Prove That Sunday Is The Christian Sabbath


New member
Which scriptures would you like?

Wow...explains your inability to retain instructions on scripture if you cant even recall the ones you refer to wishing they say what you wish wish them to say.

Namely these

“The scriptures say plainly that special days are worthless and not to let anyone judge you by it; and, if you are a Jew preaching we have to do it, then you are a bitter root. If you are someone talked into doing it, then you have fallen from grace.

Just ask for the scriptures again if you don't remember them.”

And for good measure I asked you to also post where it says “do no murder” is also worthless as you kept on about murder is worthless and even asking me if I keep that commandment...


New member
We have to obey.
only if we love Him and wish to abide in His love and live as He did...and asked us to in following Him His way to do the will of His Father...

You need to obey the part about special days being worthless.
special days are not worthless and there is no part stating there is...

It always saves to obey.
no one kept it one was saved doing so...

So are you admitting we do not have to observe the Sabbath?
I dont have to...I WANT TO...

You are as stiffnecked as the rest of them...we dont have to keep any of them...we want to...our faith and belief compels us to realizing what was done for us...and now we are bought by Him we are not our own but His to live as new creatures IN HIM HIS EXACTLY what the Spirit guides us INTO DOING=the will of the FATHER

Simply WWJD...100% not 9/10 or less

Hebrews were saved because they were descendants from one promised not for ANYTHING THEY DID...saved first THEN given the LAW to define exactly WHO THEY WERE...HIS PEOPLE...and Heb 4:9 is exactly clear a sabbatismos (a coined word used to specify to greek speaking jews their Sabbath keeping remained) remains for HIS PEOPLE.

You wear HIS YOKE you do HIS WORK as and JUST AS He did...keeping His Father’s commandments to remain in His love

That means live HIS FAITH WALK...if He did it you do it...

He instructed you Love as you have been loved and His Love never included Ham dinners after Sunday church...

In fact His love showed concern that during future times of trouble He instructed prayers that Sabbath be anxiously fleeing running for our lives is not enjoying the day of rest given to us by His love...