Put Her in the Slammer and Trow Away the Keys

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The difference is, one is supposition, the other is a claim to fact. It is, in fact, entirely plausible that Clinton's email server was secured as well as or better than a federal system would be.

The FBI expressly says that there’s no proof that any attempted hack on Hillary Clinton’s personal email account was successful. But the report also makes very clear that they found evidence that someone was trying to break into what was almost certainly a weaker defense than the government systems Clinton would have been using under the normal channels.

The Clinton family’s private server was hacked successfully at least once by an unknown person using a service called "Tor." The hacker using "Tor" was only confirmed to have broken into the emails of an aide to Bill Clinton (the FBI doesn’t say if Hillary Clinton’s emails were ever hacked by this person).


Are we supposed to believe that China attempted to break into Hillary's system but they didn't know how?

Grow up children and smell the coffee!

What Hillary did was 1000000 x Worse than anything Trump has ever done!


New member

The FBI expressly says that there’s no proof that any attempted hack on Hillary Clinton’s personal email account was successful. But the report also makes very clear that they found evidence that someone was trying to break into what was almost certainly a weaker defense than the government systems Clinton would have been using under the normal channels.

The Clinton family’s private server was hacked successfully at least once by an unknown person using a service called "Tor." The hacker using "Tor" was only confirmed to have broken into the emails of an aide to Bill Clinton (the FBI doesn’t say if Hillary Clinton’s emails were ever hacked by this person).


Are we supposed to believe that China attempted to break into Hillary's system but they didn't know how?

Grow up children and smell the coffee!

What Hillary did was 1000000 x Worse than anything Trump has ever done!

They definitely know how to try, but there's no guarantee that they would have succeeded. It is entirely possible to keep a private email server secure. Evidence of attempts to break into a system, via Tor or not, is common, because there are a lot of groups, both private and state actors, who try to break into anything and everything. And the fact that they penetrated one account most likely reflects that one person either had their password compromised or didn't use a strong enough password, which is hardly a failing of the server admins.
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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
They definitely know how to try, but there's no guarantee that they would have succeeded. It is entirely possible to keep a private email server secure.

"All government employees who access classified information must attend mandatory classroom instruction on the safe handling of classified information. Having worked for the federal government in a “position of trust and confidence," and with the highest security clearance, I am appalled at the way this situation has been handled. If I had even accidentally carried a piece of classified information outside of a protected area, I would have been prosecuted and sent to jail. So where is the accountability? Why is it different for high-ranking government officials?

Hillary disregarded all these things by sharing and exposing classified information on an unsecured and unauthorized server in an off-site location. The law is written that such an act violates several federal statutes, all felonies. As such, that official should be prosecuted. A jury convicts. The person goes to jail. Case closed."


Case closed and Hillary goes to jail where she belongs!

And just watch all of the liberals who are calling for Trump's head without any evidence just ignore and excuse Hillary's illegal actions which are well documented!

The Democratic party is the party of lawlessness!



"All government employees who access classified information must attend mandatory classroom instruction on the safe handling of classified information. Having worked for the federal government in a “position of trust and confidence," and with the highest security clearance, I am appalled at the way this situation has been handled. If I had even accidentally carried a piece of classified information outside of a protected area, I would have been prosecuted and sent to jail. So where is the accountability? Why is it different for high-ranking government officials?

Hillary disregarded all these things by sharing and exposing classified information on an unsecured and unauthorized server in an off-site location. The law is written that such an act violates several federal statutes, all felonies. As such, that official should be prosecuted. A jury convicts. The person goes to jail. Case closed."


Case closed and Hillary goes to jail where she belongs!

And just watch all of the liberals who are calling for Trump's head without any evidence just ignore and excuse Hillary's illegal actions which are well documented!

The Democratic party is the party of lawlessness!

sooo much hate.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
sooo much hate.

I am a person who happens to believe in EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL!

The USA is a nation of "laws" and no one is above the law.

In regard to Hillary's crimes the Dems and liberals and progressives prove that the care nothing about equal justice for all!

And you are quick to label anyone who would actually speak up for "equal justice for all" as a hater!


So Jerry, I assume you think that David Patreus should have gone to the pokey. He gave top secret info to his lover, took secret docs to his house, kept them in an insecure place.
How much jail time should he have gotten?


I am a person who happens to believe in EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL!

The USA is a nation of "laws" and no one is above the law.

In regard to Hillary's crimes the Dems and liberals and progressives prove that the care nothing about equal justice for all!

And you are quick to label anyone who would actually speak up for "equal justice for all" as a hater!

Your position on Trumps tweet re Duncan Hunter and Chris Collins. You know the one where he is angry at Sessions for allowing indictments of these two crooks so close to the mid-terms. Should Justice have waited?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
So Jerry, I assume you think that David Patreus should have gone to the pokey. He gave top secret info to his lover, took secret docs to his house, kept them in an insecure place.
How much jail time should he have gotten?

I never said that Patreus deserved any special treatment because I don't believe that he does. The same goes for Hillary.

Again, I believe in EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL. No exceptions. Otherwise, the USA will just become another banana republic.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I never said that Patreus deserved any special treatment because I don't believe that he does. The same goes for Hillary.

Again, I believe in EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL. No exceptions. Otherwise, the USA will just become another banana republic.

Sentiments echoed here:



Well-known member
I am a person who happens to believe in EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL!

The USA is a nation of "laws" and no one is above the law.

In regard to Hillary's crimes the Dems and liberals and progressives prove that the care nothing about equal justice for all!

And you are quick to label anyone who would actually speak up for "equal justice for all" as a hater!

The libs are pros at name calling. It's all they have......