry of a man to be making scientific claims without presuppositions concerning personal agendas against ID.

Is it bad if I don't pity the man?

Evolution= loss of genetic information. A beetle will always be a beetle. On a windy island, the ones with the wingless mutation will survive.

Caution, because macro evolution allows for the addition of "new" information by more means than just mutation.

Remember that truly studied evolutionists claim to have evidence on their side. They won't say a thing until they believe they have evidence to back it up.

The wingless beetles won't be able to escape as many types of predators on the contrary..


New member
Remember that truly studied evolutionists claim to have evidence on their side. They won't say a thing until they believe they have evidence to back it up.
As opposed to creationists who routinely repeat claims which agree with their preconceived ideas without checking for any evidence at all.


New member
Evolution= loss of genetic information.

Wrong, but you do not have the intellectual honesty to even investigate other than blindly following Pastor Bob, et al.

If you are going to join the discussion you should at least have the correct definition, not a made up creo-fundy one. Evolution = the change in allele frequency in a population over time.


New member
As opposed to creationists who routinely repeat claims which agree with their preconceived ideas without checking for any evidence at all.

Even the stars prove out everything said in the Bible... Star of Bethlehem There is a big difference between True Science and the religion of science...evolutionists indeed worship...that which they know not. Then they go and applaud each other for not knowing. And want the rest of the world to pay for their parties. What a crock.


New member
Wrong, but you do not have the intellectual honesty to even investigate other than blindly following Pastor Bob, et al.

If you are going to join the discussion you should at least have the correct definition, not a made up creo-fundy one. Evolution = the change in allele frequency in a population over time.

What the heck do you think evolution is? It IS a credo-fundy bunch of garbage invented by their own little peabrains WITH NO EVIDENCE other than what they make up, and they can't even stick to that. Our proofs have never changed. That is why they are "repeated". Oh gee, isn't that what True Science is? Having the ability to repeat the experiment with the exact same outcomes? I believe it is! And Evolution is NOT True Sciences as Science is to be known. Evolution is NOT a repeatable experiment, nor can it be so. Keep trying, I am sure you will come up with a million more "theories" before you can grasp the Truth of the matters which are for Kings and Priests to search out. Since you don't believe that, you can't search it out, simple really. :shut:


New member
Hall of Fame
Why at all should the Enyarts of the world think the pressure is on the Richard Dawkins of the world?:rotfl:


New member
And Evolution is NOT True Sciences as Science is to be known. Evolution is NOT a repeatable experiment, nor can it be so.
According to this understanding of "true science" not only would evolution not be science but so to would astrophysics, astronomy in general or geology not be "true science". To top it off even if creationism is correct according to your definition it wouldn't be called science either!

Perhaps you should rethink your poor conception of what the scientific method is.
Keep trying, I am sure you will come up with a million more "theories" before you can grasp the Truth of the matters which are for Kings and Priests to search out.
Yeah because kings and priest have provided sooooo much useful knowledge over the last few millennium... Actually no, they haven't ever even come to a consensus over their principle claims let alone provide anything else. And the popularity of various ideas seems to have been dependent more on politics, economics, military power and migration/birth rates rather than debates.


New member
Why at all should the Enyarts of the world think the pressure is on the Richard Dawkins of the world?:rotfl:

Well bubby, satan ain't gonna rule here much longer. When you hear boom boom, that's when both you and dawkins will feel the presures, lol. You want to play Jump with all your froggy frogs. When the head gets crushed by my King's heel, you'll get it. When He returns with His Armies, oh you'll get it allright. Then you will see AND understand! And you will remember then, every single person who ever came to you with His Words. And every word too. The only difference between you and I, is that I have chosen to do so now. I can see the LOVE with which this ALL has had to come to be, and I understand it with my whole heart. I can't find any blame in Yah for what He must do now. My prayers include the He does indeed "cut short" the time upon us. Even for you. I pray you believe before you feel His wrath. I pray your ears are opened to HIS WORDS and not all the boneheads that lead away from those words. Those words are ALL for YOU TOO. It is up to YOU to ASK THE FATHER. But first...FIRST..."you must believe He exists", or my prayers go to a face turned away from you. If you can find that in you, then pick up His Book, preferably one with His Name IN IT. One that doesn't "come in another's name". And go off to be with Him, in secret, and ask for the One He said, He would send, that WILL "teach you all things". And then "wait" as He said. Read it all as it is a BOOK. One end to the other. And "listen". Forget all you think you know now, humble yourself as before the CREATOR of "all created things". And you will see. It's not hard. Put away worldly thinking, and ask to see things through HIS EYES.

And you would be fine, I'm sure. Then when you find yourself to be loved by the Creator of all created things, you will understand. When you can accept the truth, HE wants you for a son, then you will see the love of this whole thing from beginning to end.

I ask Him. Even what to say to you. This time I did. I'm sorry I didn't do so before in talking to you. My fault, a bad reaction to the word "atheist". No excuse. So I hope you consider what I'm trying to say, even though I have been a jerk to you before. We have all been lied to, and I am sure we all suffer from every lie ever told. But this is the time for seeking truth. It really is. But from HIM. One thing I have learned, I can't help anyone. Either I send them to Him, or they will never get helped. And that is what I want for "seek His face". And "find it". I pray you do.


New member
But first...FIRST..."you must believe He exists", or my prayers go to a face turned away from you.
How do we decide to believe he exists if we don't already believe he exists? And why would we do this if we didn't already believe it? All your threats about why we should only work if we already believe, otherwise they are empty.

For that matter how do we know which god "He" is? How do we know it is your one? You obviously have no ability to put yourself in another shoes.
If you can find that in you, then pick up His Book, preferably one with His Name IN IT. One that doesn't "come in another's name".
How do we know which one that is? We can't just trust you. We can't just hope for a revelation because that can lead to any of them. So... what then?
And you would be fine, I'm sure. Then when you find yourself to be loved by the Creator of all created things, you will understand.
So we wont understand why we should believe until after we believe... seems convenient for you and a nightmare for anyone trying to figure out which claim is the true one to believe. It ends up turning finding truth into a game of chance, pick the wrong god and oops, game over.
I ask Him. Even what to say to you. This time I did.
His advice sucked then.


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
Wrong, but you do not have the intellectual honesty to even investigate other than blindly following Pastor Bob, et al.

If you are going to join the discussion you should at least have the correct definition, not a made up creo-fundy one. Evolution = the change in allele frequency in a population over time.

You are just looking for people to convert to your godless ideology. I have been to college and rejected it. End of discussion.


New member
Welllllllllllllll...ok then. I reckon you athiests told me huh. I already knew what your response would be...currently. He will change your minds. His Name is Yah, and His Son's Name is Yahu'Shua. For His Name's sake you will be told the truth, as He says, "this time". When that time comes? Well, it might have just come. John 17 tells you who it is that brings the Father's Name. You have been told now. And yes, there is indeed a clock, the whole of the Bible are the points in time, and they go round and round until the clock runs out. The runout has been foretold, and history proves it out, and the names of the stars in the sky verifiy the Bible...along with their exact locations throughout time. All the eclipses during the "Appointed times" of the Jews are classed by world events. Those are Yahuweh's Appointed times, and man can not change them. He said they would "attempt" to, but it can not be changed. The sky proves the Word so that "man has no excuse". Not even those who don't believe the Bible, because they believe their sciences, and their sciences prove it out too. Those that are not "theories" that is. So hey, I ain't got to spend time talking to walls that have no ears. You will ALL get the truth, when it is "due season" for YOU. Remember then, "by their own words they will be condemned." If you had listened to HIS, that would not be for you. When condemnation comes, it will surely be by your own words. Not by mine, not by Joe Churchy's, but by your own words that are not in agreement with the Words of Yahuweh and His Son, and His "Witnesses". I pray you change, because Yahuweh doesn't.
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