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Okay here we go with a testimony that'll be ripped apart by the hyper disps, but ho hum that's unimportant LOL
What I want to do is talk a little bit about my own experiece with the pentecostal journey, which was very far from smooth sailing, as you'll soon see.
I'm a word faith charismatic pentecostal, and was brought up in an AOG church, was born again when I was about 21 I guess, and returned to the church that I grew up in. Now, here's the problem.
From the moment I started going to church again, I wanted to speak in tongues really badly, and experience what the church taught as the baptism in the Holy Spirit where we become powerful witnesses for Christ, invigorated with a Holy boldness, and have the ability to do great and marvelous things. I read various books about it, heard numerous testimonies, loads of sermons etc....but for some reason it wouldn't happen to me. This is why I feel led to talk about my own struggle, because it's obvious that many people struggle to understand the baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. I had numerous people pray for me, slap me on the head, anoint me with oil, preach at me, try and push me down on the floor. But nothing, zilch, nadda. There was no way I was going to perform for anyone. If God had something for me, it was going to be all God.
I even sat by my bed at night asking God to fill me with the Spirit, and sit there with my mouth open waiting for God to fill it, but nothing. Even feeling the anointing strongly, and sensing God in my room next to me so strong I was reluctant to open my eyes. But nothing happened.'s the danger when nothing happens. Some people may say that if God won't fill you with the Holy Spirit, there's a problem.
SIN. Oh dear. Either unconfessed sin, or sin that is unashamedly still being committed. Phrases like, "God won't fill a dirty vessel" were spoken, as well as stories of people who went back and put something right that they had done before they were saved etc. All this stuff that I thought was taken care of through faith in Christ was suddenly thrown back in my face. And it sent me down a 3 year battle with extreme legalism, and this was bondage. I looked at my life and was determined to get rid of every impurity that I saw that could possibly be a hindrance to God filling me with the Holy Spirit. All this did was give the devil a lisence to have fun pointing out my every weakness, and kicking me all over the place. Because if you focus on sin, you give it power to dominate your mind, and you begin to see it more and more in yourself and other people. Through this I opened my self up to religious critical spirits, and was totally miserable, but carried on regardless.
Then while in my car one morning I had an experience where I was certain God filled me with the Spirit, because I was filled with a new found zeal and boldness, and would get tremendous personal revelation when reading the bible, and also had a desire to interpret tongues when in church. However, because I didn't speak in tongues, this experience of mine was rejected by my pastor. To him I was not baptized in the Holy Spirit because I didn't speak in tongues. So now I was confused. This then began a two year battle with people in the church where I tried to convince everyone I was filled with the Spirit, but that the gift of tongues was not necessarily for everyone. This was flat out rejected, and so to add to a religious critical spirit, I was becoming embittered. Struggling with legalism, feeling rejected by God, and rejected by the church, and scorned by the devil.
This is why many people leave the pentecostal church. I got beaten up so bad I later had to wrestle with a demon for a week in order to be free of bitterness and being critical about everything.
Eventually I was burned out and stopped going to church, and didn't care any more. Strangely, I actually felt the love of God more when feeling as a failure, then when I was a zealous pharisee. When you stop trying to be accepted, that's when you lean entirely on the grace of God. I was taught that when you give up, the Holy Spirit will leave you until you repent and return. Bad Bad doctrine.
Ok this part is going to shock people here, but my intent in saying this is to help people who have, are now, or will go through the same mess I went through. About 15 years ago I became friendly with a christian woman who was married, although she was going through a divorce. I was miserable, she was miserable, and we both found comfort in each other. I am in no way trying to defend or excuse myself for being totally irresponsible, but at the time was clinging to the one person who believed in me. You see, the 'salvation on a string' doctrine is extremely deadly, because if you think God has abandoned you, well then you'll just continue the course of living as a failure.
By being in an ungodly relationship, I was so full of guilt and shame, and yet could really sense God's love stronger than at any other time. And this totally confused me. Amazing how the love of God will never give you up no matter how bad things get, as long as you're at least not fighting the shame and defending sin. As I slowly began to draw more on the strength that God loved me regardless, it gave me a strength to alter the relationship with my lady friend to where we were friends only, and that she needed time and space to sort her life out.
While attending a church in America there was a visiting minister who spoke a word over me. I was reluctant for him to do it because I was unimpressed with him and his sermon to be honest, but someone in the church dragged me up to this guy. He didn't know who I was, or where I was from, but as he spoke a prophecy over me, I listened objectively, and then went home thinking about it. The next day as I sat on the garden swing thinking about that word, I got an awesome understanding of how much God loved me. In a sense, I shouldn't have needed to understand this from the word spoken over me, but with everything that happened, I must have really been struggling to really accept God's love fully.
Now this is absolutely key to receiving anything from God. I can't stress this enough. God is love, and those that come to him must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Without God's love, faith has no chance because faith works by love.
After about month I returned to England and still flying high walking in God's love. I went for a walk in the country one sunny afternoon, and had this strong desire to worship God in the Spirit, but when I tried to speak, it was in English. This was frustrating. With no one around I just spoke a few words in gobbledygook that was 100% flesh, and I kinda laughed at myself for being so stupid. Out of pure frustration I then poured out a sentence of complete nonsense, but this time it felt different. I knew inside that what came out came from within, and as i took a deep breath and spoke again, a mixture of English and gibberish flowed out until eventually a language that I had never learned was flowing out of me, and I just had no desire to stop, and neither did it feel stupid. It was the most natural thing in the world.
It was flowing out of me all the way home. Awesome!
So there it is. I could have done that years before, but because of bad theology, poor appreciation of God's love, struggling with bitterness, criticism, rejection etc.... it was all a hindrance. But because I refuse to become hardhearted with scripture, I kept an open mind.
Okay get ready for the mockers to rip all this apart, but to those seeking who have struggled or are struggling, hopefully this will give you encouragement.
What I want to do is talk a little bit about my own experiece with the pentecostal journey, which was very far from smooth sailing, as you'll soon see.
I'm a word faith charismatic pentecostal, and was brought up in an AOG church, was born again when I was about 21 I guess, and returned to the church that I grew up in. Now, here's the problem.
From the moment I started going to church again, I wanted to speak in tongues really badly, and experience what the church taught as the baptism in the Holy Spirit where we become powerful witnesses for Christ, invigorated with a Holy boldness, and have the ability to do great and marvelous things. I read various books about it, heard numerous testimonies, loads of sermons etc....but for some reason it wouldn't happen to me. This is why I feel led to talk about my own struggle, because it's obvious that many people struggle to understand the baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. I had numerous people pray for me, slap me on the head, anoint me with oil, preach at me, try and push me down on the floor. But nothing, zilch, nadda. There was no way I was going to perform for anyone. If God had something for me, it was going to be all God.
I even sat by my bed at night asking God to fill me with the Spirit, and sit there with my mouth open waiting for God to fill it, but nothing. Even feeling the anointing strongly, and sensing God in my room next to me so strong I was reluctant to open my eyes. But nothing happened.'s the danger when nothing happens. Some people may say that if God won't fill you with the Holy Spirit, there's a problem.
SIN. Oh dear. Either unconfessed sin, or sin that is unashamedly still being committed. Phrases like, "God won't fill a dirty vessel" were spoken, as well as stories of people who went back and put something right that they had done before they were saved etc. All this stuff that I thought was taken care of through faith in Christ was suddenly thrown back in my face. And it sent me down a 3 year battle with extreme legalism, and this was bondage. I looked at my life and was determined to get rid of every impurity that I saw that could possibly be a hindrance to God filling me with the Holy Spirit. All this did was give the devil a lisence to have fun pointing out my every weakness, and kicking me all over the place. Because if you focus on sin, you give it power to dominate your mind, and you begin to see it more and more in yourself and other people. Through this I opened my self up to religious critical spirits, and was totally miserable, but carried on regardless.
Then while in my car one morning I had an experience where I was certain God filled me with the Spirit, because I was filled with a new found zeal and boldness, and would get tremendous personal revelation when reading the bible, and also had a desire to interpret tongues when in church. However, because I didn't speak in tongues, this experience of mine was rejected by my pastor. To him I was not baptized in the Holy Spirit because I didn't speak in tongues. So now I was confused. This then began a two year battle with people in the church where I tried to convince everyone I was filled with the Spirit, but that the gift of tongues was not necessarily for everyone. This was flat out rejected, and so to add to a religious critical spirit, I was becoming embittered. Struggling with legalism, feeling rejected by God, and rejected by the church, and scorned by the devil.
This is why many people leave the pentecostal church. I got beaten up so bad I later had to wrestle with a demon for a week in order to be free of bitterness and being critical about everything.
Eventually I was burned out and stopped going to church, and didn't care any more. Strangely, I actually felt the love of God more when feeling as a failure, then when I was a zealous pharisee. When you stop trying to be accepted, that's when you lean entirely on the grace of God. I was taught that when you give up, the Holy Spirit will leave you until you repent and return. Bad Bad doctrine.
Ok this part is going to shock people here, but my intent in saying this is to help people who have, are now, or will go through the same mess I went through. About 15 years ago I became friendly with a christian woman who was married, although she was going through a divorce. I was miserable, she was miserable, and we both found comfort in each other. I am in no way trying to defend or excuse myself for being totally irresponsible, but at the time was clinging to the one person who believed in me. You see, the 'salvation on a string' doctrine is extremely deadly, because if you think God has abandoned you, well then you'll just continue the course of living as a failure.
By being in an ungodly relationship, I was so full of guilt and shame, and yet could really sense God's love stronger than at any other time. And this totally confused me. Amazing how the love of God will never give you up no matter how bad things get, as long as you're at least not fighting the shame and defending sin. As I slowly began to draw more on the strength that God loved me regardless, it gave me a strength to alter the relationship with my lady friend to where we were friends only, and that she needed time and space to sort her life out.
While attending a church in America there was a visiting minister who spoke a word over me. I was reluctant for him to do it because I was unimpressed with him and his sermon to be honest, but someone in the church dragged me up to this guy. He didn't know who I was, or where I was from, but as he spoke a prophecy over me, I listened objectively, and then went home thinking about it. The next day as I sat on the garden swing thinking about that word, I got an awesome understanding of how much God loved me. In a sense, I shouldn't have needed to understand this from the word spoken over me, but with everything that happened, I must have really been struggling to really accept God's love fully.
Now this is absolutely key to receiving anything from God. I can't stress this enough. God is love, and those that come to him must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Without God's love, faith has no chance because faith works by love.
After about month I returned to England and still flying high walking in God's love. I went for a walk in the country one sunny afternoon, and had this strong desire to worship God in the Spirit, but when I tried to speak, it was in English. This was frustrating. With no one around I just spoke a few words in gobbledygook that was 100% flesh, and I kinda laughed at myself for being so stupid. Out of pure frustration I then poured out a sentence of complete nonsense, but this time it felt different. I knew inside that what came out came from within, and as i took a deep breath and spoke again, a mixture of English and gibberish flowed out until eventually a language that I had never learned was flowing out of me, and I just had no desire to stop, and neither did it feel stupid. It was the most natural thing in the world.
It was flowing out of me all the way home. Awesome!
So there it is. I could have done that years before, but because of bad theology, poor appreciation of God's love, struggling with bitterness, criticism, rejection etc.... it was all a hindrance. But because I refuse to become hardhearted with scripture, I kept an open mind.
Okay get ready for the mockers to rip all this apart, but to those seeking who have struggled or are struggling, hopefully this will give you encouragement.