No Longer A Christian

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Originally posted by Gerald

Something to consider, though: if you Ignore everybody and everybody Ignores you, the signal-to-noise ratio around here might improve. Can you really in good conscience be a party to such as that?



O Gerald, one of my favorite gainsayers. If you were a spice, what kind of spice would you be?


New member
Sorry love, but I live in the HEART of Pommie land in this State Elizabeth, which was developed to house the great influx of 10 pound Poms and the football club I'm a member of, the church I attend and quite a large number of my friends are ALL POMS! And none of them take offence to that term, 'cos we ain't living in the 60's anymore. See, the term is not 'derogative anymore, even to those friends I correspond with in your lovely country.
.:doh: Melbourne hey? Well,that would explain a lot re your disposition. :chuckle:


My four years in Aussie were probably the best four years of my life. I had lots of friends: Aussies, Poms and wogs (is that term still derogative?). I once hitch-hiked from Melbourne to Darwin via Sydney, Townsville, Mount Isa. I had the time of my life.
Please read your first and second posts to me and then perhaps with your far superior intellectual skills you will understand why I have not been too overfriendly in my responses to you.:)


Originally posted by Thia

Thank you. If only we could all feel this way, eh? Blessings to you and your family, Jackie!
I thank you for that. I just wish the other christians on this site were as tolerant, polite and dare I say it...christian as you.:)


Well-known member
Hmmm, I was in OZ a few years back and I don't recall anyone using the term "Poms". I don't even know what it means. The only terms I remember learning about were "Larikins" and "Wowsers". "Larikins" seemed to refer to an Aussie personality trait: sort of the kind of person who would stop and moon the police while they were chasing him. And a "Wowser" aparently referred to people who were overly prim and proper; the kind of folks who get all puffed up on 'righteousness'.

I loved Australia. It's a beautiful country and the people are wonderful.

There is a monument in Cambera that was given to Australia by the U.S. after the WW2. I guess it was supposed to be a symbol of gratitude, but the thing looks for all the world like something the Third Reich itself might have designed. It's this terrifyng eagle purched on a high column and scowling down at the viewer threateningly.

The Ausies nick-named it "Mickey Mouse". Ya' gotta love those people!


New member
The city of Elizabeth in South Australia is commonly referred to by South Australians as 'Pommy land'. It was, as I said, built specifically to house the English who took up the offer of paying 10 pounds to emigrate to Australia during the 1950's, and was officially 'opened' as a City by HRH Queen Elizabeth in 1955.
End of history lesson.

Yes, I believe that Thia's 'politeness' should be exhibited to all...not JUST THE CHRISTIANS who post on TOL.
Jackielabby:Actually spent two boring, boring days in Adelaide. I can see where you are coming from. That place is so full of churches
Anything in life will seem boring if you are wandering aimlessly and with no actual idea of where you are actually heading. Don't forget to let me know when you're planning to come next time. I'll make sure we put out the welcome mat for you. Sorry about the proliferation of churches that spoilt your trip. They sprang up as the icons of 'free' worship for dissenters, mainly from England,back in the 1830's.
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New member
#1 =YOUR POST:In this thread we are discussing....
JackieLabby: and it will take a lot more than my humble essay to convince the devout that they left their brains behind when they took that fateful leap.

#1=MY 1ST POSTED RESPONSE TO YOUR POST:, we can see then that going the other way doesn't ensure that you actually get your brain back!
I'll be one of the first to agree that 'religion' screwed it all up.


Your 2nd Post was to 'follow' me to CHAT:Song Titles
POST#135 and posted this at 8.49am...
Jackielabby: :)
To which my reply to you was in CHAT:SONG TITLES
POST#137 at 8.58am...
Julie21:And who said Pommies didn't have a sense of humour?
Go away and play now...

Your reply in CHAT:Song Titles
POST#142 at 9.52am...
Jackielabby:Good to see the convicts have a sense of humour, too! Go away and pray now.....

Funny that you hadn't taken much interest in CHAT:Song Titles
before that....and have not since!
So glad that you don't know my address...who knows what you'd do!!!
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New member
granite1010 said:
Well, the name of the thread pretty much sums it up.

I no longer consider myself a Christian, a member of the Christian faith, believer in Christ or the Bible.

Things around here have changed.... :confused:


Active member
I figure Granite is waiting for this thread to hit 100,000 views (like the redneck thread), and then he is going to convert back and start a new thread.


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Lovejoy said:
I figure Granite is waiting for this thread to hit 100,000 views (like the redneck thread), and then he is going to convert back and start a new thread.



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Hall of Fame
Freak said:
I always considered you a strong supporter of the triune God and defender of truth. What happened, my friend?


Thanks for acknowledging what I was. Most people don't even give me that much...

Long story short, I was reading too many "dangerous books," and the finisher was an abusive, unhealthy church and a fling my wife had with the son of an elder. Kind of a one-two punch right there. I'd read too much about the history of Christianity, the canon, etc., and my faith simply didn't line up or make sense anymore. I liken it to an internal bleed, actually; sooner or later too much damage has been done to recover.

Anyway, that's the thing.


New member
granite1010 said:

Thanks for acknowledging what I was. Most people don't even give me that much...

Long story short, I was reading too many "dangerous books," and the finisher was an abusive, unhealthy church and a fling my wife had with the son of an elder. Kind of a one-two punch right there. I'd read too much about the history of Christianity, the canon, etc., and my faith simply didn't line up or make sense anymore. I liken it to an internal bleed, actually; sooner or later too much damage has been done to recover.

Anyway, that's the thing.
Sorry. God really gifted you with an intellect and inner stamina to defend the truth of Jesus. I hate that this is being wasted...



New member
Hall of Fame
Freak said:
Sorry. God really gifted you with an intellect and inner stamina to defend the truth of Jesus. I hate that this is being wasted...


The intellect and stamina I (hopefully) still have. And it is sad, absolutely. I wouldn't wish the experience on anybody.

Berean Todd

New member
Yet I'll point out that it was dragged out of him at leangth that Granite admitted he never had a relationship with Jesus Christ. Anyone can read arguments for Christianity, and talk the talk and try to walk the walk, but Jesus said that many would cry "Lord, Lord" on the last day and He would tell them "Depart from me, I never knew you."

Granite, I do pray that God will work in your life and call you into a living, real relationship with Him, so don't take the above wrong ... but you may have attended church, you may have talked the talk, but you never had the relationship at the core.
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