New Low From Trump


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
You seem to put a lot of faith in your vote and supreme court justices.
On the contrary.

This country's government is evil and corrupt from top to bottom. I don't "support" any member of this government. I wish that Jesus would come and end the whole stupid, foolish, murderous mess. But as bad as this country is, it can be a WHOLE LOT WORSE!

I'm sitting here listening to the latest Bob Enyart Live Podcast as I write this and there's not a syllable of it that I can think of that I disagree with, which I'm sure must shock you. I'm so greatful for Bob Enyart and his ministry that it simply cannot be expressed in words. He is directly responsible for most of what I believe both religiously and politically. I depart from him on one single point and that is the idea that it's better to run off the cliff as quickly as possible rather than making some effort to put the brakes on.

A vote for Donald Trump is NOT an endorsment of him personally nor of everything he says or believes or intends to do. One might endorse all of those things but that isn't what your vote indicates. There is a list of reasons as long as your arm why someone might decide to cast one vote or another, slowing our descent into total tyranny is one of them. During the primaries one is (more or less) afforded the opportunity to cast an affirmative vote for whomever you think best represents your views. If your guy lost then there is nothing left for you to do but to make some attempt to defeat your greater enemy.

Our founding fathers gave us a great deal of freedom, which was the best thing about the whole idea of America. Our founding fathers also guaranteed that freedom would die a slow but accellorating death by allowing the citizens to vote their leaders into office with the power to change the law. The masses are evil. This is the fundamental aspect of the human condition that the founders severely underappreciated. There is no fixing it. This country is doomed to colapse under the weight of socialism. I call it the Robinhood Effect. The government steals from the producers and gives to the consumers in exchange for their vote. The more such polititians are in power, the fewer producers there are and the more consumers, and so there is a self-fueling feedback loop that will sustain itself until there is no longer a sufficient number of producers to steal from and then the whole thing colapses into economic chaos and, most often, bloody war.

I repeat again, I wish Jesus would return and end the whole mess and reign with righteousness and an iron fist but until that happens, I and my children have to live in this world and in this country under this government and I frankly would like to stave off the economic devistation, outright war and the totalitarianism that is likely to replace what's left of the economic prosperity and freedoms we currently enjoy. The most direct influence I have in that direction is to determine which politian will move toward the inevitable the slowest and cast my vote against his apponent.

Resting in Him,


like marbles on glass
[h=1]Member Of Trump’s Evangelical Council Calls Him ‘Lecherous And Worthless’[/h]

Noting the last line:
A megachurch pastor who sits on Donald Trump’s evangelical council denounced the Republican presidential candidate as “lecherous and worthless” over a leaked 2005 video in which Trump boasted about grabbing women.

“Mr. Trump’s comments released yesterday—though 10 years ago (he was 60)—are not just sophomoric or locker room banter,” James MacDonald of Harvest Bible Chapel, an Illinois-based evangelical church, wrote in an email Saturday to his fellow members of Trump’s faith council and some opponents of the GOP candidate. “They are truly the kind of misogynistic trash that reveals a man to be lecherous and worthless—not the guy who gets politely ignored, but the guy who gets a punch in the head from worthy men who hear him talk that way about women.”

The email was first flagged by The Washington Post and published on a blog by Ed Stetzer, a professor of evangelism at Wheaton College.

Despite this caustic language, MacDonald did not abandon support for Trump outright. Instead, he said he’s putting the campaign “on notice” pending the release of another damning tape and will no longer speak out on Trump’s behalf without a “change of heart and direction.”

“If Mr. Trump isn’t seeking our counsel now—1) to be repentant 2) on how to portray that repentance, then the idea of a faith council (which has deteriorated into influence brokering anyway) is really kind of a joke right?” MacDonald wrote.​


like marbles on glass
Every man in this forum at some point in his life has talked like that, and if they say they haven't then they are a hypocrite and a liar.

Really? Every man in this forum has said something like: "You can do anything... Grab them by the [redacted]. You can do anything."

Just because you've talked this way about women and you only know men who talk about women this way doesn't mean all men are like you.

Thankfully, there are good men out there who don't brag about grabbing women by their [redacted], or worse, actually grabbing women by their [redacted].

All you supposedly 'Christian' men out there who don't have a problem with grabbing a woman's [redacted], there's something seriously wrong with you.

Here's a great quote from a male commenter on a different website:

Men who talk like this think that all men secretly talk like this. Just like all rapists and sexual assailants think that all men are secretly rapists and sexual assailants. This is why all men of good conscience in America need to vote emphatically against Donald Trump. We need to show them that racism, sexism, and religious bigotry have NO PLACE in American morality.


New member

I'm sitting here listening to the latest Bob Enyart Live Podcast as I write this and there's not a syllable of it that I can think of that I disagree with, which I'm sure must shock you. I'm so greatful for Bob Enyart and his ministry that it simply cannot be expressed in words. He is directly responsible for most of what I believe both religiously and politically. I depart from him on one single point and that is the idea that it's better to run off the cliff as quickly as possible rather than making some effort to put the brakes on.


I repeat again, I wish Jesus would return and end the whole mess and reign with righteousness and an iron fist but until that happens, I and my children have to live in this world and in this country under this government and I frankly would like to stave off the economic devistation, outright war and the totalitarianism that is likely to replace what's left of the economic prosperity and freedoms we currently enjoy. The most direct influence I have in that direction is to determine which politian will move toward the inevitable the slowest and cast my vote against his apponent.

Resting in Him,

Thanks for a thorough and thoughtful reply.

Unfortunately, all the candidates seem equally poised to drive us into economic devastation, outright war, and totalitarianism, though of significantly different flavors. That's why I can't vote for any of them.

I don't know Bob Enyart at all, but do believe we've come to the point where the Kingdom of God will be advanced more by plunging off that cliff than clinging to it for a few more years.


I'm having difficulty trying to figure out the accusation you're making here.

If I gave up my computer it would stop abortion? I don't give to homeless people?

There's a limit to how much a 1st World, middle class person can judge another before they just become hypocritical :idunno:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
[h=1]Member Of Trump’s Evangelical Council Calls Him ‘Lecherous And Worthless’[/h]

Noting the last line:

A megachurch pastor who sits on Donald Trump’s evangelical council denounced the Republican presidential candidate as “lecherous and worthless” over a leaked 2005 video in which Trump boasted about grabbing women.

“Mr. Trump’s comments released yesterday—though 10 years ago (he was 60)—are not just sophomoric or locker room banter,” James MacDonald of Harvest Bible Chapel, an Illinois-based evangelical church, wrote in an email Saturday to his fellow members of Trump’s faith council and some opponents of the GOP candidate. “They are truly the kind of misogynistic trash that reveals a man to be lecherous and worthless—not the guy who gets politely ignored, but the guy who gets a punch in the head from worthy men ...

"worthy men" go around punching other guys in the head if they don't like what they say? :freak:

sounds like Christ to me! :thumb:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Here's a great quote from a male commenter on a different website:

"Men who talk like this think...."

ok - hold it right there

this guy invented a mind reader that lets him know what other people are thinking and this is the first we hear of it?

seems a little suspicious to me


New member
Why would you mention Satan? Only one person was identified, by Jesus, as Satan. And he has far more holdings (and control) of people, institutions, wealth and material other things, on earth, than Trump.

I was responding to Crucible's post claiming that Trumps detractors are making him out to be Satan. I was saying that I have not called him Satan.

Jesus certainly identified people with Satan, pointing out that they were operating in the spirit of the accuser. There is still a distinction to be made, however, between the adversary who was cast from heaven and human beings who, while still alive, still have the hope of receiving Christ and redemption.

Seems that you display open bias by focusing on 'saying' and ignoring 'doing', so as to elevate your own agenda.

Jesus taught that what proceeds out of our mouths indicates the wickedness in our heart. The words we speak are part of the fruit by which the type of tree can be discerned. Regardless, Trump has enough lawless deeds to back up his lawless words.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
"worthy men" go around punching other guys in the head if they don't like what they say? :freak:
sounds like Christ to me! :thumb:

Anna is just happy to have another baby-killing, pro gay marriage president. She is so Christian. I wonder what she'll say to those billions of spirits of babies who will be a witness at the end.


New member
There's a limit to how much a 1st World, middle class person can judge another before they just become hypocritical :idunno:

Gotcha, that helps.

The fact I have access to the internet tells you that I do not spend enough time in prayer, give enough of my money, or spend enough time serving the poor and oppressed. Until I shut down my internet service and give that money away and spend the time I'd use at the local library on their computers instead serving others any judgment is hypocritical. I'm not sure how giving the phone my work provides back to my boss will help the downtrodden, but I suppose I could quit my job altogether to have more time for service.

You seem to be saying that anyone with a median income should vote without judging the candidates.

Does a believer in Christ, aware of his own brokenness, the Holy Spirit resident inside him, have no ability to judge an unrepentant, anger-driven, vengeance-seeking, mammon-worshiping, fornicating candidate for public office?

How does all of this apply to your own judgment of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama?


New member
I certainly know where the felon Hillary is going to take the nation, yes...

But to claim you will have no regrets means you are equally certain that Trump can not take it down a road just as dark.

That's the certainty on which I was commenting.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
But to claim you will have no regrets means you are equally certain that Trump can not take it down a road just as dark.

That's the certainty on which I was commenting.

my take on it is this

either of them will be a terrible president

hillary will have the resistance of the republicans in congress to put brakes on her attempts to destroy the nation

trump will have the resistance of both parties in congress to put brakes on his attempts to destroy the nation

vote trump!


Gotcha, that helps.

The fact I have access to the internet tells you that I do not spend enough time in prayer, give enough of my money, or spend enough time serving the poor and oppressed. Until I shut down my internet service and give that money away and spend the time I'd use at the local library on their computers instead serving others any judgment is hypocritical. I'm not sure how giving the phone my work provides back to my boss will help the downtrodden, but I suppose I could quit my job altogether to have more time for service.

You seem to be saying that anyone with a median income should vote without judging the candidates.

Does a believer in Christ, aware of his own brokenness, the Holy Spirit resident inside him, have no ability to judge an unrepentant, anger-driven, vengeance-seeking, mammon-worshiping, fornicating candidate for public office?

How does all of this apply to your own judgment of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama?

The 1st World is no longer Christian. It is not going to go back to it, and it has no interest in it. Abortion is legal, gay marriage is legal, Christians are losing their businesses and being threatened by their freedom of expression..
anyone who still thinks there is hope for this country is laboring under a delusion- we're back to pre-Christian Rome.

Therefore, the last thing a person should be concerned about with the Presidency is where they stand on 'Christian values'. It's irrelevant. Trump says he's going to take care of this Islamic problem and fix the immigration crisis, then that works for me. Give political correctness a run for it's money? Even better. I'm not going to settle for people calling him things he is not because they are hypnotized by the stupid bias of this rather stupid society :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I think you'd be right if you were talking about Christians with moderate-to-liberal views. Anyone with a conservative view, if not already a Trump supporter, is being heavily leaned on to vote for Trump. I see this right now in my real life circle of family and friends.
I am not a church-goer, but I don't believe there is a great deal of this kind of thug conservative Christianity going on where I live. I went to Catholic schools to 10th grade and was taught by both priests and nuns, most of whom were quite liberal in their views on life and religious doctrine. And I am inclined to believe they still are, today.

I think this mean-spirited thug Christianity is occurring in small enclaves mostly in the south and the west.

I think the media eats their rhetoric up every instance in which is occurs because it serves their bottom line to keep the animosity loud and available for viewing. And the many moderate Christians in the country become invisible as a result. And that's turning a lot of people away from religious Christianity.

Certainly, the pedophile priest scandal didn't help. Not just because of the pedophilia, but even more so because of the cover up.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
2008 showed the nation that you didn't need experience or qualifications to be elected president

2016 is showing the nation that you don't need to have class, morals, ethics or honesty to be president

