My Religion

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I would say you could be right KOde. If there’s only one God it makes sense.
We know that there is only one God and there is no if about it.

John 1:4"In him was life; and the life was the light of men".

Forget the Bible for now and focus your attention to science. Would you agree that in science life and light are eternal elements of a super supreme being?

It just seems to be that there’s a lot of Christian people who believe in more than one God. Many seems to believe that Satan is also a God. They believe he’s the God of this world. I don’t believe it but many do.
If you would have pay closer attention in Sunday school you would have learned a very long time ago that Jesus fulfilled this prophecy spoken by the prophet Isiah when he thought the parable of the sower to His disciples.


KOde, I see that you have responded and I thank you for that. It is my intention to respond to it.

For now I just want to say that I played golf with a man named Henry today in addition to my normal partner Chris. Henry joined us at my invitation because there was a slowish group ahead and there were two pushy guys behind them. I wasn’t going to say anything to him but my partner Chris did and we heard his story.

He retired from the Navy then became a cop down in Oxnard and fought gang members. He arrested 5 Members of a dangerous gang from East LA and they said when they got out they were gonna kill him. So, some years later they did. He fought the biggest one off duty but couldn’t get to his weapon. They slashed his legs and stabbed him in the back and left him on the ground bleeding. As they all stood over him with their pistols drawn, he said let me bleed out. So they did.

But 911 got there in time and saved him. He had to retire on disability. Anyway, it just took me back to the brutal nature of this world.

It raises so many questions, but what it looks like is that we are just a part of nature from this Earth. We are like any other creature fighting for survival. It’s disgusting and primitive.

I don’t understand why God let’s it happen, but he does, So, for me I believe that there is an answer I don’t understand. In the meantime I try to do as wise Solomon says and enjoy the beauty of life that I get to experience.

Gary K

New member
KOde, I see that you have responded and I thank you for that. It is my intention to respond to it.

For now I just want to say that I played golf with a man named Henry today in addition to my normal partner Chris. Henry joined us at my invitation because there was a slowish group ahead and there were two pushy guys behind them. I wasn’t going to say anything to him but my partner Chris did and we heard his story.

He retired from the Navy then became a cop down in Oxnard and fought gang members. He arrested 5 Members of a dangerous gang from East LA and they said when they got out they were gonna kill him. So, some years later they did. He fought the biggest one off duty but couldn’t get to his weapon. They slashed his legs and stabbed him in the back and left him on the ground bleeding. As they all stood over him with their pistols drawn, he said let me bleed out. So they did.

But 911 got there in time and saved him. He had to retire on disability. Anyway, it just took me back to the brutal nature of this world.

It raises so many questions, but what it looks like is that we are just a part of nature from this Earth. We are like any other creature fighting for survival. It’s disgusting and primitive.

I don’t understand why God let’s it happen, but he does, So, for me I believe that there is an answer I don’t understand. In the meantime I try to do as wise Solomon says and enjoy the beauty of life that I get to experience.


I haven't read much of this thread, or a lot of your posts, so I can't say I'm very familiar with
your understanding of who God is. I think though if you will engage in a thought experiment
it might very well help you to understand why God does not stop all evil from happening.

Imagine you are a king of a very large country. You are always honest, fair, just, and treat
everyone the same way. You do not make a difference in how you treat the powerful or the
lowly people in your realm. Then one day you are attacked by the number 3 guy in your
your government in a very subtle, very hard to define way. His basic accusation is that
you are unfair and unjust, but he phrases it in a way that makes it seem as if he is supporting
you while he is, in fact, slandering your character. Now, as king you have the power and
authority to kill him, outlaw him, send him to prison, kick him out of your government, etc...
however a whole lot of your subjects and members of your government believe the slanders
and if you take legal or punitive action against him it will seem as if you are verifying his
accusations against you. That is something you wish to do at all costs.

So, what will you do to defeat this guy? What will you do to get everyone to understand that
he is the problem and not you. How can you defeat him in such a way as to make sure no
one ever doubts your goodness again? Just remember that this guy is such a good con
artist that he has convinced a large number of your friends and members of your government
that you are the evil one, and not him. People who have known you all of their lives now
doubt your good intentions, wisdom, and kindness. They view you at best with doubt even
if they haven't come right out in support of your enemy, and at worst have accepted the lies
about you at face value.


New member
At the top of post #530 you said that difference is not a contradiction. Would you mind explaining to me what a contradiction actually is?

It's a difference that is not compatible with another.


I believe it is better to ascribe only righteousness to my maker and reject any notion that God is intentionally evil.

Note that it has not been said that God is intentionally evil, or even unintentionally so. For He can do no wrong (Deuteronomy 32:4).

Love has no wrath because it’s nature doesn’t allow it.

Based on what?

For God is both love (1 John 4:8) and has wrath (Revelation 19:15).

I think the idea of “angry God” is a made up idea because of human fear.

Note that we are supposed to fear God (Luke 12:5).


In the abundance of water, only the fool goes thirsty.

What is your source of "water" which contradicts the water of God's Word the Bible (Ephesians 5:26)?


Adam raised a Cain.

And an Abel (1 John 3:12).


Knowledge speaks but wisdom listens.

Wisdom also speaks (Psalms 37:30).


I know Jimi Hendrix overdosed on drugs. It happens. Life is hard. The struggle is real.

Even for Christians, but they still have hope (2 Corinthians 4:8-18).


It just seems to be that there’s a lot of Christian people who believe in more than one God. Many seems to believe that Satan is also a God. They believe he’s the God of this world.

Only in the sense of a little-g, false god (2 Corinthians 4:4).

For there is only one true God (Jeremiah 10:10).


. . . Anyway, it just took me back to the brutal nature of this world.

The brutal nature of this world comes from those who wittingly or unwittingly follow Satan (John 8:44, Ephesians 2:2).

We are like any other creature fighting for survival.

Eventually, even other creatures will become peaceful (Romans 8:19-25, Isaiah 65:25).


God already knows everything.

That's right (Colossians 2:3).

And at a certain point in our future, even Satan will know that his time is short (Revelation 12:12).

For he will be bound by an angel at Jesus Christ's future, Second Coming (Revelation 20:1-2).


Active member
KOde, I see that you have responded and I thank you for that. It is my intention to respond to it.
You're welcome.

For now I just want to say that I played golf with a man named Henry today in addition to my normal partner Chris. Henry joined us at my invitation because there was a slowish group ahead and there were two pushy guys behind them. I wasn’t going to say anything to him but my partner Chris did and we heard his story.

He retired from the Navy then became a cop down in Oxnard and fought gang members. He arrested 5 Members of a dangerous gang from East LA and they said when they got out they were gonna kill him. So, some years later they did. He fought the biggest one off duty but couldn’t get to his weapon. They slashed his legs and stabbed him in the back and left him on the ground bleeding. As they all stood over him with their pistols drawn, he said let me bleed out. So they did.

But 911 got there in time and saved him. He had to retire on disability.
Well, I feel sorry for Henry very much. But what does that has to do with God?

Anyway, it just took me back to the brutal nature of this world.

It raises so many questions, but what it looks like is that we are just a part of nature from this Earth. We are like any other creature fighting for survival. It’s disgusting and primitive.
The natural world is a temporary state that we're all passing through. It's very important to remember that this isn't our home. I disagree that we're like other creatures. I believe that our God has bigger plans for us.

What about your God?

I don’t understand why God let’s it happen, but he does, So, for me I believe that there is an answer I don’t understand.
Everything we need to know about our God is written in the Bible.

How about your god. How can we learn about him?

In the meantime I try to do as wise Solomon says and enjoy the beauty of life that I get to experience.
Did your religion originate from Abraham?


We know that there is only one God and there is no if about it.

KOde, I'm sorry but we don't know that. We believe that. There is a difference. I mean, what can be really known about God? The only things we know about God are what we believe.

Forget the Bible for now and focus your attention to science. Would you agree that in science life and light are eternal elements of a super supreme being?

Well, yes and no. I mean, I believe that yes....but God cannot be known scientifically.

If you would have pay closer attention in Sunday school you would have learned a very long time ago that Jesus fulfilled this prophecy spoken by the prophet Isiah when he thought the parable of the sower to His disciples.

Well, that is your faith, and I respect it....but Isaiah has been tampered with over time so it really doesn't qualify as truth or proof of fulfilled prophecy.



I haven't read much of this thread, or a lot of your posts, so I can't say I'm very familiar with
your understanding of who God is. I think though if you will engage in a thought experiment
it might very well help you to understand why God does not stop all evil from happening.

So, what will you do to defeat this guy? What will you do to get everyone to understand that
he is the problem and not you. How can you defeat him in such a way as to make sure no
one ever doubts your goodness again? Just remember that this guy is such a good con
artist that he has convinced a large number of your friends and members of your government
that you are the evil one, and not him. People who have known you all of their lives now
doubt your good intentions, wisdom, and kindness. They view you at best with doubt even
if they haven't come right out in support of your enemy, and at worst have accepted the lies
about you at face value.

I mean, I wouldn't exactly call this a thought experiment ffreeloader. It's more of an analogy that you're offering.

In any event, what you have offered here in no way helps me understand why God allows evil to exist. I think evil existing is a consequence of allowing people to exist. It is people who do evil.....this part is known.

The idea that the devil makes people do evil, or is responsible for the fall of man, God's curse on this planet, original sin, etc. I think that's mainly just religion and superstition.


It's a difference that is not compatible with another.

Right. That's what I said. It sure is odd that you don't see those passages as contradictory since they contradict. But whatever, I through arguing that point.

Note that it has not been said that God is intentionally evil, or even unintentionally so. For He can do no wrong (Deuteronomy 32:4).

Right. So, like must be one of those people who don't believe in hell then. For, if indeed God put people in hell to be tormented for eternity because they were born into this world through no fault or desire of their own....that would be evil.

Note that we are supposed to fear God (Luke 12:5).

Eh....I don't think so. But you do. OK.

For there is only one true God (Jeremiah 10:10).

I also have that belief.

The brutal nature of this world comes from those who wittingly or unwittingly follow Satan (John 8:44, Ephesians 2:2).

That is your belief and I don't share it. But thank you for responding.


You're welcome.

Well, I feel sorry for Henry very much. But what does that has to do with God?

God made this world and all the people and things in it according to the Bible. So, everything here has something to do with God....wouldn't you agree?

The natural world is a temporary state that we're all passing through. It's very important to remember that this isn't our home. I disagree that we're like other creatures. I believe that our God has bigger plans for us.

There is no question that this place is our home Kode, we can't live anywhere else. Whether or not this is a temporary state or all we have remains to be seen.

What about your God?

I don't really know much about him. I only know what I believe about him. At times I do prayerfully seek to understand him better, but since I know a little something about the mind, I know we can fool ourselves. When I am really in need and I ask him, he helps me. That's what I know about God.

Everything we need to know about our God is written in the Bible.

I don't believe that at all, but I respect your right to believe it.

Did your religion originate from Abraham?

No. I find the Old Testament kind of evil, if you'd like to know the truth about it. Anyway, thank you for responding it has been good speaking with you again.


I form my beliefs about God First and foremost based upon what is. The way things are. I believe that if God exists then things are exactly as he intended them to be. I believe this because of the precise nature of the universe - from macro to micro.

Then, I consider the nature of things. For example, everything is in a place of struggle. From the birds who fight with one another to establish dominance to even the insects I observe.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I form my beliefs about God First and foremost based upon what is. The way things are. I believe that if God exists then things are exactly as he intended them to be. I believe this because of the precise nature of the universe - from macro to micro.

Then, I consider the nature of things. For example, everything is in a place of struggle. From the birds who fight with one another to establish dominance to even the insects I observe.
What are your thoughts then on both Western secular and Eastern (typically religious or spiritual) philosophy? Both traditions, while different in their conclusions, address the same questions you're considering.


What are your thoughts then on both Western secular and Eastern (typically religious or spiritual) philosophy? Both traditions, while different in their conclusions, address the same questions you're considering.

Sorry to see you are banned. I can’t answer your question unless you get more specific. Hope to hear from you again.


Active member
It is better to give than to receive. Jesus
And another thing that Jesus thought was that we Christians always also ask questions with someone who has more understanding about the scripture s. And that there is nothing wrong to know less than others. Having humility and recognizing superiority in someone else’s understanding is worthy of a good Christianity. Understanding is better than a misinterpretation of the sacred texts.

We know our God by His name. And so do the Jews and the Nation of Islam.

How about your religion. What is the name of your God?


And another thing that Jesus thought was that we Christians always also ask questions with someone who has more understanding about the scripture s. And that there is nothing wrong to know less than others. Having humility and recognizing superiority in someone else’s understanding is worthy of a good Christianity. Understanding is better than a misinterpretation of the sacred texts.

We know our God by His name. And so do the Jews and the Nation of Islam.

How about your religion. What is the name of your God?

IDK, it’s just funny to hear people say “your God” when speaking of God, especially since nearly everyone I’ve ever spoken to about God believes there’s only one.

Anyway, to answer your question, what’s wrong with calling him God? As far as his name goes, I don’t think anyone knows that. Who would have named God?

Usually, your parents name you, but God doesn’t have parents does he? If he did, then someone else would be God.


Active member
IDK, it’s just funny to hear people say “your God” when speaking of God, especially since nearly everyone I’ve ever spoken to about God believes there’s only one.

Anyway, to answer your question, what’s wrong with calling him God? As far as his name goes, I don’t think anyone knows that. Who would have named God?

Usually, your parents name you, but God doesn’t have parents does he? If he did, then someone else would be God.

The thing is this. In the world there's tons of theories about God. And if someone wants to learn more of someone's beliefs that person can read something about their beliefs on a book or on the internet. But there's nothing to study about your religion unless you share your thoughts.

Do plan or have you written a sacred book about your religion?


Active member
The thing is this. In the world there's tons of theories about God. And if someone wants to learn more of someone's beliefs that person can read something about their beliefs on a book or on the internet. But there's nothing to study about your religion unless you share your thoughts.

Do plan or have you written a sacred book about your religion?
And another thing is this. Your religion and your God only exists in your head. Isn't that a dangerous place for a God to exist?
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