George, I have my profile picture with three animals. And I am so glad you chose to post a picture of the donkey. In my occupation, I transport people different places, So I for sure resemble my self to be just like the donkey. I enjoy meeting new people, listening to trials in their life without judgement.
I am still disappointed at how the words of the bible have changed throughout the years.
As you may know, in 1827 a very nobel man president elect Andrew Jackson decided to start a movement in the United States. Governing authorities at the time did not take favor in such acts. Then had a cartoon artist draw a picture of Andrew Jacksons face, over the face of the Donkey. This would be published in the newspapers around the world with slander. This slander has lived on as an abuse of judgement on people with the name J*** A**. Andrew Jacksons party would fall into the same slander, publishing pictures of the elephant stomping on deformed animals as retaliation.
Unfortunately, this turned the offspring into a heard of animals that act like they have been abused for over 190 years.
I would much rather think of the Donkey as having some of his true characters. One with self preservation, a reputation for being stubborn with a keen sense of curiosity, that gives them the ability to provide safe travels for their riders. And that he did. Quite notably for whom?