Ottawa Cops Murder Cop who helped bust Roman Catholic Pedo-Ring


New member
Yes. You read that right:

The cop who assisted in an international investigation
which busted a huge Roman Catholic Child Sacrifice Murder Ring,
and resulted in over 1,000 arrests,
has been murdered inside the police station by his fellow pedo-cops.

Possible ITCCS source in Ottawa police dies suddenly after “incident”: “Ndrangheta may be clearing house” – Brussels

Posted on October 1, 2014


Staff Sergeant Kal Ghadban, head of the human trafficking unit of the Ottawa police and a possible supporter of the recent ITCCS “take down” of a Ninth Circle cult ritual in Montreal, died suddenly last Sunday at the Elgin street police station. Ottawa police are claiming he took his own life after suffering “serious injuries” following an “incident”, but have released no evidence of the circumstances around his death.

Ghadban was a married man with three children, with no history of depression or mental illness. He was rated by senior Ottawa police as an “impeccable and trustworthy policeman”.

The ITCCS central office has confirmed today that members of the Ottawa police did cooperate with their counterparts in Montreal in providing intelligence and logistical support to the ITCCS Direct Action “Alpha Unit” on August 15, when the Unit disrupted a planned ritual sacrifice by the catholic Ninth Circle cult at a wealthy home in Outremount.

“We are not free at this time to confirm whether Sergeant Ghadban was a direct part of our effort but it is safe to say that he knew of our actions and did nothing to impede them” said the Commander of the Alpha team today from Brussels.
“Personally, I think Ghadban’s death was a killing and it proves that Ndrangheta may be clearing house.”

The criminal syndicate Ndrangheta, based in Italy and tied closely to the Vatican, provides children for sacrificial rituals and human trafficking networks across the world. It has been named in a recent common law court case brought by the ITCCS against Pope Francis and other convicted felons.

The ITCCS central office is conducting a thorough investigation of Sergeant Ghadban’s death and will be issuing its own report, as part of the ongoing shut down of child trafficking and sacrificial murder.

Issued 1 October, 2014
ITCCS Central Office, Brussels

Pay attention aCW:

Unless you band together with the remaining non-homo cops left on the force everywhere,
you're all going to be murdered singly on your own by your peers,
who now form the biggest pedo-murder ring in the world.
WOW, WOW, WOW This is blown out!!! I have heard nothing about this before so thank you so much for the information. Ties to the Vatican!!! Child sacrifice!!! I've always heard that was just myths and am reading a google of stuff I googled on it.

Thanks again :)


New member
WOW, WOW, WOW This is blown out!!! I have heard nothing about this before so thank you so much for the information. Ties to the Vatican!!! Child sacrifice!!! I've always heard that was just myths and am reading a google of stuff I googled on it.

Thanks again :)

Its not a myth when 1,000 people are arrested.

You can choose one conspiracy or another,
but there is no room for "no conspiracy".

Your choice.


New member
Are you a pedophile too, copper?

Don't worry. You'll be caught too and dealt with.

Are you doing a routine right now? Like an aCW impression or something? I really can't tell anymore when someone is really insane or just making fun.
Well, Rational Wiki says the ITCCS is a one man blog and other than stories about Nichole Kidman's father dying amid allegations of child pornography and child sacrifice I can't find much from main stream sources to verify much of this.

The Wiki site says:
The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (or ITCCS) is a one-man blog that pretends to be a tribunal established to enforce common law.[1] Despite claims of being based in Brussels, the whole thing is written in Canada by Kevin D. Annett, a defrocked[2] United Church of Canada minister.
The ITCCS came to some notice in the social media sphere in February 2013, when Annett issued a claim that Pope Benedict XVI resigned for fear of arrest on an ITCCS warrant[3] and the hard of thinking forwarded it around as if this actually made sense. The website did look fairly professional at the time, although it has since decayed heavily.


New member
Are you doing a routine right now? Like an aCW impression or something? I really can't tell anymore

lets see:

(1) Your first post was to discredit a thread on police corruption.

(2) You self-identify as an atheist (probably true).

(3) You haven't honestly self-identified as police services.

(4) You have no interest in the possibility of pedophilia in places of authority.

(5) Bingo: Pedophile cop.

Now here's the funny part, since you are looking for jokes.

No need to look anywhere else. Catching you will be a joke.

(1) You are incredibly stupid.

Don't you know you were actually consicously selected for police service
because of your low intelligence score?

Police Officially Refuse To Hire Applicants With High IQ Scores


(2) You've inadvertantly and unintentionally self-identified as a pedophile.

See above. You are as transparent as rainbow-colored glass.

Just sit tight. When more important cases are dealt with,
the segment of police authority not corrupted by you perverts
will be glad to activate your file.
And who knows? If they're anything like you,
they'll probably plant whatever evidence they need to secure
a conviction for you.


New member
lets see:

(1) Your first post was to discredit a thread on police corruption.

(2) You self-identify as an atheist (probably true).

(3) You haven't honestly self-identified as police services.

(4) You have no interest in the possibility of pedophilia in places of authority.

(5) Bingo: Pedophile cop.

Now here's the funny part, since you are looking for jokes.

No need to look anywhere else. Catching you will be a joke.

(1) You are incredibly stupid.

Don't you know you were actually consicously selected for police service
because of your low intelligence score?

(2) You've inadvertantly and unintentionally self-identified as a pedophile.

See above. You are as transparent as rainbow-colored glass.

Just sit tight. When more important cases are dealt with,
the segment of police authority not corrupted by you perverts
will be glad to activate your file.
And who knows? If they're anything like you,
they'll probably plant whatever evidence they need to secure
a conviction for you.

So... not satire?


New member
So... not satire?

There will be a point as the pendulum swings the other way,
and countless pedophiles are rounded up for ugly justice,
that the few of you who remain at large will be running for their lives,
and not smerking in Christian internet forums.

Make sure you pack enough supplies to hold out in the forest for a while.
Because in the Last Days you won't be arrested and housed.
You'll be cast into the Lake of Fire,
after being executed.


New member
There will be a point as the pendulum swings the other way,
and countless pedophiles are rounded up for ugly justice,
that the few of you who remain at large will be running for their lives,
and not smerking in Christian internet forums.

Make sure you pack enough supplies to hold out in the forest for a while.
Because in the Last Days you won't be arrested and housed.
You'll be cast into the Lake of Fire,
after being executed.

Sounds good, bruh.