One of the Commandments. You shall not commit adultery.


Until you have stoned your first mouthy teenager, you are not a Torah keeper.

Deu 21:18
If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:
Deu 21:19
Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;
Deu 21:20
And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.
Deu 21:21
And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

You, like me, are a buffet law keeper. You keep the ones you like, and ignore the ones you don't. I keep the Sabbath and Feast days, kosher, and the 10C. By today's standards I am a Pharisee.

But I don't fool myself like all my Sabbath keeping friends do saying that I am a "Law keeper" meaning all the OT law keeper. I am a buffet law keeper, I pick and mix.


You said Torah keeper, Law keeper, and OT law keeper. To obey, observe, follow the Law, God's Law, involves each and every commandment. But you do not need to stone someone unless they break or transgress a commandment that results in the punishment of stoning.




But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. - Matthew 5:28

This is the TRUE LAW: Whoever even LOOKS with LUST upon a woman.


Very good. All sin is sin and is counted as such. You should keep each and every commandment the way that God wants you to. As God has given you instruction, so do. It is for you to follow, observe, keep. This is not that you will do something it is what has already occurred. If you were to give in to sin as the result of your sin of lust that would result in a punishment. Knowing that you have sinned in lust may be a punishment, just knowing what you have done and that it is wrong. I do not know how God will punish you for that. But you should take this very seriously and not transgress the commandment.




New member

Very good. All sin is sin and is counted as such. You should keep each and every commandment the way that God wants you to. As God has given you instruction, so do. It is for you to follow, observe, keep. This is not that you will do something it is what has already occurred. If you were to give in to sin as the result of your sin of lust that would result in a punishment. Knowing that you have sinned in lust may be a punishment, just knowing what you have done and that it is wrong. I do not know how God will punish you for that. But you should take this very seriously and not transgress the commandment.



That was the logic behind the monasteries. The religious felt it necessary to prevent all sin. A monastic life of all men or all women, apart from the world and worldliness provided the environment where sin could be avoided.
Living in normal society and watching entertainment is a sure way for the mind to automatically sin and nurture sinfull thoughts.
Have you considered a yeshiva in Israel?


That was the logic behind the monasteries. The religious felt it necessary to prevent all sin. A monastic life of all men or all women, apart from the world and worldliness provided the environment where sin could be avoided.
Living in normal society and watching entertainment is a sure way for the mind to automatically sin and nurture sinfull thoughts.
Have you considered a yeshiva in Israel?

I would like to learn more about a yeshiva in Israel. I do not know much about monasteries. Avoiding sin does not need to be seen as for the ascetic. To obey rather than to sin is certainly not self-denial. No one should indulge in sin. We should not remove inhibitions. To give in to lust is not good. Allurement, being enticed or enticed to sin, being seduced, lusting after or desiring others in your heart, all of these are not good. Certainly hedonism is not of God. Legalism and the mind should be submitted to or found in submission to the Law of God where we love God with all of our heart, with all of our soul, and with all of our might, and we love our neighbor as our self. I am not for entertainment, so I hear you there. You said living in normal society. I barely know about the word society. I actually am a citizen of the United States of America. I am also of Israel; I belong to Israel.




Well-known member

You said Torah keeper, Law keeper, and OT law keeper. To obey, observe, follow the Law, God's Law, involves each and every commandment. But you do not need to stone someone unless they break or transgress a commandment that results in the punishment of stoning.



Jacob, I am not advocating stoning anyone, since once one starts stoning all those who have broken a capital crime under OT law, hardly anyone would be left alive. Hence the need for grace and mercy.

On the subject of adultery. Many cultures, not just Christians, seem to feel guilt over their sexual desires. Hence celibacy is equated with righteousness.

In Christian circles, Mat 5:28 is often misunderstood.
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Many Christians assume that when they look at a beautiful woman, they are breaking the spirit of the adultery law. They think sin is inevitable. That is just not so. God put attraction for the other sex into us, and told us to be fruitful and multiply. Looking at a woman and lusting after her are far and away NOT the same thing.

In Christian law-keeping circles, actions are what count. If one takes action after looking at a woman to sleep with her, THAT is lusting after her. Eg. David sees the naked Bathsheba and goes "Wow". Had he lusted after her? No! When He asked someone to find out who she was, to bring her to the palace, was that lusting after her. No!

In fact it was not even lusting after her UNTIL David found out that Bathsheba was Uriah's wife and decided to go ahead and sleep with her anyway. If Bathsheba was unmarried, David could have quite legally desired her, and added her to his harem of wives.


Jacob, I am not advocating stoning anyone, since once one starts stoning all those who have broken a capital crime under OT law, hardly anyone would be left alive. Hence the need for grace and mercy.

On the subject of adultery. Many cultures, not just Christians, seem to feel guilt over their sexual desires. Hence celibacy is equated with righteousness.

In Christian circles, Mat 5:28 is often misunderstood.
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Many Christians assume that when they look at a beautiful woman, they are breaking the spirit of the adultery law. They think sin is inevitable. That is just not so. God put attraction for the other sex into us, and told us to be fruitful and multiply. Looking at a woman and lusting after her are far and away NOT the same thing.

In Christian law-keeping circles, actions are what count. If one takes action after looking at a woman to sleep with her, THAT is lusting after her. Eg. David sees the naked Bathsheba and goes "Wow". Had he lusted after her? No! When He asked someone to find out who she was, to bring her to the palace, was that lusting after her. No!

In fact it was not even lusting after her UNTIL David found out that Bathsheba was Uriah's wife and decided to go ahead and sleep with her anyway. If Bathsheba was unmarried, David could have quite legally desired her, and added her to his harem of wives.

If it is called a crime and called capital or a capital crime like a capital offense or whatnot, or we use the words death penalty, whatever the case, the Torah does not say stoning in the case of every transgression of the law. But the just penalty or punishment is described in each case according to the respective commandment. There must be witnesses, and anything less is not according to the law.

I encourage you to read James Chapter 1 Verses 12-15.


Well-known member
If it is called a crime and called capital or a capital crime like a capital offense or whatnot, or we use the words death penalty, whatever the case, the Torah does not say stoning in the case of every transgression of the law. But the just penalty or punishment is described in each case according to the respective commandment. There must be witnesses, and anything less is not according to the law.

I encourage you to read James Chapter 1 Verses 12-15.

Unmarried people live together openly these days, even in the State of Israel. There is no shortage of witnesses.


Unmarried people live together openly these days, even in the State of Israel. There is no shortage of witnesses.

Something should be done. It is not permitted for a man and a woman to have sex except if they are married, lest they become married having not been engaged to someone else. To live together without having been married is wrong.


Well-known member
Something should be done. It is not permitted for a man and a woman to have sex except if they are married, lest they become married having not been engaged to someone else. To live together without having been married is wrong.

But nobody wants to stone them for living together unmarried. They actually punish themselves for doing so.


But nobody wants to stone them for living together unmarried. They actually punish themselves for doing so.

This is not a healthy situation.

Do you know the reason people live together unmarried? It should not be.

No one is saying that they are having sex. The question is married by who? It is possible that two people who were not married are now living together and what is marriage and are they married?


Well-known member
This is not a healthy situation.

Do you know the reason people live together unmarried? It should not be.

No one is saying that they are having sex. The question is married by who? It is possible that two people who were not married are now living together and what is marriage and are they married?

Under the Old Covenant it might have been my business if unmarried people were living together and having sex.
Under the New Covenant it is none of my business. I am not under the ministration of death where it is up to me to stone adulterers.


Under the Old Covenant it might have been my business if unmarried people were living together and having sex.
Under the New Covenant it is none of my business. I am not under the ministration of death where it is up to me to stone adulterers.

You turn a blind eye to sin. Which is a sin. You do not need to speak about something you do not know about. But you said people are living together without being married and now you do not want to be a witness. You are not even reluctant.


Well-known member
You turn a blind eye to sin. Which is a sin. You do not need to speak about something you do not know about. But you said people are living together without being married and now you do not want to be a witness. You are not even reluctant.

Jesus did not come to condemn the world, but to save it. I acknowledge it is a sin, but if it is not my sin, it is none of my business. Show me where Jesus exacts an OT punishment on anyone for sinning.

Be careful to not have the Pharisee attitude of being interested in everyone else's sin, and not your own.


Jesus did not come to condemn the world, but to save it. I acknowledge it is a sin, but if it is not my sin, it is none of my business. Show me where Jesus exacts an OT punishment on anyone for sinning.

Be careful to not have the Pharisee attitude of being interested in everyone else's sin, and not your own.

You must remove what is in your eye first.

Jesus instructed us to keep and teach the commandment so that we would be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Saying another person's sin is none of your business is believing a lie, unless you are saying that there is nothing more that you can do and you do not know enough to condemn the person. Then you just don't know what to do. When do you say the right thing to break up a sinful situation? Do you need to say anything if the other person knows? Who is believing and living a lie? Won't say, can't say? What is the test?


Well-known member
You must remove what is in your eye first.

Jesus instructed us to keep and teach the commandment so that we would be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Saying another person's sin is none of your business is believing a lie, unless you are saying that there is nothing more that you can do and you do not know enough to condemn the person. Then you just don't know what to do. When do you say the right thing to break up a sinful situation? Do you need to say anything if the other person knows? Who is believing and living a lie? Won't say, can't say? What is the test?

Tell me the last time you told someone they were living in sin?
How did that go?
And I don't mean someone on this forum.


Tell me the last time you told someone they were living in sin?
How did that go?
And I don't mean someone on this forum.

I have a friend that gives me a ride on Shabbat to the congregation that we attend. I learned that this is sin via Facebook and forwarded this to him, but we do it anyway. It has been that I was not driving on Shabbat. But I was at some point encouraged in regard to a ride, that I should go.


Well-known member
I have a friend that gives me a ride on Shabbat to the congregation that we attend. I learned that this is sin via Facebook and forwarded this to him, but we do it anyway. It has been that I was not driving on Shabbat. But I was at some point encouraged in regard to a ride, that I should go.

You told me just now that you don't go to church. Did you just lie?

Where in the Bible does it say "Thou shalt not drive in a car on the Sabbath?" It's Pharisaical to do what many Jews do, refuse to press elevator buttons, refuse to tear toilet paper etc. on the Sabbath. They are just being self-righteous idiots.


You told me just now that you don't go to church. Did you just lie?

Where in the Bible does it say "Thou shalt not drive in a car on the Sabbath?" It's Pharisaical to do what many Jews do, refuse to press elevator buttons, refuse to tear toilet paper etc. on the Sabbath. They are just being self-righteous idiots.

I am a Jew. We go to synagogue, the congregation. We meet in someone else's church building. I used to go to church.




Well-known member
I am a Jew. We go to synagogue, the congregation. We meet in someone else's church building. I used to go to church.



Where you go - do they teach that one should go about telling others their sins?

Under the OC there was group punishment, e.g. Israel going into captivity. Thus if you were sleeping with a Moabite girl, I might go into captivity with you for your sin. Thus it was my business to tell you to stop sinning.

Under the NC, each person is punished for their individual sin.


Where you go - do they teach that one should go about telling others their sins?

Under the OC there was group punishment, e.g. Israel going into captivity. Thus if you were sleeping with a Moabite girl, I might go into captivity with you for your sin. Thus it was my business to tell you to stop sinning.

Under the NC, each person is punished for their individual sin.

Yeshua says that we will have to give account even for every idle word spoken. It is my understanding that sin is not to be brought into the congregation.