Potd 8/17/04

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New member
Originally posted by lighthouse

It is not that the blood of Christ will make us perfect. It is that the blood of Christ has already made us perfect, when we accept Him. "It is finished."

For us to be perfect means, not that we do not "sin" but that we are blameless in His sight. That which we call sin is no longer counted against us. Yes God knows what it's like to be human, and He knows that we can not not sin, on our own. That's why He sent Christ to die, so that we can be made righteous through His righteousness. We are perfect. Maybe not in the eyes of mankind, but in the eyes of God, and that's all that matters. "For man judges on the outward appearance, but God judges the heart."

He came for us all because no one is perfect or righteous, so he came to make us perfect and righteous through His righteousness, because of His grace...because He loves us.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Excellent! :up:

It is unbelievable that so few understand the gospel of grace.

Resting in Him,
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