ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


TOL Subscriber

Is he the Apostle of the Gentiles?

Yes, but Paul was not the only Apostle or spokesperson sent from God.

Did he tell us to rightly divide the word of truth?
Why can I not expect that he defined word of truth for us?

Holy Scripture defines itself. So said Paul. II Timothy 3:16-17

Who is the greater . . the messenger sent to the Gentiles, or the Savior of the Gentiles?

Who alone deserves all praise, worship, and glory?

john w

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Hall of Fame
Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit, but Paul does not equal the Holy Spirit.

Chapter, verse, that says Paul, or anyone, was "inspired?"

Show it to me, biblically igorant one.

You won't. You're an embarrassment to the concept of "bible study." My evidence? Your made up terms/posts.

You have made Paul into an idol.

Nag to the nation of Israel, who were told to obey the LORD God's servant, Moses:You have made Moses into an idol.

Flee this poser Nag's satanioc "doctrine."


New member
If I was stranded out on a desert
Then Isaiah 34:14 would be fulfilled.

"The desert creatures will meet with the wolves,
The hairy goat also will cry to its kind;
Yes, the night monster will settle there
And will find herself a resting place."

Lazy afternoon

Why do you reject the whole counsel of God on the matter?

So you think Paul taught the Ephesians to eat pork.

Act 20:27 For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.

I know what you are up to STP and fellow MADists.

You are all tarred with the same brush, You try to trap people with words and insults and follow a mans made up doctrine.

That is why you fight and accuse others of what you are, to protect your demons.

You will try to go over when God is not calling and be rejected.



TOL Subscriber
I wondered the same. Why would anyone need proof of their heritage to God?

Why was it required of Joseph and Mary to register proof that they were David's offspring in Bethlehem? Luke 2:1-6

Because God did not know?

To satisfy civil authorities?

To fulfill Holy Scripture?

Present-day Israel is lacking proof of tribal heritate, only as fulfillment of God's warning to cast them away as His people, due to their unfaithfulness and spiritual adulteries . . . which corrupted their lineages beyond trace.


TOL Subscriber
Then why do you keep claiming that the genealogy of physical Israel cannot be known?

The Jewish tribal genealogy no longer exists. It cannot be traced. It has been corrupted due to adulteries.

Besides, the primary purpose of the tribal genealogies was to prove God's promises and prophecies true: That the promised Seed would come from the womb of a woman, who was in in the lineage from David, who was from the tribe of Judah, who issued forth from Abraham, who was the offspring of Noah, who was a son of Adam.

This genealogy is finished and completed in the Person of Jesus the Christ.


TOL Subscriber
And just to add my opinion, but opinion only . . .

I do not think God willed that any Jew would ever be able to come up with supposed proof that they are an earthly offspring of Jesus, which some fools have blasphemously tried to claim.