Questions for Arians


Well-known member
No record of 'man' ever indwelling another man, nor man's spirit indewlling another

No record of 'man' ever indwelling another man, nor man's spirit indewlling another

Wrapping up this question: Only demons and God have ever taken possession of men. The Lord Jesus Christ, then, dwells in man. It would be redundant to have the Father and Son indwelling man. One would have to equal the other John 10:30 Colossians 1:27

An Arian/Unitarian can argue until they are blue in this thread, but the scriptures are what I appeal to when addressing or readdressing. God's Word matters and doesn't return void.

Question 2 for the thread:

When you look in a mirror, who is it you see in your reflection? Is the reflection you?

Because of this ("yes" answer), I believe it proves the Lord Jesus Christ is God. Please know, I understand the problems inherent in the opposite in John 20:17, but only 11 verses later, we are forced again to see the Lord Jesus Christ as John 1:1 says: Both, 'was with' AND 'was' God. This, encapsulated, is the Trinitarian (triune) position.

You'll note I answered this question for you. I don't believe anyone can deny that the one in the mirror is you. When you are looking at you, you are looking at yourself. Colossians 1:15