Obama's Legacy


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
There's been a lot of crummy toxic threads lately. Let's get the ball rolling with a discussion about Obama's legacy.

His legacy is abuse of power. Of any President in history he had made the most sweeping decisions, overriding the will of the people, Congress and the House of Representatives.

It goes from Michelle wanting the regulate portion sizes and content of school lunches to expanding background checks, closing supposed “loopholes,” and tightening the process for law-abiding gun owners. None of these are valid reasons to legislate from the White house. His legacy will the mainstreaming of the idea that of congress fails to act, that the President can legislate from the White House. Gone is the concept of checks and balances.

Do you want a President that legislates from his seat in the White House?



Let's get the ball rolling with a discussion about Obama's legacy.

Obama gave GMC 40 Billion dollars.

GMC gave us the Chevy Volt, a car that catches on fire, and may be the dumbest car ever produced.

That's pretty much all you need to know about the worst president of our lifetime.

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patrick jane

There's been a lot of crummy toxic threads lately. Let's get the ball rolling with a discussion about Obama's legacy.

His legacy is abuse of power. Of any President in history he had made the most sweeping decisions, overriding the will of the people, Congress and the House of Representatives.

It goes from Michelle wanting the regulate portion sizes and content of school lunches to expanding background checks, closing supposed “loopholes,” and tightening the process for law-abiding gun owners. None of these are valid reasons to legislate from the White house. His legacy will the mainstreaming of the idea that of congress fails to act, that the President can legislate from the White House. Gone is the concept of checks and balances.

Do you want a President that legislates from his seat in the White House?


Good article, and we can use this thread to discuss the upcoming executive actions on guns. I'm watching Thursday evening as Obama speaks with Anderson Cooper about guns. It's my understanding that even with executive order the states still control the order. I was also glad to read that that they can easily be overturned by the new president. Another reason we all need to vote Republican !!


Well-known member
There's been a lot of crummy toxic threads lately. Let's get the ball rolling with a discussion about Obama's legacy.

His legacy is abuse of power. Of any President in history he had made the most sweeping decisions, overriding the will of the people, Congress and the House of Representatives.

It goes from Michelle wanting the regulate portion sizes and content of school lunches to expanding background checks, closing supposed “loopholes,” and tightening the process for law-abiding gun owners. None of these are valid reasons to legislate from the White house. His legacy will the mainstreaming of the idea that of congress fails to act, that the President can legislate from the White House. Gone is the concept of checks and balances.

Do you want a President that legislates from his seat in the White House?


I now call it the "Legacy of Tears".

patrick jane

The CNN special with Obama on Thursday is with a live audience. We'll see right away if the audience has been screened, otherwise, there should be plenty of gun rights proponents against Obama.

patrick jane

For instance, the list of "no guns" people is suspect. Let's take a person that is depressed or suffers from a similar mental disorder, but are not a danger to themselves or others, will they end up on a list ? Would that hinder folks from seeking help because of not wanting to lose their gun rights guaranteed by the constitution ?

As for Obama's legacy, it's terrible.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
He's a middling president, according to a preponderance of scholars on the point at present. He's currently at 18, just behind the man he followed. But it's too early to seriously deconstruct his time in office.

To me he failed his promise, while doing a number of things that were necessary and important. Balancing his failures against those...middling seems about right to me...which is tragic, when you think on it.


New member
I'll be blunt and say that I think Obama is the worst president in history. It's Obama's LUNACY - not legacy. It appears that he tried to destroy this country, and he did a pretty good job of destruction on much of it. Obama has tried to act like a king or dictator and has done pretty much what he wants to without restraint. He has no respect for the Constitution or our system of government. Other than this, I can't stand him and don't want to even listen to his garbage. I'm hoping that much of the damage he's done can be repaired when we're rid of him, but he can do a lot more damage in the year he has left.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
There have been a lot of conspiracy theories about him, which I don't buy because they don't add up. In my opinion, he was ill qualified when he took office. He flip flopped quite a bit. He would trump for gays rights, but he would also try to curry favor with Islamists--that's playing both ends against the middle. These two groups are not compatible. It shows that he doesn't have a whole lot of foresight. He's trying to curry favor with voters.


New member
Hall of Fame
He's a middling president, according to a preponderance of scholars on the point at present. He's currently at 18, just behind the man he followed. But it's too early to seriously deconstruct his time in office.

To me he failed his promise, while doing a number of things that were necessary and important. Balancing his failures against those...middling seems about right to me...which is tragic, when you think on it.

Yep, pretty much. No where close to the worst we've had, certainly not one of the best.


Hall of Fame
Yep, pretty much. No where close to the worst we've had, certainly not one of the best.

There have definitely been worse ... who have received much less grief. Currently, the list of candidates prospectively running for the job are even worse.


Originally Posted by Granite
Yep, pretty much. No where close to the worst we've had, certainly not one of the best

There have definitely been worse ... who have received much less grief. Currently, the list of candidates prospectively running for the job are even worse.

Care to talk about B. Hussein's record on abortion Sandy?


That long long list is only up until Oct. 19 of 2012 mind you.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i'll say this for him

he's been our best black president so far :thumb:

well, half black

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
bammy scores worse than w?
That's the current consensus, if by a hair.

:mock:all those retarded morons who fell for the "hope and change" hype
Well, you could fault the message bearer who fails to deliver, to the extent he fails. Or fault the opposition for not producing a compelling vision that would move the electorate in any other direction. Playing schoolyard Nostradamus after the fact may be satisfying, but it misses a few points, including the possibility that the opposition might have mucked it up worse.