Music, the pied piper, is enticing people to lie disintegration.



Yesterday I was walking to a tribal Christian village. Some young men were walking some distance forward while listening to love-songs from mobiles. Then one entered his house by the road side. When wife greeted him he responded by abuse. A neighbor enquired about his bad temper. He said that he temper rises whenever he enters home. Many homes are broken due to this. I see such destructive effects of music all around.

This disdain for his mundane wife is caused by his fascination for glamorous film actress’s love lyrics. Those are totally false. Devil, the proud suicide leader, is the master liar. Actors’ acting is falsehood. She is lip moving as if she sings, while another really sings from a script written by another. All of them do that for money, never for love. They are nothing but prostitutes pretending love and doing anything for money. But heaven-fallen suicidal hell rushing humanity knowingly let them deceive their subconscious to stimulate agreeable feelings. Deceiving self is the greatest sin, though pervert humanity is adept in it. It is akin to suicide. Whatever doesn’t love-integrate destroys.

The blind fascinations of humanity are conditioned in womb, childhood and stupid social brainwashing. Some of these are formed while Heaven-fallen homeless we were drawn to women’s bodies for shelter for our souls. After some frustrations we succeeded to enter a womb. These frustrations form many like and dislike feelings in our subconscious. Our Heaven-destroying sub-animal perversions pervert our animal bodies too here.

The fascination of the fetus in the sound of mother’s heartbeat and blood murmur is root of our music fascination. Other fascinations for color of the skin and voice of mother persist life-long. All those are used by deceivers to draw us to destruction. The ruler of this junkyard is Devil, the exterminator of heaven-burner suicidal humanity (Rev.12,7-12, Indian Puran).

He pays most to them who break and destroy most. They get fame and fans. While saving truth proclaimers are scorned and persecuted. Look around and one shall see it. But our reward is the salvific indestructible love-integrity we achieve inside and with Heavenly Father. That will endure while the lie-addicts will become vanishing lies.


Well-known member

Yesterday I was walking to a tribal Christian village. Some young men were walking some distance forward while listening to love-songs from mobiles. Then one entered his house by the road side. When wife greeted him he responded by abuse. A neighbor enquired about his bad temper. He said that he temper rises whenever he enters home. Many homes are broken due to this. I see such destructive effects of music all around.

This disdain for his mundane wife is caused by his fascination for glamorous film actress’s love lyrics. Those are totally false. Devil, the proud suicide leader, is the master liar. Actors’ acting is falsehood. She is lip moving as if she sings, while another really sings from a script written by another. All of them do that for money, never for love. They are nothing but prostitutes pretending love and doing anything for money. But heaven-fallen suicidal hell rushing humanity knowingly let them deceive their subconscious to stimulate agreeable feelings. Deceiving self is the greatest sin, though pervert humanity is adept in it. It is akin to suicide. Whatever doesn’t love-integrate destroys.

The blind fascinations of humanity are conditioned in womb, childhood and stupid social brainwashing. Some of these are formed while Heaven-fallen homeless we were drawn to women’s bodies for shelter for our souls. After some frustrations we succeeded to enter a womb. These frustrations form many like and dislike feelings in our subconscious. Our Heaven-destroying sub-animal perversions pervert our animal bodies too here.

The fascination of the fetus in the sound of mother’s heartbeat and blood murmur is root of our music fascination. Other fascinations for color of the skin and voice of mother persist life-long. All those are used by deceivers to draw us to destruction. The ruler of this junkyard is Devil, the exterminator of heaven-burner suicidal humanity (Rev.12,7-12, Indian Puran).

He pays most to them who break and destroy most. They get fame and fans. While saving truth proclaimers are scorned and persecuted. Look around and one shall see it. But our reward is the salvific indestructible love-integrity we achieve inside and with Heavenly Father. That will endure while the lie-addicts will become vanishing lies.

Such people are:

Poisoned by these fairy tales.

Don Henley

And sometimes it is too late when one realizes that it was just a fairy tale. Because the lives of these glamorous people are not some panacea.