My Experience of a Far Left, SJW Infested University Campus


New member
Why do you want to study philosophy if you don't want to learn from and about the ideals of others, and you don't want to field their criticism of yours? That's what philosophers do.

Perhaps "learning from and about others" is exactly what is happening. What is being learned is that leftists are intolerant, bigoted, and hateful, and ironically think they are morally superior. Why are you so resistant to facts?


like marbles on glass
I'll go ahead and address a few points in your post, and then you can have all the freedom you want to go back to fussing about being marginalized and persecuted by those "mewing" females that have you in such a tizzy.

I believe that it does have a place in this discussion. The whole point was finding a view which one can justify to marginalize.

No. You came here to talk about feminists and SJWs, not jihadis. So either acknowledge that you chose a group that you can easily justify marginalizing or drop it, because I'm not interested in your deflection and your unwillingness to see that you're doing a whole lot of marginalizing yourself. You don't need my input, there's a ready audience here to high-five you all that you need to make you happy.

I've already stated in this thread I'm a staunch defender of freedom of speech

Actually, I'm finding that harder and harder to see.

You tell me. Do your Christian ideals justify your denigration of others when it suits your purposes? Saying that people with other views than yours are "infesting" your campus, and that women with whom you don't agree are "mewing?"

As stated much earlier in this thread, I could have included a lot more in the OP but chose not to so as to keep the post as short as I could. I've had two other occasions where I've been directly confronted and forced to share my views or else lie about them and neither were pleasant experiences. One was on the question of Israel and Palestine when approached by some activist SJWs on campus. The other was on the migrant/refugee crisis, again when approached by SJWs on campus. In addition to this I have seen first hand the reactions to some of my right wing friends in similar situations. They didn't venture their views but were faced with little choice but to share them.

Forced? What, they tackled you and held you down until you answered them? What does "forced" mean, exactly? You've already said you had academic freedom in the classroom, and when I ask for out of classroom experiences, you tell me you were "forced" to share a political opinion?

Sweeping overstatements? Not really. If someone is an SJW then it's highly likely they will hate someone like myself. Have you ever visited Tumblr and seen some of the SJW pages on there? I may have used a broad brush but the SJW movement demands it.

Yes, sweeping. You admit yourself to using a broad brush. Again - we're not talking about Tumblr. We're talking about your personal experiences on campus that so rattled you that you had to come here (where Christians use hateful language all the time, but since you agree with them you don't have a problem with it... as you said above, "why not?") to trash talk and hate on the people that you so obviously disdain.

See above for more information about my experiences on campus. Outside of university I feel free to share my views, but not at university as it's ruled by a liberal 'elite' who make Marx look right wing.

So find a Christian college where you can feel at home hating on "mewing" feminists and those nasty SJWs. If you can't afford it, start writing scholarship applications. If for whatever reason that's just not possible, then focus on your education, listen and learn about other views whether you agree with them or not, treat people with as much Christian charity as you can, be thankful for the freedom you do have, volunteer in community outreach if you aren't already doing so, graduate, and leave as your legacy that regardless of how you were treated (or perceived you were treated), that you held your convictions while treating people with dignity and respect. All of those things are completely within your power.


Well-known member
I'm learning all the time about the ideals of others and I am quite happy to listen to criticism of my own. One then formulates arguments to defend your position and attack someone else's position. Arguments and counter arguments then go back and forth. If one realises that their position can't be defended then it's best to abandon that position. So don't patronise me by telling me what philosophers do, thanks.
Then what ARE you whining about, exactly? Because it sure looks to me like you have no idea what those people are thinking beyond their being "liberals". Yet you seem to be mighty offended that they aren't willing to listen to you preach your morally superior conservatism, at them.

None of what you are whining about sounds the least bit like philosophical debate. All it sounds like to me is that your feelings are hurt because they aren't buying into your morally superior conservative nonsense outside of the classroom, and they're willing to tell you so in no uncertain terms, … outside the classroom. Welcome to college, where a lot of the learning doesn't happen in the classroom, but happens through interactions with people coming from some very different cultural perspectives.

So you came here, where you know there are plenty of liberal-haters to pat you on the back and tell you how right you are, and how wrong, evil, and stupid they are for not appreciating your morally superior conservative ideology.


The Berean

Well-known member
I come from a poor family who always voted for left wing parties. I've never been wealthy, I don't have lots of money. Yet I still firmly believe in a conservative world view.

Stay strong LMOHM. From what you have shared you have gone through an incredible life journey. The Lord has brought you to this point in your life. Just remember He will sustain you and guide you through tough times. Don't let the "liberals and leftists", or anyone else for that matter, distract you. Just remember you are really fighting the powers and principalities in the spiritual realm behind the people who disagree with you. When I an feeling down I like to read the Psalms. David didn't mince words. He spoke from the heart.


Hall of Fame
I'll go ahead and address a few points in your post, and then you can have all the freedom you want to go back to fussing about being marginalized and persecuted by those "mewing" females that have you in such a tizzy.

No. You came here to talk about feminists and SJWs, not jihadis. So either acknowledge that you chose a group that you can easily justify marginalizing or drop it, because I'm not interested in your deflection and your unwillingness to see that you're doing a whole lot of marginalizing yourself. You don't need my input, there's a ready audience here to high-five you all that you need to make you happy.

Actually, I'm finding that harder and harder to see.

You tell me. Do your Christian ideals justify your denigration of others when it suits your purposes? Saying that people with other views than yours are "infesting" your campus, and that women with whom you don't agree are "mewing?"

Forced? What, they tackled you and held you down until you answered them? What does "forced" mean, exactly? You've already said you had academic freedom in the classroom, and when I ask for out of classroom experiences, you tell me you were "forced" to share a political opinion?

Yes, sweeping. You admit yourself to using a broad brush. Again - we're not talking about Tumblr. We're talking about your personal experiences on campus that so rattled you that you had to come here (where Christians use hateful language all the time, but since you agree with them you don't have a problem with it... as you said above, "why not?") to trash talk and hate on the people that you so obviously disdain.

So find a Christian college where you can feel at home hating on "mewing" feminists and those nasty SJWs. If you can't afford it, start writing scholarship applications. If for whatever reason that's just not possible, then focus on your education, listen and learn about other views whether you agree with them or not, treat people with as much Christian charity as you can, be thankful for the freedom you do have, volunteer in community outreach if you aren't already doing so, graduate, and leave as your legacy that regardless of how you were treated (or perceived you were treated), that you held your convictions while treating people with dignity and respect. All of those things are completely within your power.



New member
Stay strong LMOHM. From what you have shared you have gone through an incredible life journey. The Lord has brought you to this point in your life. Just remember He will sustain you and guide you through tough times. Don't let the "liberals and leftists", or anyone else for that matter, distract you. Just remember you are really fighting the powers and principalities in the spiritual realm behind the people who disagree with you. When I an feeling down I like to read the Psalms. David didn't mince words. He spoke from the heart.

Well said!


Colleges are largely comprised of pampered teens from elite, privileged society. The young women don't know a single real thing about oppression, and yet because they are brainwashed by an outdated and pointless 'movement', they try to see discrimination where none actually exists. This makes a problem for men for virtually no reason, and they aren't even allowed to speak against it.

And away from feminism, because they have lived a life thus far in harmony, they have no idea what it is to live in the real world where a person actually has to deal with adversarial exchanges and oppositions.
This is where the whole 'not offending' anyone comes in- everything is offensive, and so everything not popular should be expelled or hidden.

Ironically, these are products straight out of dystopian or communist societies. It's funny that such things are being produced from so called free, liberal philosophy and arts, and is also a monumental problem.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Perhaps "learning from and about others" is exactly what is happening. What is being learned is that leftists are intolerant, bigoted, and hateful, and ironically think they are morally superior. Why are you so resistant to facts?

but that's not faaaaiiiirrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!

that's not the lesson purexcrement and annabanahead want pete to learn!


New member
Perhaps "learning from and about others" is exactly what is happening. What is being learned is that leftists are intolerant, bigoted, and hateful, and ironically think they are morally superior. Why are you so resistant to facts?
We can start with the basic observation that this isn't a fact, but an opinion and go from there.


Well-known member
We can start with the basic observation that this isn't a fact, but an opinion and go from there.
Well, yeah, but it was the insult that mattered, not the accuracy. ;) It's not whether or not you hit the target, it's how loud a "bang" the gun makes, going off!


Well-known member
I'll go ahead and address a few points in your post, and then you can have all the freedom you want to go back to fussing about being marginalized and persecuted by those "mewing" females that have you in such a tizzy.

I think mewing is a very appropriate word for most of what modern feminists are whinging about. Unless you consider "manspreading" and air conditioning to be serious issues causing the systemic oppression of females?

No. You came here to talk about feminists and SJWs, not jihadis. So either acknowledge that you chose a group that you can easily justify marginalizing or drop it, because I'm not interested in your deflection and your unwillingness to see that you're doing a whole lot of marginalizing yourself. You don't need my input, there's a ready audience here to high-five you all that you need to make you happy.

I chose that group as an example. Which part of this are you failing to understand? I was talking about how I don't desire to marginalise those with differing views to myself unless it's something like the support of jihad. It was a qualifying statement and an appropriate one. I'd love to see you point out where I have marginalised anyone or said that I want to marginalise anyone. I haven't so you can't. Calling a group of people SJWs is not marginalising them. Saying why I disagree with others is not marginalising them. Shunning them and telling them I won't speak to them because they have different views to myself would be marginalising them. I haven't been doing that, they have.

Actually, I'm finding that harder and harder to see.

Then perhaps you should go back and read my posts again if you can't see that. I've stated that I support and defend free speech. I've also stated that I have no issue with people holding different beliefs to mine. What I have issue with is being made to feel like a pariah, being told that my opinion counts for squat because I'm a conservative, Christian, white male. If you don't believe this is really happening then perhaps you should come and visit my university campus for yourself?

You tell me. Do your Christian ideals justify your denigration of others when it suits your purposes? Saying that people with other views than yours are "infesting" your campus, and that women with whom you don't agree are "mewing?"

People with repugnant, oppressive views are infesting my campus. It's not a statement hating on others, it's a statement of fact. I'm saying that feminists who complain about non-issues are mewing. Western feminists for the most part are self-entitled, spoiled brats from privileged middle class backgrounds who have never experience oppression. From the way many of them go on you would think they were slaves on a plantation.

Forced? What, they tackled you and held you down until you answered them? What does "forced" mean, exactly? You've already said you had academic freedom in the classroom, and when I ask for out of classroom experiences, you tell me you were "forced" to share a political opinion?

In the Israel example the woman stood in my way asking me questions about my views on Israel. What was I to do, barge past? I can only imagine how that would have gone if I barged a woman out of the way. I was then lectured on their views on Israel, and as I tried to move so did she, still blocking my way out of there. All I wanted to do was get to class, not have a political discussion. I'm talking here about a feminist who openly admits to and defends throwing her hot coffee over and punching men who disagree with her, because in her words they are "misogynist rape apologists". I could have either kept saying 'no, I won't share my views on this' which would make her believe I support Israel anyway, lie, or tell the truth. In the end I chose the latter option, something which sure didn't make her happy. I didn't shout, I wasn't angry, I just firmly but calmly shared my views on the Israel situation.

Yes, sweeping. You admit yourself to using a broad brush. Again - we're not talking about Tumblr. We're talking about your personal experiences on campus that so rattled you that you had to come here (where Christians use hateful language all the time, but since you agree with them you don't have a problem with it... as you said above, "why not?") to trash talk and hate on the people that you so obviously disdain.

It's difficult to talk about the modern SJW movement without bringing Tumblr into it as much of the ideology and beliefs are rooted in Tumblr politics. It seems to be that the crazies from Tumblr are now infesting university campuses. Now, at what point have I hated on anyone? I hate no one, I have never hated anyone. I may hate certain ideologies or beliefs but that does not mean I hate a person. So don't accuse me of hating people, it's simply not true.

So find a Christian college where you can feel at home hating on "mewing" feminists and those nasty SJWs. If you can't afford it, start writing scholarship applications. If for whatever reason that's just not possible, then focus on your education, listen and learn about other views whether you agree with them or not, treat people with as much Christian charity as you can, be thankful for the freedom you do have, volunteer in community outreach if you aren't already doing so, graduate, and leave as your legacy that regardless of how you were treated (or perceived you were treated), that you held your convictions while treating people with dignity and respect. All of those things are completely within your power.

I see. Marginalise myself by withdrawing from university so I can go to a Christian college. That's your solution?


Well-known member
So find a Christian college where you can feel at home hating on "mewing" feminists and those nasty SJWs.

Poor Anna....we don't hate you feminists nor do we hate homosexuals, but we will not pretend that you are right. You hate that, so you project your own feelings on us. And that's why you resort to trying to demean and attack all those who dare to speak up. From what I can tell....that is what you majored in at college. You go GIRL!!!!!