Muslim Bakers and Photographers

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Art Brain's mental illness is rubbing off on you Sandy. Phil Robertson worships the same God as I do, the God that would put a millstone around the neck of a child molester like the false prophet Muhammad (may pi..) and your pedophile heroes in the LGBTQ movement and caste them into the depths of the sea.


Whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea"
Matthew 18:6

So, should I agree with Robertson that men should get girls as young as 15 as if they wait until they're 20 they'll only pick their wallet? Is that the Christian stance to take?

Or is it rather more a case of you being all okay with that crap because it emanated from one of your personal heroes?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
he rejected Christ

that tells me all i need to know about him :idunno:
Well there's more.
He was a sexually perverted child molesting deviant.
And this child molesting, hallucinogenic drug using, delusion of grandeur, blood thirsty savage made it an honor to have a little 6 year old girl sexually molested.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Well there's more.
He was a sexually perverted child molesting deviant.
And this child molesting, hallucinogenic drug using, delusion of grandeur, blood thirsty savage made it an honor to have a little 6 year old girl sexually molested.

well, it was an honor

to a satan-worshipping pervert

which is exactly what mohammed was


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So you're acknowledging that (as shown in the link above) Christian business owners have been and are continuing to be harassed by your ever so tolerant LGBTQ movement for not selling out their Christian beliefs, but want proof that Muslim business owners who have turned away homosexuals aren't?

It's not harassment to request a service that is supposedly being offered. And it's also not harassment to engage all legal options if those services are illegally refused.

Thanks for acknowledging that your LGBTQ movement denies Christians the religious freedom that they're guaranteed to in the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
"The record" has already been established when it comes to showing what Christian business owners are subjected to if they dare deny sodomites a certain service because it goes against their Christian faith.
If you need me to go over each case in the link above, I'll gladly do so.

That's so close to what I asked for, I can see why you got confused. So close. But the way he's framing his request isn't the same. I have maintained, and the courts have generally agreed, that while a gay couple has a right to expect the same services from a business as any other couple, the business maintains the right to what you could call editorial control as far as content; that is, the business owner cannot be compelled to write a message or draw an image that they don't agree with. That would be compelled speech, and the First Amendment protects the business from it. And the business owner's refusal doesn't seem to occur until the guy starts insisting on the content. However, what Christian businesses have gotten in trouble for is the refusal to perform a service, regardless of content, on the same terms as other couples. That's the important difference.

The "content" is that Christian business owners are being prosecuted and sued because they refuse to perform a service that their faith says is immoral. Bakers who have denied homosexuals wedding cakes, florists who deny homosexuals floral arrangements for their 'wedding', innkeepers who deny homosexual couples 'wedding receptions' and photographers who refuse to photograph sodomite 'weddings' are 4 real life case examples.

BTW: How come your LGBTQ movement isn't suing Muslims who deny them service? I figure that homosexuals are too frightened to ask someone that would toss them from a building or stone them to death for services.

Your thoughts?


like marbles on glass
Well there's more.
He was a sexually perverted child molesting deviant.
And this child molesting, hallucinogenic drug using, delusion of grandeur, blood thirsty savage made it an honor to have a little 6 year old girl sexually molested.

Marriageable age for Jewish girls was about 12 years old. Why is that acceptable? Is it because it was Jewish culture and not Muslim culture?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Art Brain's mental illness is rubbing off on you Sandy. Phil Robertson worships the same God as I do,

This comment “You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They’ll pick your ducks,” tells me all I need to know about Phil and his encouragement of grown men to target teenage girls under the guise of marriage.

While I shouldn't have fed Art's mental illness by discussing the issue, I did, and here is what I'd shown Art on several occasions in that 4 part thread that bothers you so:

Harvey Levin, the homosexual activist that runs TMZ, a Hollywood gossip site, took portions of a video clip showing Phil Robertson saying the above. What the video didn't show was Phil Robertson mocking you and your fellow secular humanists for turning our culture into a moral cesspool where in order to find a wife who hasn't had numerous abortions, slept with numerous males, and had contracted STD's, guy's would have to find 15 year olds to marry.

The LGBTQ movement took it very hard when Phil Robertson mocked their perverse sex habits, they had to find a way to get even.

Here's true Christian love, you and Art should learn from what Phil has to say.



like marbles on glass
We can talk about other deviants.
St. Augustine married a 10 year old girl.

Actually, he didn't, she was chosen as his betrothed but he didn't marry her. But I accept your point.

What we see now as child predation wasn't seen that way in ancient cultures. Not all progress is bad, right?

We cannot speculate on how old Mary was, as scripture never gives her age.

We certainly can, many scholars have done just that and place her age somewhere about 12 -14 years.

But we definitely know how old Muhammad's wife was ----- 6 years old.
Celebrated as the the greatest love story ever told.

And while it is claimed that their marriage was not consummated till she was 9 years old, he still molested her between the age of 6 and 9.
This molestation was not penetration, but what they called 'thighing'
a practice of sticking your manhood between her thighs and 'massaging' her private area.

6 years old!!!!!!!

There is no doubt or speculation about Muhammad (piss be upon him).
He was definitely a sexually perverted child molester.

I don't know where you're getting your information from, but because I was interested, I started looking around and apparently we don't definitely know her age:

According to traditional sources Aisha was six or seven years old when betrothed to Muhammad,[153][231][232] with the marriage not being consummated until she had reached puberty at the age of nine or ten years old.[153][231][233][234][235][236][237][238][239] She was therefore a virgin at marriage.[231] Muslim authors who calculate Aisha's age based on other sources of information, such that available about her sister Asma about whom more is known, estimate that she was over thirteen and perhaps in her late teens at the time of her marriage.[240][241][242][243][244]

Before anyone freaks out and accuses me of condoning anything, I'm looking at this from a cross-culture perspective, both socially and religiously.

These were ancient tribes, Jewish and Muslim (and early Christian, see your mention of Augustine) accustomed to ancient ways. Do you not acknowledge that what was allowed in the Old Testament would never fly today, such as God allowing for the raping of conquered women?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Art Brain's mental illness is rubbing off on you Sandy. Phil Robertson worships the same God as I do,

While I shouldn't have fed Art's mental illness by discussing the issue, I did, and here is what I'd shown Art on several occasions in that 4 part thread that bothers you so:

Harvey Levin, the homosexual activist that runs TMZ, a Hollywood gossip site, took portions of a video clip showing Phil Robertson saying the above. What the video didn't show was Phil Robertson mocking you and your fellow secular humanists for turning our culture into a moral cesspool where in order to find a wife who hasn't had numerous abortions, slept with numerous males, and had contracted STD's, guy's would have to find a 15 year olds to marry.

The LGBTQ movement took it very hard when Phil Robertson mocked their perverse sex habits, they had to find a way to get even.

Here's true Christian love, you and Art should learn from what Phil has to say.


The video of Robertson saying the things he did is hardly exclusive to TMZ. It's available all over the web and your feeble attempt to mask it in some sort of context is pathetic, even for you Connie. He wasn't quoted out of context as I happened to show you with a video sans any affiliation. He said what he said, and he was pathetic for saying what he said.

So are you for going along with it.


like marbles on glass
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Art Brain's mental illness is rubbing off on you Sandy. Phil Robertson worships the same God as I do,

While I shouldn't have fed Art's mental illness by discussing the issue, I did

What you did was post a fake story and then pile post onto post in an effort to cover your tracks. If you had any courage at all, you'd admit you messed up.


Hall of Fame
The video of Robertson saying the things he did is hardly exclusive to TMZ. It's available all over the web and your feeble attempt to mask it in some sort of context is pathetic, even for you Connie. He wasn't quoted out of context as I happened to show you with a video sans any affiliation. He said what he said, and he was pathetic for saying what he said.

His words encourage MEN to prey upon teenage girls ... under the guise of marriage. The only reason an adult would become involved with a teenager is because they are much easier to manipulate.


Marriageable age for Jewish girls was about 12 years old. Why is that acceptable? Is it because it was Jewish culture and not Muslim culture?

Jesus rescinded Jewish customs in the New Testament anna.

Nice try though.

That being said: those that did marry young for practical reasons, were post pubescent, meaning they were able to have children.

While some say that little Aisha, the false prophet Muhammad's (may pi...) 6 year old bride had reached puberty at age 9, other valid sources say that she hadn't.

In any event, a 9 year old girl would rather be playing with dolls than having the children of a 52 year old murdering and thieving pervert (may pi...).


like marbles on glass
His words encourage MEN to prey upon teenage girls ... under the guise of marriage. The only reason an adult would become involved with a teenager is because they are much easier to manipulate.

That was exactly Robertson's point.

BTW, I like your new signature - maybe Henry Higgins will be played by Putin...


like marbles on glass
Jesus rescinded Jewish customs in the New Testament anna.

Nice try though.

That being said: those that did marry young for practical reasons, were post pubescent, meaning they were able to have children.

While some say that little Aisha, the false prophet Muhammad's (may pi...) 6 year old bride had reached puberty at age 9, other valid sources say that she hadn't.

In any event, a 9 year old girl would rather be playing with dolls than having the children of a 52 year old murdering and thieving pervert (may pi...).

So you're saying the Old Testament never happened? Nice try, aCW.

Tam referenced St. Augustine's betrothed. That was in the Christian era, so don't be so quick to think they'd left the all the OT customs behind.


What you did was post a fake story and then pile post onto post in an effort to cover your tracks. If you had any courage at all, you'd admit you messed up.

I already admitted that the picture of Muslim men marrying the pre teen girls was not as it appeared.

Now if you would like to go one and one and discuss the huge amounts of pedophilia and pederasty in both the Muslim and LGBTQ cultures, I would love to.

Here, let me write your answer for you:



New member
Apparently not even knowing the history of their pedo, drug addicted, murdering prophet (Piss be upon him), and all the other Muslim men that molest little girls as brides or slaves.

So, when folks see a pic like this, it is not illogical to think the girls in the pic could be their brides.
It turns out that the pic is not of brides at all, but it wasn't illogical to think it based on the history of the perversion of Muslim men.

only a pervert would make the assumption that the little girls were brides


Hall of Fame
That was exactly Robertson's point.

Interestingly enough, though not surprisingly so ... Robertson is a Trump-a-teer:

In appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends” from Cannes, France on the heels of the premiere of his Citizens United documentary “Torchbearer,” “Duck Dynasty” patriarch Phil Robertson discussed the 2016 presidential election, which finds the once-Cruz supporter now solidly behind presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.

On Trump’s candidacy, Robertson acknowledged that the people have spoken and he pledged to do everything he could to help him.
“I was forced on to the Trump train, but I am happily volunteering my services for Mr. Trump mainly because the Republican Party has spoken,” he said. “The people have said, ‘We want Mr. Trump.’ So, Mr. Cruz goes down. I love him, but now I’m on the Trump train and I’ll do everything I can to help him. Hey, we have to be loyal to the party.”

BTW, I like your new signature - maybe Henry Higgins will be played by Putin...

Thanks. :D