New Low From Trump


New member
With liberals its all about political correctness and not actual actions. Bill Clinton can rape and plunder to his heart's desire, but as long as he is on their side of the issues liberals are good with it. But Trump only speaks of such things, and he is Satan incarnate.

And of course, this is all a distractions from terrorism, a rotten economy, trade deficits and the rest.

Yes. We had an actual rapist and misogynist in the Whitehouse for eight years and the same criminal media complex that dug this up and spread it and howling self righteously about was in full protection mode of the man who they depended upon to continue to forge their progressive, globalist agenda.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Don't try and weasel out of what you said........
I think it has become plainly obvious to all here that I prefer getting banned to redacting my words, so you are the weasel here, not me. You hate Trump for his words, but embrace the true rapist and molester Clinton and his enabling wife. Thats all I have to say to you.


like marbles on glass
I think it has become plainly obvious to all here that I prefer getting banned to redacting my words, so you are the weasel here, not me. You hate Trump for his words, but embrace the true rapist and molester Clinton and his enabling wife. Thats all I have to say to you.

I don't care what you prefer, except when it comes to your preferring the [redacted]-grabber.


New member
With liberals its all about political correctness and not actual actions. Bill Clinton can rape and plunder to his heart's desire, but as long as he is on their side of the issues liberals are good with it. But Trump only speaks of such things, and he is Satan incarnate.

And of course, this is all a distractions from terrorism, a rotten economy, trade deficits and the rest.

too bad Trump is too inarticulate to use that as a retort, when Hillary uses his comments against him in the next debate.

Jose Fly

New member
This comes down to exactly who Trump is. A [redacted] grabber who's being cheered on by men who don't see [redacted]-grabbing as a problem.

I'm reading now that some Republican leaders are fearing that Trump has so tarnished the GOP brand among non-baby boomers, they're worried they may not win another presidential election for quite a while.


I'm reading now that some Republican leaders are fearing that Trump has so tarnished the GOP brand among non-baby boomers, they're worried they may not win another presidential election for quite a while.

One journalist speculated around 2096. Again, congratulations to those who were responsible for nominating the sociopath Donald Trump, as their plan is to DESTROY the Republican Party.


New member
I'm reading now that some Republican leaders are fearing that Trump has so tarnished the GOP brand among non-baby boomers, they're worried they may not win another presidential election for quite a while.

same non sense hysteria "experts" believed in when democrats had a super majority, that rebulicans will never regain control of the congress and white house


like marbles on glass
I'm reading now that some Republican leaders are fearing that Trump has so tarnished the GOP brand among non-baby boomers, they're worried they may not win another presidential election for quite a while.

He's done so much damage - but Trump's base is cheering that damage as being necessary to upend the status quo. What a mess they're in... I'm so glad I left the GOP before Trump came on the scene.


like marbles on glass
“It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. … Grab ’em by the [redacted]. You can do anything.”

Hopefully, Trump will never have a chance to say this:

“It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re the President, they let you do it. You can do anything. … Grab ’em by the [redacted]. You can do anything.”


He's done so much damage - but Trump's base is cheering that damage as being necessary to upend the status quo. What a mess they're in... I'm so glad I left the GOP before Trump came on the scene.

Trump supporters for the most part never have been conservative republicans. They're a mixture of Libertarians, democrats and liberal republicans. If Donald Trump weren't the candidate, they'd be voting anything but republican.

Jose Fly

New member
He's done so much damage - but Trump's base is cheering that damage as being necessary to upend the status quo. What a mess they're in... I'm so glad I left the GOP before Trump came on the scene.

And remember the "autopsy report" after the last presidential election, where the GOP said they needed to do a better job of reaching out and connecting to people other than older white males?

Looks like that's going well....:rolleyes:


like marbles on glass
And remember the "autopsy report" after the last presidential election, where the GOP said they needed to do a better job of reaching out and connecting to people other than older white males?

Looks like that's going well....:rolleyes:

Not... and worth a reminder that Trump has the white supremacy vote locked up tight...


like marbles on glass
First it was Skittles and Junior.

Now it's Tic Tacs:

Tic Tac released a statement denouncing Donald Trump after a video leaked in which the Republican nominee said he used the candy to freshen his breath before forcing himself on women he found attractive.

“Tic Tac respects all women,” the company said in a Twitter post on Saturday. “We find the recent statements and behavior completely inappropriate and unacceptable.”


New member
One journalist speculated around 2096. Again, congratulations to those who were responsible for nominating the sociopath Donald Trump, as their plan is to DESTROY the Republican Party.

America was founded on a two party system...not socialism and socialism lite or globalism and globalism lite. The GOP needed destroying in order to bring in a true opposition party.