ECT R.C. Sproul: Dispensationalism Brought Us The ‘Carnal Christian'.


New member
So Sproul's disgraced son is a dispensationalist?

Actually, he'd be closer to a cross between someone who holds either to Progressive Dispensationalism, or to New Covenant Theology - both of which erroneously seek, and miserably fail, to somehow harmonize Reformed Theology with Dispensational Theology.

In short, the kind of mis-fire in attempting to think a thing through, that a great deal of time invested in books supposedly based on Scripture, results in - the traditions of men such end up "reasoning" one thing or another through.

In contrast to the old, ever relable Acts 17: 11, 12.


New member
Geez you can be one-sided and obtuse.

So be it.

You posted misrepresentations - to which I responded with more than ample evidence beyond a mere soundbyte, that showed that you haven't a clue what you are talking about

You come back with this absolute nonsense.

Your own thread proves you both an incompetent and a willful misrepresenter of other's views, once more.

I know I was more than fair with you.

I leave you to your wilful self-deception til you are willing to be honest.

2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

Rom. 5: 6-8.

Sorry but you never understood the thread. You didn't even manage to understand that Sproul wasn't talking about hyperdispensationalists.
Your long thesis style posts that are mostly irrelevant to the thread topics, and laced with personal character evaluations get a bit tiresome, even for your own mad crew.


New member
Sorry but you never understood the thread. You didn't even manage to understand that Sproul wasn't talking about hyperdispensationalists.
Your long thesis style posts that are mostly irrelevant to the thread topics, and laced with personal character evaluations get a bit tiresome, even for your own mad crew.


I pointed out to northwye sometime ago on TOL, and more than once (and even did a thread on it) that the book by Gerstner (that Sproul mentions having written the Preface on), is a critique of Acts 2 Dispensationalism.

What little Gerstner mentioned about Mid-Acts he confused with Acts 28 Dispensationalism.

I'm more than aware of what Sproul was prattling on about.

Rom. 5: 6-8 - in each our stead.