Men's *Choice* ...


New member
We could avoid all this if we kept our pants on and denied Woman the necessity to make this horrible choice.

Women control us because we cannot control ourselves... if we acted with discipline, than we would deny them the power they crave.


Hall of Fame
So, in your mind, if a man rapes any woman, no matter how old, or young, or in what state of health, and he impregnates her, he can then force her to have his baby?

… All because you are 'anti-abortion'.

Why is it that pro-abortion advocates such as yourself always introduce the "you are allowing a rapist to force the woman to have his child".

WRONG. The rapist should be executed ... he committed a crime. The unborn child did nothing whatsoever to warrant death.


New member
Indeed ... which would mean abstinence for men. :thumb:

In an enlightened and supposedly civilized society, it concerns me that we are devolving into a group of people that cannot control ourselves.

People may complain about the bible being the foundation for monogamy and celibacy, but there are many health and societal concerns in play here too. From the public health side of things, sure we can cure most STDs, but AIDS, Herpes and other drug resistant diseases are still in play and cost us billions a year in treatments and research. If we could keep our pants on, we could pretty much wipe out most STD's in a single generation.


Well-known member
Why is it that pro-abortion advocates such as yourself always introduce the "you are allowing a rapist to force the woman to have his child".

WRONG. The rapist should be executed ... he committed a crime. The unborn child did nothing whatsoever to warrant death.
I guess it's because we live in the real world, where rapist are not executed, and where men will force a woman to carry their child out of pure spite.


Hall of Fame
In an enlightened and supposedly civilized society, it concerns me that we are devolving into a group of people that cannot control ourselves.

People may complain about the bible being the foundation for monogamy and celibacy, but there are many health and societal concerns in play here too. From the public health side of things, sure we can cure most STDs, but AIDS, Herpes and other drug resistant diseases are still in play and cost us billions a year in treatments and research. If we could keep our pants on, we could pretty much wipe out most STD's in a single generation.


patrick jane

In an enlightened and supposedly civilized society, it concerns me that we are devolving into a group of people that cannot control ourselves.

. If we could keep our pants on, we could pretty much wipe out most STD's in a single generation.

Words of wisdom


Hall of Fame
I guess it's because we live in the real world, where rapist are not executed,

Though they do go to prison, correct? Do you see children as being responsible for the actions of their parents? I certainly don't.

and where men will force a woman to carry their child out of pure spite.

:plain: More pro-abortion, soap box antics. The focus on abortion should not be about whether or not a man is spiteful towards the mother of his child or whether or not a woman sees her unborn child as disposal ... it should be about protecting the unborn baby. Nothing you say about the parents or their motives will change the fact that the child is innocent and deserving of life.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The focus on abortion should not be about whether or not a man is spiteful towards the mother of his child or whether or not a woman sees her unborn child as disposal ... it should be about protecting the unborn baby. Nothing you say about the parents or their motives will change the fact that the child is innocent and deserving of life.


So, in your mind, if a man rapes any woman, no matter how old, or young, or in what state of health, and he impregnates her, he can then force her to have his baby?

… All because you are 'anti-abortion'.

Out of self interest.

Just like how liberals want to let in immigrants but pass by every homeless person on their way to work, so to do conservatives have their nonsense, and it's embedded right here with abortion- people who have lovely marriages and income, you see, calling others murderers and not nary one a foster parent.


Ironic, isn't it ... that someone who has shown himself as pro-abortion would spout off in another thread about liberals ...

I am pro-life, but for different reasons. I see abortion as a sin against nature, not as 'murder'. I really think you all focus on the fetus to distract from the moral depravity of the average modern woman who, at the beginning of their demand for 'emancipation', found birth control to literally be the cure for alleged inequality.

And so there you go again, misrepresenting where people stand- you apparently have a reputation for doing just that :rolleyes:


Hall of Fame
So, in your mind, if a man rapes any woman, no matter how old, or young, or in what state of health, and he impregnates her, he can then force her to have his baby?

… All because you are 'anti-abortion'.

Out of self interest. .

According to you, being anti-abortion is a position of SELF-interest. Another nonsensical claim on your part.


Hall of Fame
I see abortion as a sin against nature, not as 'murder'

The only reason to oppose abortion is to protect the unborn baby. Either the unborn are worthy of protection or they are not ... which is it?


The only reason to oppose abortion is to protect the unborn baby. Either the unborn are worthy of protection or they are not ... which is it?

Protecting something without an incantation of a soul is rather idolatrous :rolleyes:
The only reason to oppose abortion is so that women will be accountable for their unnatural deviance, thinking that since they have the womb, they have power over life and death :nono:


New member
So, in your mind, if a man rapes any woman, no matter how old, or young, or in what state of health, and he impregnates her, he can then force her to have his baby?

… All because you are 'anti-abortion'.

You liberal morons love to kill the children for the father's crimes but hate to kill the father for his own crimes.


:) Fact Time With Crucible :)

'Yahweh' is the name contributed to God because it is the sound of breathing in and out. If you pay close attention to the Bible and ancient history, He is seen as the wind- a spirit that moves upon the Earth. Moses was carrying a wind staff, you see, which is what caused the plagues and split the sea. Even in burning sacrifices, the Levites would see God's message in the smoke.

Now, in the beginning, when God made Adam, it wasn't until He breathed life into him that he became a living soul. That is, it wasn't UNTIL ADAM TOOK HIS FIRST BREATH.


New member
'Yahweh' is the name contributed to God because it is the sound of breathing in and out. If you pay close attention to the Bible and ancient history, He is seen as the wind- a spirit that moves upon the Earth. Moses was carrying a wind staff, you see, which is what caused the plagues and split the sea. Even in burning sacrifices, the Levites would see God's message in the smoke.
That is a bunch of nonsense.
Did you make all that up yourself, or did you have help?

Now, in the beginning, when God made Adam, it wasn't until He breathed life into him that he became a living soul. That is, it wasn't UNTIL ADAM TOOK HIS FIRST BREATH.
Adam did not become a living soul until his body began cellular respiration.

Respiration can be defined as the process by which an organism takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide, one in which the circulating medium of the organism (e.g., the blood) comes into contact with air or dissolved gases. Either way, this means more or less the same thing as breathing. In some cases, this meaning of the term is extended to the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the bloodstream and, eventually, into cells or the release of carbon dioxide from cells into the bloodstream and thence to the lungs, from whence it is expelled to the environment. Sometimes a distinction is made between external respiration, or an exchange of gases with the external environment, and internal respiration, an exchange of gases between the body's cells and the blood, in which the blood itself "bathes" the cells with oxygen and receives carbon dioxide to transfer to the environment.

This is just one meaning—albeit a more familiar one—of the word respiration. Respiration also can mean cellular respiration, a series of chemical reactions within cells whereby food is "burned" in the presence of oxygen and converted into carbon dioxide and water. This type of respiration is the reverse of photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert dioxide and water, with the aid of solar energy, into complex organic compounds known as carbohydrates. (For more about carbohydrates and photosynthesis, see Carbohydrates.)

Humans begin cellular respiration at conception, so they are a "living soul" at conception.

Greg Jennings

New member
That is a bunch of nonsense.
Did you make all that up yourself, or did you have help?

Adam did not become a living soul until his body began cellular respiration.

Respiration can be defined as the process by which an organism takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide, one in which the circulating medium of the organism (e.g., the blood) comes into contact with air or dissolved gases. Either way, this means more or less the same thing as breathing. In some cases, this meaning of the term is extended to the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the bloodstream and, eventually, into cells or the release of carbon dioxide from cells into the bloodstream and thence to the lungs, from whence it is expelled to the environment. Sometimes a distinction is made between external respiration, or an exchange of gases with the external environment, and internal respiration, an exchange of gases between the body's cells and the blood, in which the blood itself "bathes" the cells with oxygen and receives carbon dioxide to transfer to the environment.

This is just one meaning—albeit a more familiar one—of the word respiration. Respiration also can mean cellular respiration, a series of chemical reactions within cells whereby food is "burned" in the presence of oxygen and converted into carbon dioxide and water. This type of respiration is the reverse of photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert dioxide and water, with the aid of solar energy, into complex organic compounds known as carbohydrates. (For more about carbohydrates and photosynthesis, see Carbohydrates.)

Humans begin cellular respiration at conception, so they are a "living soul" at conception.

Why? Is this definitive?


That is a bunch of nonsense.

No it isn't. You are just ignorant of historical origins of religion and myth. If there is anyone who is a big ball of nonsense, it is most certainly all of you, who dismiss on arbitrary notions rather than reason and reality.

Genies were inspired from dirt devils in the desert, and spirited from lamps the same as alcohol is spirited from bottles- that's why they are called 'spirits'.

I could run circles around you on this, but go ahead and deny reality :rolleyes:
Yahweh was seen as a wind god.