Ph.D in Pot & the G.H.W. Bush Legacy


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Recreational marijuana is now legal in 10 states, but medical marijuana is legal in 33. So clearly there are lots of people who favor medical but oppose recreational. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Uh, no. Correlation does not equal causation.

Just because more states have legalized medical compared to those who have legalized recreational does NOT mean that people favor medical AND OPPOSE recreational.

See links above.


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Recreational marijuana is now legal in 10 states, but medical marijuana is legal in 33. So clearly there are lots of people who favor medical but oppose recreational. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Basically, you've made a non-sequitur.

Perhaps you should dump what's in your pipe and get sober for a bit while we discuss this.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
One thing you don't seem to understand (among many) is that recreational marijuana and medical marijuana are completely separate issues.


Medical pot probably accounts for less than 1 percent of consumption. The main reason behind decriminalization is so pot heads can consume without fear of legal repercussions.

That they are "separate" issues is a distraction from the serious matter of law and justice. But feel free to just keep smoking. :rolleyes:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Recreational marijuana is now legal in 10 states, but medical marijuana is legal in 33. So clearly there are lots of people who favor medical but oppose recreational. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Noope. It's simply a case of potheads pushing their agenda by any means necessary. I bet you can't name one person who will say they they favor medical, but oppose recreational.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
How about the 10+ entire states that only allow medicinal marijuana?
Did someone say they didn't? :idunno:

If someone suffered from severe pain would you prefer they use a prescribed opioid or prescribed marijuana?

"Life is pain, Princess. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something."


New member
I bet you can't name one person who will say they they favor medical, but oppose recreational.
How about the 10+ entire states that only allow medicinal marijuana?
Did someone say they didn't? :idunno:

Then, legally speaking, these entire states favor medicinal marijuana but oppose recreational marijuana. Correct?

"Life is pain, Princess. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something."
[MENTION=5754]TomO[/MENTION]? Is that you? :chuckle:

Still a non-answer. When you have a headache or muscle pain, etc do you take a pain reliever? Do you recognize that there is an opioid epidemic with thousands dying from accidental overdose? If that same person could manage their pain with a non-lethal and far less addictive alternative, wouldn't that be preferred?


New member
seems like a simple challenge :idunno:


surely in those 10+ entire states you can find one person to name
Do you actually find it hard to believe that a person would support medicinal marijuana use and oppose legalizing recreational use?

Rauner: Yes to medical marijuana, still no to recreational

Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner continues to walk the line on marijuana in the state.

The same week that the Illinois Department of Public Health said 44,000 people in the state have asked for a medical marijuana card, Rauner once again said he’s OK with medical marijuana.

The governor proudly stood by a new law that he signed to allow people to swap an opioid prescription for a medical marijuana script.

“We studied the issue of whether we should make [marijuana] available for chronic pain. We studied it because there are pros and cons because cannabis is addictive,” Rauner said. “But we signed a law that basically said where opioids would otherwise be prescribed, we want to make medical cannabis available. Because it is less addictive than opioids.”

But the governor remains opposed to recreational marijuana because he says it’s just a massive social experiment, and no one know what’s going to happen.

I bet you can't name one person who will say they they favor medical, but oppose recreational.

Rauner once again said he’s OK with medical marijuana but the governor remains opposed to recreational marijuana. :noway:

I like big but's. Let's hear em.

Recreational marijuana is now legal in 10 states, but medical marijuana is legal in 33. So clearly there are lots of people who favor medical but oppose recreational. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.



i believe it was the dread pirate roberts aka westley :)
My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Noope. It's simply a case of potheads pushing their agenda by any means necessary. I bet you can't name one person who will say they they favor medical, but oppose recreational.

"Eighty-three percent of Americans surveyed recently said that doctors should be able to prescribe marijuana to patients, according to the results of a Yahoo/Marist poll published Monday. Only 14 percent said they oppose legalizing medical marijuana, and 4 percent said they weren’t sure either way.

However, 49 percent of individuals surveyed said they support legalizing recreational marijuana, compared to 47 percent who said they disapprove."


Well-known member
Then my question to you is this:

At what point does the government (who's responsibility it is to protect the innocent from the criminals) say that a criminal should not be given any more chances to comply with the law?

5th chance?


How consistent and effective is it to say, "this is your last chance" multiple times?

Where is the cut-off point for the criminal who is unwilling to be a productive member of society and who is putting others at risk because of his selfish behavior?

Are we talking about people who do drugs, or criminals who steal, rape, murder ( in other words, violates the non aggression principal)?


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Are we talking about people who do drugs, or criminals who steal, rape, murder ( in other words, violates the non aggression principal)?
Considering that rape and murder are capital crimes and the punishment for such is execution, then those are clearly not crimes I'm talking about.

Theft and doing drugs (not for medicinal reasons) arecrimes, but the punishment is not death.

How many times should the thief be punished before being deemed uncompliant? The drug addict?


Well-known member
Considering that rape and murder are capital crimes and the punishment for such is execution, then those are clearly not crimes I'm talking about.

Theft and doing drugs (not for medicinal reasons) arecrimes, but the punishment is not death.

How many times should the thief be punished before being deemed uncompliant? The drug addict?

Theft is a crime.....what one wants to put in his body is not....stupid, yes..criminal, no


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[putting harmful substances in one's body is not a crime]

Sure it is, especially when those substances causes the one who partook of it to act in a manner that could potentially kill someone.

God does not expect society to tolerate such dangerous behavior.

Let's take pot for an example.

Pot causes damage to one's body, and the second-hand smoke can be dangerous to others.

Doc, do you know what the punishment is in the Bible for causing permanent injury to someone?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Sure it is, especially when those substances causes the one who partook of it to act in a manner that could potentially kill someone.

That applies to alcohol in spades.

Pot causes damage to one's body, and the second-hand smoke can be dangerous to others.

That applies to tobacco in spades.

do you know what the punishment is in the Bible for causing permanent injury to someone?

Do you?