POTD 9/9/10

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New member
you've got to admit that you have libido dominandi, or, "leader fever" as I like to call it. You want to control, have authority, and force others to live a lifestyle that you think they should live. Whatever your intentions, be they Biblical, caring, and honest, you just can't do that. For one, people will resist your control. Two, forcing them into compliance contradicts the very principles you would claim as justifications for your control. And three, it denies the fundamental, inalienable, and natural rights of man: life, liberty, and property. I'm sorry buddy, but authoritarianism is always on the wrong side of history, and mainly for the three reasons I just listed.


So true. I removed the name of the addressee just because it is true in the most general sense and since it could be applied to many, many individuals.
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