Purpose of the Chat Box?


New member
The "Chat Box" was, in times past, a lively, mostly friendly place to exchange fun or interesting comments. Tambora, Inzl and A4T introduced all kinds of delightful emoticons. Many posters had uplifting thoughts to share.
Now, it has degenerated into a verbal club wielding session wherein people attempt to show how bad everyone else's faith walk is.
I really enjoyed the positive posts and would like to see a return to those exchanges.


Well-known member
The "Chat Box" was, in times past, a lively, mostly friendly place to exchange fun or interesting comments. Tambora, Inzl and A4T introduced all kinds of delightful emoticons. Many posters had uplifting thoughts to share.
Now, it has degenerated into a verbal club wielding session wherein people attempt to show how bad everyone else's faith walk is.
I really enjoyed the positive posts and would like to see a return to those exchanges.

Yep, it used to be fun.
I rarely even look there anymore.


Jesus servants take seriously about everything they do, even in the chat box.

It should not be just for people who are not interested in spirituality.


This is Christian forum. Christians should behave like Jesus' servant, even in the chat box.


Well-known member
I just saw a commercial where a guy had agreed to move his grandmother's belongings to another place.
She didn't tell him about the Mynah bird which was now endlessly repeating the same phrases in his passenger seat.


Well-known member
The "Chat Box" was, in times past, a lively, mostly friendly place to exchange fun or interesting comments. Tambora, Inzl and A4T introduced all kinds of delightful emoticons. Many posters had uplifting thoughts to share.
Now, it has degenerated into a verbal club wielding session wherein people attempt to show how bad everyone else's faith walk is.
I really enjoyed the positive posts and would like to see a return to those exchanges.
The "Bickersons" are a family that has never been potty-trained. So wherever they show up, they leave a smelly mess. Especially when they get to fighting and throwing poop at each other. :DK:


New member
The "Bickersons" are a family that has never been potty-trained. So wherever they show up, they leave a smelly mess. Especially when they get to fighting and throwing poop at each other. :DK:

They were humorous! What goes on in the Chatbox right now is not at all humorous.


New member
I just saw a commercial where a guy had agreed to move his grandmother's belongings to another place.
She didn't tell him about the Mynah bird which was now endlessly repeating the same phrases in his passenger seat.

ibidibidibidibidibidibid.......................................................and so on....:chuckle:


New member
Jesus servants take seriously about everything they do, even in the chat box.

It should not be just for people who are not interested in spirituality.

If only, even for just a moment, you would leave the word "should" out of your comments....


Hall of Fame
I have no problem what anyone says to me. We are all accountable for everything we say or do.

You should allow me to decorate your hat. May I ... pretty please? I'll make it sparkle. :)