Poverty is a person....oh yes

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
I'm talking about whole provences turning to the Lord in a sweep.....It's floods as opposed to Baptist piddles

I didn't mean ALL as in 100 % but the work of God worth talking about...and it is not denominational [clear your head] it is Pentecostal...as in the Holy Ghost

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Either this statement is true, or its a lie, there is no inbetween on something like this:

Clear your head, I am not talking denominations but the Holy Ghost.

The MILLIONS I am talking about are all saved by the Holy Ghost being poured out in a new way.


Clear your head, I am not talking denominations but the Holy Ghost.

The MILLIONS I am talking about are all saved by the Holy Ghost being poured out in a new way.
The term "Holy Ghost" is a theological term which has been overlaid onto men's experience of the divine. It is an interpretation. It is a meaning assigned to certain sacred and holy experiences.

As a man-made term, it is going to have its limitations.