Mitt Romney Hates Abortion!


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Mitt Romney Hates Abortion!

This is the show from Thursday, August 30th, 2012.


* Getting Along: Doug McBurney noted the sad, premature passing of Rodney King and asked Bob to answer King's famous question: "Why can’t we all just get along?"

* Three Birds, One Stone: Regarding Bill Nye, the Science Sponge, and Nye's attack against creationists in his claim that evolution is irrefutable fact, Bob was determined to limit his rebuttal to talking about only the lowly sponge. (Although, in the process, unintentionally, plate tectonics got wiped out also :)

* The Coming Insurrection: Bob tells co-host Doug McBurney all about a strategy initiated by American Right To Life five years ago to end abortion by raising social tension to the point that the RE-publican party HATES abortion enough to END IT (not, of course, that they'd hate the killing of innocent children, no; but just that they'd hate abortion as a political issue; much like William Willberforce getting the Brits to outlaw slavery, not because they suddenly loved black people, but because they just couldn't put up with the constant agitation by a minority fighting for the rights of Africans). Today, as the political campaign unfolds, we can see Mitt Romney’s disdain for the topic (though not for the act), intensifying…

Today's Resource:Meet the Apostle Peter in this important Bible study. Have you considered why Peter addresses his letters to no well-known recipients? Rather, similarly to James, John, and Jude, he sends them generically to the circumcision believers scattered abroad. Why? Meanwhile, Peter mentions the Apostle Paul, who addresses his epistles to many well-known leaders and specific regional churches. Teacher Bob Enyart demonstrates that understanding the big picture of the Bible, its plot, helps to see even such small books as First Peter and Second Peter in their proper perspectives. Such biblical observations go a long way toward explaining the differences between Peter and Paul. For as Peter himself wrote of, "our beloved brother Paul" who "has written to you as also in all his epistles… in which are some things hard to understand…"

This fascinating Bible study is available in a 6-DVD set, on MP3-CD or MP3 download. You can click to order online or call us at 1-800-8Enyart (836-9278).


On social issues, Flip flop Mitt is just to the right of Obama (or at least he tries to appear that way), as he's going for the independent vote, knowing that those middle of the roaders couldn't care less about social issues.

Of course the flip flopper and his strategists know (or hope) that the conservative faction of America will vote for him, hoping that he is the lesser of two evils.

In my humble opinion, the GOP "establishment" that consisted of people like New England elitists Nelson Rockefeller, William F. Buckley Jr, George H. W. Bush, and now Mitt Romney, are on their way out. Young conservative Tea Partiers like VP candidate Paul Ryan are the future of the tired and warn out 'Republicrat' Party.


The Dark Knight
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Note to Doug: the word is spelled p-e-r-c-o-l-a-t-i-n-g.

If he hadn't said it three times I wouldn't care.


New member
In my humble opinion, the GOP "establishment" that consisted of people like New England elitists Nelson Rockefeller, William F. Buckley Jr, George H. W. Bush, and now Mitt Romney, are on their way out. Young conservative Tea Partiers like VP candidate Paul Ryan are the future of the tired and warn out 'Republicrat' Party.

I don't know why you'd think Paul Ryan is any less capable of capitulation than Mitt Romney, considering that Ryan has joined forces with Romney on the 2012 Republican ticket.


New member
=aCultureWarrior;3199589]On social issues, Flip flop Mitt is just to the right of Obama (or at least he tries to appear that way), as he's going for the independent vote, knowing that those middle of the roaders couldn't care less about social issues.

Of course the flip flopper and his strategists know (or hope) that the conservative faction of America will vote for him, hoping that he is the lesser of two evils.

In my humble opinion, the GOP "establishment" that consisted of people like New England elitists Nelson Rockefeller, William F. Buckley Jr, George H. W. Bush, and now Mitt Romney, are on their way out. Young conservative Tea Partiers like VP candidate Paul Ryan are the future of the tired and warn out 'Republicrat' Party.

CW, I pray that your're right, but I am not that optimistic. The GOP "establishment" never seems to go away. Whenever they give us a candidate that Christians hate (pro-abortionists), they lose. They will lose this election.

I have a Republican neighbor who thinks salvation is in the Republican Party, and we just have to vote for the lesser of two evils. Four years ago I asked him what he would do if the Republican candidate was more evil than Obama? Using his logic and morality, he would have to vote for Obama. And my worst nightmare has come true. We now have a "wolf in sheep's clothing" that is worse than Obama--Romney.

Such is life when we fail to use Jesus Christ as our standard for good and evil.



I don't know why you'd think Paul Ryan is any less capable of capitulation than Mitt Romney, considering that Ryan has joined forces with Romney on the 2012 Republican ticket.

The flip flopper, like his Republicrat predecessor John McLame, chose a social conservative to appease the Christian conservative/Tea Party faction of the Republican Party. Unlike the flip flopper, Ryan has a pretty consistent pro life/pro family record.


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Sounds like they're trying to make things so miserable that the GOP wants to deal with abortion for all the wrong reasons.


Well, it's nice to know that a man who "has a pretty consistent pro life/pro family record" is willing to join forces with a "flip flopper", isn't it?

I'm sorry that your pro homosexual/abortion/recreational drugs/pornography Libertarian candidate pretending to be a Republican didn't get the nomination Paulos, but it really is time that you Paulbots move on.


New member
I'm sorry that your pro homosexual/abortion/recreational drugs/pornography Libertarian candidate pretending to be a Republican didn't get the nomination Paulos, but it really is time that you Paulbots move on.

Who said anything about Ron Paul? The only "Paul" I mentioned is Paul Ryan. And just for the record, I have not supported Ron Paul in this election cycle. I did in 2008, but I wasn't under any illusions that he might win then or now. My only hope for Ron Paul is that he sows the seeds of liberty for future generations, and in that regard, he has been rather successful.

If you think a Romney/Ryan ticket is going to preserve your fading delusion of an America that is right-wing to the point of bordering on fascism, guess again.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm sorry that your pro homosexual/abortion/recreational drugs/pornography Libertarian candidate pretending to be a Republican didn't get the nomination Paulos, but it really is time that you Paulbots move on.

Who said anything about Ron Paul? The only "Paul" I mentioned is Paul Ryan. And just for the record, I have not supported Ron Paul in this election cycle. I did in 2008, but I wasn't under any illusions that he might win then or now. My only hope for Ron Paul is that he sows the seeds of liberty for future generations, and in that regard, he has been rather successful.

If you think a Romney/Ryan ticket is going to preserve your fading delusion of an America that is right-wing to the point of bordering on fascism, guess again.

The delegate from the Libertarian Party speaketh. The prosecution rests it's case.


New member
Back to the original question after the deflection.

Well, it's nice to know that a man who "has a pretty consistent pro life/pro family record" is willing to join forces with a "flip flopper", isn't it?

If anyone votes for Romney because they like Paul Ryan, they obviously do not understand how worthless the office of VP is.

Take Biden for example :D


New member
Hall of Fame
Write a candidate in or write in none of the above, do not vote for either of the 2 evils. Send a message.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm sorry that your pro homosexual/abortion/recreational drugs/pornography Libertarian candidate pretending to be a Republican didn't get the nomination Paulos, but it really is time that you Paulbots move on.

The delegate from the Libertarian Party speaketh. The prosecution rests it's case.

I see you're still a complete idiot.


New member
The flip flopper, like his Republicrat predecessor John McLame, chose a social conservative to appease the Christian conservative/Tea Party faction of the Republican Party. Unlike the flip flopper, Ryan has a pretty consistent pro life/pro family record.


Ryan also recently took a more progressive position on gay rights than Romney did when he voted in 2007 for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which would bar discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workplace (Wisconsin became the first state to pass such a law in 1982).





Ryan also recently took a more progressive position on gay rights than Romney did when he voted in 2007 for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which would bar discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workplace (Wisconsin became the first state to pass such a law in 1982).


I've pointed out on numerous occasions Ryan's ENDA vote.

Now let's go over the definition of homosexualist again:

"A “homosexualist” is an individual of either gender, who may or may not be a sodomite or a lesbian, but who does what he or she can to advance homosexuality."

It appears that your fellow homosexuals (gee, did I leave the "ist" off again? I better go back and edit that later) aren't very pleased with Congressman Paul Ryan.

Paul Ryan is not LGBT friendly, no matter what anybody says

"The log cabin Republicans, a group comprised of LGBT Republicans, are pointing to Paul Ryan's 2007 vote for ENDA (Employment Non-discrimination Act) as an example of how socially progressive he is as a Republican vice-president runner. Completely ignoring the fact that prior to voting for it he was part of a committee trying to kill the very same bill.

Paul Ryan may try avoiding the issue when pressed, making it seem as if he's focusing on the important issues, but just because he doesn't talk about his social conservatism won't stop him from voting for and proposing bills that are blatantly discriminatory. In fact, the Human Rights Campaign consistently gives him a score of zero on their congressional scorecard analyses. The only time he's ever delved into positive integers was when he voted for ENDA, but again the fact that he tried to kill it makes that a bit of an empty victory.

When interviewed on Meet the Press he accused the interviewers of focusing on meaningless topics as they asked about gay marriage, stating: "Actually, I came on to talk about the debt crisis we have and the budget, and I think that's the driving issue of this election".

Some Democrats are calling Romney's selection of Ryan as a step in the right direction towards a "shifting social conservatism", but others aren't as convinced. "By selecting Ryan as his running mate, Romney is guaranteeing his commitment to rolling back much of the progress the LGBT community has achieved over the past two decades." says Zack Ford from Think Progress.

Lest anybody doubt Ryan's anti-LGBT stance (despite the evidence), the fact that Ryan voted in 2011 for a bill that would add an amendment to the Wisconsin constitution that would ban marriage equality. In addition to his anti-marriage equality stance, he also opposes adoption rights and domestic partnership benefits for same-sex couples. His entire voting history can be seen here

Nice avatar by the way; with as many masks as you wear here on TOL, it's more than appropriate.