More fake liberal causes hate crimes in the news


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Thought id make a thread where i can post these as they happen, since they seem to be happening a lot anymore (fake "hate" for racial, ethnic, gay, etc crimes, motivated by desire for money or notoriety or their causes)

So feel free to discuss, or even post some that you come across in the news - todays:

Homosexual Organist Admits to Staging Hate Slur Vandalism

BEAN BLOSSOM, Ind. — An Indiana Episcopal organist who identifies as a homosexual has been charged with criminal mischief after he initially claimed to have found a hate slur and a swastika spray-painted on St. David’s Episcopal Church, but has now admitted to staging the graffiti himself.

George Stang, 26, of Bloomington has outlined in a written statement that he painted “Heil Trump” and “f*g church” on the building last November to “mobilize a movement after being disappointed in and fearful of the outcome of the national election.”

“I suppose I wanted to give local people a reason to fight for good, even if it was a false flag,” he wrote. “To be clear, my actions were not motivated by hate for the church or its congregation. I of course realize now, this was not the way to go about inspiring activism.”

Stang’s leadership is embracing of open homosexuals. Kelsey Hutto, the head of St. David’s, called police after being told by Stang that someone had vandalized the building.

Police have been investigating the matter for the past six months, and determined that the graffiti was an inside job. Officials obtained a warrant to review Stang’s cell phone records, which they discovered would have put him in the vicinity of crime at the time it occurred.

Stang was consequently questioned about the matter in February, but he denied being at St. David’s the night of Nov. 12. He was interviewed again by police in late April, and finally admitted to staging the vandalism.

The Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis condemned Stang’s behavior.

“This was a hurtful, dishonest and profoundly misguided action that stands against the values of the people of this diocese and the Episcopal Church, and we will continue to cooperate with the authorities who are pursuing this case,” Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, the organization’s “bishop,” said in a statement.

However, she opined that “sexual, religious and racial minorities have well-founded reasons to be fearful” as Stang said.

If convicted, Stang faces up to one year in jail and a fine of $5,000.

As previously reported, last year, Jordan Brown of the Church of Open Doors in Texas, also a homosexual, filed a lawsuit against the health-oriented grocery chain Whole Foods, claiming that an employee wrote a slur on his “Love Wins” cake order. He sought emotional damages from the company for committing what he tearfully declared during a press conference as being an act of hate.

However, when Whole Foods investigated and discovered that Brown’s story didn’t add up, they counter-sued. Brown subsequently admitted to lying, acknowledging that he staged the accusation by writing the slur on the cake himself. He also dropped his lawsuit against the company.

“I am dismissing my lawsuit against Whole Foods Market. The company did nothing wrong,” Brown said in a statement. “I was wrong to pursue this matter and use the media to perpetuate this story.”

2 Peter 2:11 But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.

Mark 7:22
greed, wickedness, deceit, debauchery, envy, slander, arrogance, and foolishness.

patrick jane

Did you see the poor lady with her dogs that walked up to a pool party to ask that they turn the music down. It was an all black party and they acted like a mob. They yelled to "throw her in the pool" - one kid body slammed her then threw her in the pool -



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Hall of Fame
Did you see the poor lady with her dogs that walked up to a pool party to ask that they turn the music down. It was an all black party and they acted like a mob. They yelled to "throw her in the pool" - one kid body slammed her then threw her in the pool -

yes, but that doesnt count as a hate crime, since she was white.

Anyway, this thread is about claims of hate crimes that were hoaxes, that clearly isnt a hoax.


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Todays news of fake hate:

St. Olaf: Report of racist note on black student's windshield was 'fabricated'

The college president made the revelation after first not disclosing the validity of the note but saying its author had confessed.

NORTHFIELD, MINN. – A racist threat against a St. Olaf student that touched off campuswide protests and forced the college to cancel classes earlier this month was a hoax, the school revealed Wednesday.

A student confessed to writing the note, St. Olaf President David R. Anderson wrote in a message to students. The threat — an anonymous, typewritten note — was “fabricated,” he said, as an apparent “strategy to draw attention to concerns about the campus climate.”

“This was not a genuine threat,” Anderson wrote in the first of two messages Wednesday to students. “We’re confident that there is no ongoing threat from this incident to individuals or the community as a whole.”

The note, tucked onto the windshield of a black student’s car on April 29, sparked outrage, fear and hurt on this close-knit private college campus, tucked into the hills of this river town about 45 miles south of the Twin Cities. The revelation that the note was fake was a shock of a different sort.

“I think it’s disturbing that it was written deliberately, just to stir up the campus,” sophomore Ben Parsell said Wednesday.

But would the hoax make it harder for the victim of a genuine racist threat to get help next time? Parsell didn’t think so.

“I don’t think the campus would let that happen,” he said.

For some students, a fake threat doesn’t change the reality of racism, or the positive changes they’ve seen on campus since the protests — including a task force the university pledged to set up to address minority student concerns.

“It’s started something good,” said Daniel Katuka. The St. Olaf senior, who is black, said he hasn’t encountered the sort of racism on campus that he’s experienced in the outside world. But he appreciated the St. Olaf community coming together “in a positive way” in the face of an apparent threat.

“It shows that if there’s a problem, it’s not a big problem,” he said. “It shows that this is a campus that stands together.”

‘Started something good’

Finals begin next week and students were out on the campus grounds Wednesday enjoying the spring sunshine. Student groups set up study break stations on the lawn, blasting music and handing out cotton candy.

Sophomore Alexandra Mascolo was swinging in a hammock next to the campus chapel. She’d participated in the protests earlier this month and believed that the most recent incident “started something good” at the college, although she noted, a hate crime hoax, “was not necessarily the best way to get it started.”

Student organizers who this month called for sweeping changes on campus to address a string of reported incidents involving racist messages targeting black students, said Wednesday that they don’t know the identity of the hoaxer. But they say their protest went beyond any single incident.

“Our movement wasn’t about one individual,” said Precious Ismail, a spokeswoman for the campus group, the Coalition for Change on the Hill. “Our movement was about a pattern of institutional racism.”

On April 29, St. Olaf senior Samantha Wells, who is black, posted images on social media of a threatening note she said she had found on her windshield. Wells was a featured speaker at campus rallies this month, tearfully relaying the discovery of the note and how unsafe it made her feel on campus.

Anderson said Wednesday that a student was responsible for the fake threat, but “federal privacy laws prohibit the college from disclosing the identity of the author of that note and disclosing the actions taken by the college now that we know the author’s identity.”

Wells, on social media early Wednesday afternoon, addressed the president’s disclosure. But it was unclear from what she wrote whether she acknowledges or denies being the note’s author.

“So, it looks like something made its way back to me in the investigation,” she wrote. “I will be saying it was a hoax. I don’t care. There is nothing more that I can do.”

Wells could not be reached Wednesday for an explanation.

Investigation closed

Anderson, meanwhile, said the college continues to investigate similar reported incidents that have occurred on campus since last fall. The April 29 incident was the latest, prompting a campus rally that night and the canceling of classes two days later as Anderson received demands from students wanting administrators to address the incidents and institutional racism.

Wells said that the anonymous typewritten note left on her windshield said in total: “I am so glad you are leaving soon. One less [N-word] this school has to deal with. You have spoken up too much. You will change nothing. Shut up or I will shut you up.”

Northfield police told the Star Tribune Wednesday that they have closed their investigation into the note, explaining that Wells was unwilling to seek the filing of a criminal case.

Wells said in an e-mail late last week to the lead investigator that “I have decided that I am not going to be filing a report.”

She said she would be graduating soon, leaving for Europe in June and “would rather not spend the end of my college career and my last month and a half in the U.S. worrying about an investigation.”

With Wells bowing out, police have closed the case. The case file points out that police did not see the anonymous typewritten note because Wells “took [it] outside and had a ‘ceremonial’ burning to destroy it.”

Wells said she destroyed the note “because she didn’t want to look at it or have it anywhere near her,” according to the file.

Northfield Police Chief Monte Nelson said Wednesday that his department had received no information questioning the note’s authenticity. He added that he was not aware of any law that would enable him to charge someone with such a hoax.

Despite closing the investigation into the April 29 incident, police are continuing to investigate another report of a racial incident case at St. Olaf, Nelson said.

“I expect that will stay open for quite a while,” the chief said. “We’ve got to work with the school” as it pursues its own investigation.


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BuzzFeed Falls for Fake Story About Transgender Women Getting Kicked Out of Gaming Tournament

Yet again, BuzzFeed fell for some fake news. This time they wrote about four transgender women who were barred from entering an all-female Counter Strike: Global Offensive tournament.

Turns out it was all an elaborate troll by a bunch of dudes. Sly Buehl Rigilio spun an elaborate tale to BuzzFeed about how hard it is to be a trans gamer and how rejection from the tournament made him cry.

The group first tried to enter online with pictures of themselves in bad wigs but were unsurprisingly rejected and warned they could be penalized for trying to fake their gender. Then the Electronic Sports League, the organization running the tournament, told them they could enter manually, but only if they showed passports that proved their gender was female.

The ESL’s spokesperson even told BuzzFeed they put these rules in place because of the large number of male trolls entering into the tournament as a joke.

The story was picked up by numerous other media outlets like Pink News, Fusion and Cucktaku. The story even prompted another female gaming tournament to revise their rules on accepting transgender applicants.

But less than a week after BuzzFeed published their article, Rigilio told Paul Joseph Watson of InfoWars that the story was a hoax. “Over the past 2 weeks we set up a plot to see if we could trick BuzzFeed into posting something that is fake, for the laughs,” Rigilio told Infowars.

“We decided to pose as a ‘transgendered’ pro team, we made it as ridiculous as possible by uploading obvious troll pics to our profiles on the tournament’s website (pics of us wearing wigs, etc). We knew we were going to get declined into joining the tournament, so once we did get turned down, I then sent an email to a Buzzfeed journalist by the name of Lane Sainty to try and bait them into making a story out of it.”

Rigilio did nothing to hide their gaming team name from Buzzfeed, the Rigatoni Family. A quick google search would have revealed the group’s website and YouTube channel which reveals them to be a group of trolls with a conservative bent.

Maybe Buzzfeed should stick to what they do best: repetitive food lists and Disney princess quizzes.


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Fake Hate Crimes

[The Left desperately wants Americans to be indecent people who go around attacking Muslims and foreigners with funny names, but, by and large, we aren’t.]

And fake hate, too Democrats find themselves in the odd position of simultaneously suggesting 1. that Donald Trump is a closet anti-Semite and 2. that his son-in-law and close adviser, Jared Kushner, is a nefarious Jewish agent of Israel hoping to turn Washington into the Jewish state’s “Santa Claus.”

But first, a detour. Juan Thompson, a left-wing journalist fired from his position at The Intercept for falsifying stories, is once again accused of falsifying a story: He has been arrested for making a string of threats to Jewish community centers in what police say was a plot to frame his ex-girlfriend. Thompson, who is black, said on Twitter he was himself being framed by a “racist white girl.” Fake hate crimes committed by progressives are by this point so familiar that they are practically a cliché.

When a Muslim woman at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette was attacked and had her hijab ripped off, two things happened: One, the Left insisted that this announced the coming wave of pogroms against Muslims in the Age of Trump; two, people who follow this sort of thing began betting how quickly she’d be exposed as a fraud. It did not take long. Incidentally, her name has been kept out of media reports, even though she faces potential charges herself for filing a false report. These hoaxers should be publicly named, as there is no legitimate reason to protect their identities.

There were other fake hate crimes attributed to Trump enthusiasts: Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani of Cary, N.C., says that he planned to leave the United States after an Islamophobic assault on his son following harassment by neighbors who named-checked Trump.
School officials say there is no evidence that attack ever happened.

A gay man in Santa Monica claimed to have been assaulted by Trump partisans, but the attack seems not to have happened. The San Francisco homeowner who raised a swastika flag was not a Trump supporter but a Trump opponent. A catalogue of similarly false, exaggerated, or distorted hate crimes has been assembled by Reason. But the fake hate crimes and other politically charged fictitious horrors did not begin with Trump’s election.

In her memoir, Lena Dunham made up a story about being raped by an Oberlin College Republican named Barry; after reporting here at National Review and elsewhere (and a lawsuit threat from an Oberlin graduate), Random House was obliged to emend the book.

Two black students were charged with pro-KKK vandalism at the University of Miami. Terroristic threats made against Muslim students at Concordia University turned out to come not from right-wing Muslim haters but from a Lebanese-Canadian man named Hisham Saadi. Anti-Arab graffiti on the home of an Arab family in Ohio was put there by a fellow named Osama (!) Nazzal. A large Internet archive of such fake hate crimes, with links to local media reporting, is available here.

RELATED: How to Manufacture an Anti-Muslim Hate-Crime ‘Epidemic’

The Left desperately wants Americans to be indecent people who go around attacking Muslims and foreigners with funny names, but, by and large, we aren’t. Campus feminists desperately want “rape culture” to be a reality, and so they invent phony rape stories from Duke to the University of Virginia, making sure to target fraternities and sports teams, which are to them symbols of patriarchy. These stories are given currency and credence by incompetent journalists such as Sabrina Erdely and her editors at Rolling Stone, none of whom had the intelligence or grit to question the transparently false claims made in “A Rape on Campus.” more of this article at link


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Black Thug Blames Non-Existent White Man After He Shoots Girlfriend In The Head

Next to cultural appropriation the form of “racism” that drives black people nuts the most is when white people blame non-existant blacks to cover up their stupidity. For example: a dumbass white guy accidentally shots himself and then tells the police that some black guys shot him. Whether this is actually racism or just stupid people trying to come up with a plausible story is debatable, but black people definitely think it’s racist so they should be outraged at what happened in Detroit recently. A young black thug shot his girlfriend in the head and then blamed it on a white man who doesn’t exist.

On Monday in the Metro Detroit area 17-year-old Marche Lowe was shot in the head. She was taken to the hospital where she is in critical condition. The only other person present during the shooting was her 21-year-old boyfriend Oshae Ricky Thomas. Police didn’t initially find a gun at the scene, but they did find credit card skimming equipment, so they arrested Thomas on that.

Thomas told the police that a white man driving a silver Toyota had pulled and and shot Lowe in the head and then sped away. I don’t know whether the cops actually believed him, but they looked into it anyway. Neighbors in the subdivision where the shooting took place said they didn’t hear any commotion, no car tires screeching, not even the gunshot.

Lowe’s friends told investigators that the relationship between her and Thomas was a violent one. Also, cops did eventually find the weapon they believe was used to shoot this teenager.

Click on Detroit reports that on Wednesday the cops stopped pretending like they believed Thomas’ evil white guy story and charged him with shooting Lowe. More specifically he was charged with assault with intent to murder and felony firearms violations.

“We’re more confident that we have the person responsible in custody. There isn’t a public threat,” said a police spokesperson.

Somehow I doubt the people of Detroit were gripped with fear that a killer white guy was running around.

Daniel Young from black website The Root wrote out a list of times white people have falsely blamed blacks for crimes and asked the question: “Why do we live in a world where this is still OK?” That’s a good question. I hope she answers it an an outraged-filled piece condemning Thomas for falsely blaming a white guy for his crime.

In a more mainstream bit of outrage, The Charlotte Observer was livid that a couple of little white kids made up a lie that a black man tried to abduct them in Once again in SC, a non-existent black man is blamed for a crime

Sadly, it was again a story made up to try and fool the cops. Who did these two little white kids blame? The most vilified, beaten down, group in America. Black men.

Obviously it is wrong to blame someone else for a crime, but blaming it on a person of another race is just plain racism according to those who know about these things. I would hope that unlike all other racism, this isn’t one of those things that’s only racist when white people do it. It would really strike at the SJWs’ credibility if they were hypocritical on every single aspect of racism, wouldn’t it?

Great and truthful article, thanks!


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Black police officer shot herself and blamed the crime on a white man

No haha just kidding, it was the other way around

White police officer shot herself and blamed the crime on a Black man

On September 13, police officer Sherry Hall of Jackson, Georgia called on police radio to report that she had been shot by a Black man. According to reports from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Hall said the altercation occurred after she stopped a 6-foot, 230-pound Black man who wore a green shirt and black jogging pants.

At some point, Hall said the Black man shot her in the chest, but she was saved by her bulletproof vest. Moments after the shooting, she said the suspect fled the scene and police began searching for a Black man who fit the description in the small Georgia town. The search for the Black suspect continued for 10 days; however, a suspect did not exist.

Hall’s story soon fell apart after she was questioned by investigators at the Georgia Bureau of Investigators. After initially telling investigators that dash cam and audio in her patrol car was not working, it was discovered that the devices were working.

According to the GBI, Hall fired two shots into a wooded area with her department-issued handgun and she used another handgun to shoot herself. During a search of her home, investigators found the second handgun that she used in the shooting.

Link to your information, please, thanks.


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Muslim Professor Busted for Fake Islamophobic Crimes

Islamophobia is a serious nationwide problem. Fake Islamophobia that is. Here's another outbreak of it.

Indiana State University has announced that an assistant professor of aviation technology has been arrested for allegedly creating fake anti-Muslim threats back in March.

The charges reportedly stem from a series of emails that were received on campus containing anti-Muslim messages and threats.

On March 8, a series were emails were reported that allegedly specifically mentioned Azhar Hussain as a target.

“Based upon the investigation, it is our belief that Hussain was trying to gain sympathy by becoming a victim of anti-Muslim threats which he had created himself,” said Joseph Newport, chief of ISU’s police department.

On March 24, Hussain reported an alleged assault in the College of Technology in which he said he was thrown to the floor.

During the investigation, the ISU Police collaborated with the FBI and the Vigo County Prosecutor’s Office.

Aside from everything else, Hussain wasted plenty of law enforcement resources. The FBI is short-handed investigating ISIS plots. Meanwhile it has to cope with Islamophobic scams like this. And if law enforcement had been less thorough and more susceptible to giving in to political pressure to "fight Islamophobia", an innocent person might have been arrested.


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I can't post links :duh:

Stop being so lazy, please, thanks.

Lazy is posting information without linking it, and do tell us what is current about last September? Lazy is expecting others to do your job for you, and im not your secretary, you can post links to articles, you cant link drop, which means directing elsewhere without information, so do read the guidelines here before you end up in trouble, your majesty.