NAACP leader outed as white


New member
Hall of Fame
It matters to her liberal white guilt.

I asked what makes you think she had some kind of "liberal upbringing" (whatever the world that means) and how it informed her being an inveterate liar. Are you saying her parents somehow had a hand in this?


New member
It seems that absolutely nothing about her invented story is true. Not even a bit. Normally liars at least embellish or pull from the truth...but this woman appears to be a total out of thin air myth.
I noted this to myself as well..... :think:


New member
Hall of Fame
I asked what makes you think she had some kind of "liberal upbringing" (whatever the world that means) and how it informed her being an inveterate liar. Are you saying her parents somehow had a hand in this?

Nope, upbringing encompasses much more than just parents. I just showed clearly the woman suffered white guilt and thats a liberal thing.


New member
Hall of Fame
Nope, upbringing encompasses much more than just parents. I just showed clearly the woman suffered white guilt and thats a liberal thing.

I have no idea what exactly you mean by "white guilt" and the word "liberal" is so overused on TOL it's next to worthless except shorthand for "something I disagree with." Bottom line's she seems to have a lot of issues and really should seek some manner of professional help (which she almost certainly won't).


New member
Hall of Fame
I have no idea what exactly you mean by "white guilt" and the word "liberal" is so overused on TOL it's next to worthless except shorthand for "something I disagree with."

Look up white guilt on google if you need some help with that one.

Bottom line's she seems to have a lot of issues and really should seek some manner of professional help (which she almost certainly won't).

I totally agree with that.


New member
Hall of Fame
Look up white guilt on google if you need some help with that one.

I'm familiar with the term. I said I have no idea what you mean by it. (You really should stop acting as though people can read your mind. You do that a lot.)

So what does she do next? Lecture circuit? Grovel on Oprah? Probably a book deal and a quickie made for TV movie. God help us all...


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm familiar with the term. I said I have no idea what you mean by it. (You really should stop acting as though people can read your mind

Please enlighten me on alternative meanings that i could possibly mean, besides what it is. (and especially since i quoted her self hatred of being white also)


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm familiar with the term. I said I have no idea what you mean by it. (You really should stop acting as though people can read your mind. You do that a lot.)
Please enlighten me on alternative meanings that i could possibly mean, besides what it is.

If you want to explain what you intend by white guilt, go ahead. Believe it or not the phrase can mean different things to different people.


New member
Hall of Fame
Waiting for those definitions, thanks.

This thread isn't about you and your not-so-latent narcissism. Not gonna get sucked into that tar pit. If you want to explain what you mean by "white guilt," go ahead. Talking about yourself and your opinions usually comes pretty easy to you.:smokie:


New member
Hall of Fame
You made the claim that there are alternative definitions, so enlighten us all to what they are, as i know only of one and assume that most others also know only of one.

Again: You and your narcissism aren't what this thread's about. If you want to keep sidetracking this thread--as you're wont to do, by making it all about you--I'll just use the ignore list. Musterion looks more appealing now, and that's saying something. Your call.


New member
Hall of Fame
Again: You and your narcissism aren't what this thread's about. If you want to keep sidetracking this thread--as you're wont to do, by making it all about you--I'll just use the ignore list. Musterion looks more appealing now, and that's saying something. Your call.

:rotfl: Have a nice day granite, i love you too.


New member
Hall of Fame
:rotfl: Have a nice day granite, i love you too.

If you can't actually explain what you mean that just tells me you're out of your depth. You talk yourself into corners all the time. People with your issue tend to do that a lot. Being self-absorbed means you can't see the rakes you're stepping on.

See you later.


New member
Hall of Fame
If you can't actually explain what you mean that just tells me you're out of your depth. You talk yourself into corners all the time. People with your issue tend to do that a lot. Being self-absorbed means you can't see the rakes you're stepping on.

See you later.

There is only one meaning for 'liberal white guilt' and you know it.


New member
If you can't actually explain what you mean that just tells me you're out of your depth. You talk yourself into corners all the time. People with your issue tend to do that a lot. Being self-absorbed means you can't see the rakes you're stepping on.

See you later.

Is this a generalization which I see before me....oh my?


Well-known member
Whether she had white liberal guilt imprinted on her as a child or not (no way to know for sure), she clearly believed she physically passes close enough for black to take advantage of the social justice race grievance industry and made a nice living from it, AND was allowed to do so by other leftists - including black ones - who knew the whole time that she's white. She's a liar, shyster, grifter and fraud, which is the only way the Left has ever gotten anywhere.
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Well-known member
By the way.

Given that she was known to be white the whole time but was allowed to hold a position of influence if not authority over blacks, what does that tell you about how seriously black leftists in general, and the NAACP in particular, take "the issue of race"? Doesn't this story suggest it's simply another means to an end?