Pastor Kevin's SPOT 10-12-06 By: Daddyugi

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daddyugi said:
Hello chair,

I'm glad you agree that it seems Messianic in nature, indeed, a lot of Isaiah seems to be
filled with Messianic messages. One of the reasons is, like I've said before, everything is
to be taken in context. In Isaiah chapter 6, we see Isaiah's vision of God and it terrified
him. If we really see God as He is in this text, it should terrify us as well. Isaiah see
God as the angels see Him, Holy, Holy, Holy. He falls on his face and exclaims that he
is ruined. In our language, he'd be saying "I am so screwed" because of his sin and the
sin of his nation and because he had seen the King (not Elvis), and the LORD of hosts.
We see an angel take an ember from the alter and lay it on Isaiah's lips and tells him that
his iniquities is taken away and his sin forgiven. Then God speaks. "Whom shall I send
and who will go for Us?" Isaiah's response is "Here am I. Send me", and that is what
God did. God sent Isaiah to be His mouthpiece and He didn't just stop with the end of
Chapter 6. Isaiah continued to be God's mouthpiece giving prophesy for God and a big
portion of the prophesy was about the Messiah, the Redeemer of Isreal and of the world.
The context in Isaiah doesn't just start and stop with one or two verses. Isaiah is
continuing on from chapter to chapter so they are tied together. We see references as to
what is going to happen in the future, we see references to Messiah, we see times of
great trial and times of great Messianic conquests. They are woven throughout Isaiah
for a reason. Most of Isaiah is prophesy and we find Messiah in the midst of it.

I want to point your attention to chapter 11 again. We are told that Messiah will come
out of the stump of Jesse in verse 1 and that the "Root of Jesse will stand as a banner
for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his place of rest will be glorious", in verse
10. We see that Messiah is both the Root of Jesse and the shoot of Jesse. That brings
up the question "How can Messiah be both the Root and the shoot?" You might not
agree with the answer, I understand that most Jew don't believe that Messiah is Divine,
but if you look at Chapter 9 and verse 6 you'll see what I'm talking about. The Messiah
will be called "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
I want you to think about this for a little while.

God bless you.

Post #108 in "Convince Me"
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