New poll finds California voters resoundingly oppose cash reparations for slavery


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I have paid UK tax for fifty years, part of my tax money went to compensate slave owners for their loss of revenue.

In other words, they've been stealing from you to "pay" dead people who cannot receive your money.

These slave owners have been dead for a hundred years, but I have been paying dead people compensation until 2015.

You are guilty of what is called a "sunk cost fallacy."

It is "the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial."

You have invested the last fifty years of taxes to "compensate [dead] slave owners." Yet you are reluctant to abandon the idea of being taxed to pay dead people because it would mean the last fifty years of your life has been for nothing.

I can guarantee you, based on the reality that dead people can't be compensated, that the tax collectors aren't giving your tax money to dead people, either slave owner or slave, they are using it to line their pockets.


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I have paid UK tax for fifty years, part of my tax money went to compensate slave owners for their loss of revenue. These slave owners have been dead for a hundred years, but I have been paying dead people compensation until 2015.
No. You've been paying off a loan your ancestors took out in your name. They paid the former slave owners up-front compensation and there was no paying them after they died - those former slave owners already spent that money! You cannot retroactively either stop that loan from being taken out in your name, nor can you go back in time and pay the people that should get just compensation instead of the former slave owners. To attempt to do so would be unjust and hateful to the people paying today.

On a tangential note, previous generations taking loans out in your name was wrong. It is unjust. So don't propose laying debt on future generations to pay descendants of slaves today. Adding more injustice to your hate would be compounding your wrongs.

Taking that into account, I would be happy that some of my tax money today, in some way compensated descendants of slavery today.
But the descendants of slavery, who were not slaves, cannot give the compensation to their ancestors anymore than you can.

And what you want to do with your part of the taxes you pay has nothing to do with justice, and everything to do with you lording it over the rest of the taxpayers to do your will. That's very unjust of you.

If slave owners are caught today, I would not want them to be compensated, I would want them to pay for their crimes. What is right and just today, was also right and just in the past.
There are no slave owners in western society today therefore to tax people today for their punishment and compensation to their victims would be to be unjust to today's taxpayers. Why do you want to be unjust?

On the other hand, if you understand what Jones Plantation means, you'll realize YOU are today's slave owner.

Eric h

Well-known member
Adding more injustice to your hate would be compounding your wrongs.
You have mentioned my hate in every post you have made. I would suggest, you are the one who knows more about hate, not me. I strongly disagree with the way historic slavery was dealt with, and I am strongly against any form of violent protest.

Trump supporters could have just protested against the election results peacefully, instead they showed their hate with violence when they stormed Capital Hill. They showed total disregard to their fellow American citizens. This is hate in action.

Democracy should be a way for people to disagree with each other peacefully, whoever is right or wrong.


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Hall of Fame
You have mentioned my hate in every post you have made.
Only because you imply being hateful toward others. Accusing and punishing people of wrongs they did not commit is hateful.

I would suggest, you are the one who knows more about hate, not me.
Yes, I can see you are hateful while you don't realize you are hateful. Therefore, I am demonstrating I know more about hate they you, however while I know more about hate you are more hateful than I am.

I strongly disagree with the way historic slavery was dealt with, and I am strongly against any form of violent protest.
Everyone is against the way historic slavery was dealt with (and against violent protest). That you want to punish people that were not responsible for those wrongs is hateful and wrong.

Trump supporters could have just protested against the election results peacefully, instead they showed their hate with violence when they stormed Capital Hill. They showed total disregard to their fellow American citizens. This is hate in action.
:LOL: :ROFLMAO: What are you going on about? Your hatred for your fellow man is as bad as a Trump supporter who agrees with Trump that it's OK to kill babies before they are born. Just because there are other hateful people in the world doesn't mean it's OK for you to be hateful.

Democracy should be a way for people to disagree with each other peacefully, whoever is right or wrong.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner. Since it would be wrong to eat the sheep, the sheep should not allow itself to be eaten even if the vote is 2-to-1 to eat the sheep.


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You have mentioned my hate in every post you have made. I would suggest, you are the one who knows more about hate, not me. I strongly disagree with the way historic slavery was dealt with,

That being...?

and I am strongly against any form of violent protest.

What, like this?

Trump supporters could have just protested against the election results peacefully,

How many buildings were raided, windows smashed, vehicles burned out, by Trump supporters on January 6th?

How many when George Floyd was killed?

instead they showed their hate with violence when they stormed Capital Hill.

So, all of the people who are calmly walking throughout the capital building in this video are "showing hate with violence" while "storming Acpital Hill"?

They showed total disregard to their fellow American citizens. This is hate in action.

You've been lied to, Eric, and worse, you've believed the lies that have been fed to you.

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.

Democracy should be a way for people to disagree with each other peacefully, whoever is right or wrong.

You can do that without democracy.

Eric h

Well-known member
Therefore, I am demonstrating I know more about hate they you,

Then look in the mirror and preach to yourself.

I don't hate the lads who hit me and held a knife to my throat.
I don't hate the psychopath who threatened to kill me.
I don't hate slave traders, I strongly disagree with what they do.
And if I saw you face to face, I wouldn't hate you.

I Do hate violence, and I am strongly against any kind of violence.


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I Do hate violence, and I am strongly against any kind of violence.

You love some violence, and are strongly for it, obviously. Without at least threats of violence, there's no getting the wealth you commies covet out of the hands of its owners.

I don't hate slave traders

You hate people who have never been slavers, but whose wealth you want to steal from them by means of the state, and redistribute it to people who are not its owners.


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New poll finds California voters resoundingly oppose cash reparations for slavery​

The Los Angeles Times article's title is insidious commie propaganda. Nothing that commie Gavin Newsome is demanding is in any way, shape, or form, reparations, for anything. Reparations are what he and his fellow commie scum owe to millions of Californians whom he has preyed upon as governor.

Eric h

Well-known member
You love some violence, and are strongly for it, obviously.

Preach to the mirror. I don't own any weapons, so it would be pointless for me to threaten violence.
Without at least threats of violence, there's no getting the wealth you commies covet out of the hands of its owners.

Using violence; was not the best way for Republicans to regain Capitol Hill. If violence had not been used, Mr Trump would be in a better position today.


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Using violence was not the best way for Republicans to regain Capitol Hill.

When was there ever an attempt made by Republicans "using violence" to "regain Capitol Hill"?

There were protests, and some protesters entered the Capitol Building, after a few criminals broke some windows, but most of them entered through unlocked doors.

If violence had not been used, Mr Trump would be in a better position today.

Trump was telling people to not be violent.

What are you on about?


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I don't own any weapons,
I wouldn't assume you own anything, since commies say that ownership is theft.

What do you mean by "weapons"?
so it would be pointless for me to threaten violence.
So, when you say you're going to try to take some peoples' wealth from them against their wills, to redistribute it among those to whom it does not belong, you don't mean you're going to? It's just empty words?

Some threats are just empty words, like the threats by a robber who gets handed a bag of money by a terrified robbery victim who thinks the outstretched index finger concealed in the robber's jacket pocket is the muzzle of a loaded gun aimed at him.

But, even if you aren't wielding in your own hand a gun or a knife, nevertheless, as a commie, some of your weapons are mob violence and threats thereof. That's what you city-burning commies mean by this:

You mean violence against those who don't wish to hand over to you what belongs to them and not to you.
Using violence; was not the best way for Republicans to regain Capitol Hill. If violence had not been used, Mr Trump would be in a better position today.
Someone obviously must've used tremendous blunt-force violence on you somewhere along the line, in order for your brain to be so disordered as to make you say something as asininely stupid as what you said there.

Eric h

Well-known member
You mean violence against those who don't wish to hand over to you what belongs to them and not to you.
Like storming Capitol Hill to get the election results overturned by violence. Should have pursued it through the courts.

But, even if you aren't wielding in your own hand a gun or a knife, nevertheless, as a commie, some of your weapons are mob violence and threats thereof. That's what you city-burning commies mean by this:

I believe in the sanctity of life. Jesus commanded us to love all our neighbours, and to love and pray for our enemies.


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Like storming Capitol Hill to get the election results overturned by violence. Should have pursued it through the courts.

What does this have to do with California and slavery cash reparations?

I believe in the sanctity of life. Jesus commanded us to love all our neighbours, and to love and pray for our enemies.

It's not loving to force people by law to male payments to people who are long dead.


Active member
"the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial."

I call people like that Ideologues. They are people who hold rigidly to a certain ideology even if it does not work. Rather than accept the solution that does work, they accept the option that fits their ideology even if that option fails.