ECT Meaning and Morality


God has given us a sense of right and wrong. We are here for a greater purpose. Greater than living for self. Only found living for God. Do you live for God because it is the right thing to do? Or do you do the right thing because it is right? No deed, decision, suggestion, choice, or obedience to God is right just because someone says it is. It has to be right because God says it is. We don't say things are right to justify our behavior. We say things are right because that which is good is what we want. The good life is only good because God says it is. There is nothing wrong with God's Law or God's commands. But if you have lived without them you think that which is good is beyond the commands. Some purpose greater than doing good just for the sake of doing good. But doing good is good. So long as it is grounded in the purposes of God. They speak of God's ultimate desire for us, to live in peace with one another and to serve one another with a higher purpose in mind, the purpose of His kingdom.

There is a difference between right and wrong, and with practice doing that which is right we can tell the difference and support others and build up those around us. For those who have yet to know the truth and repent, we can call them to repent and experience the life we have in Christ.

There is meaning to life. And there is a morality that is God given, higher than the the morals of men seen when we try to quell or diffuse situations that we think would be harmful to us, at least that which comes from a desire for self-preservation. If you are living for God God gets the glory for having saved you and rescued you from your sin and (perhaps some of) its consequences. That which brings harm to oneself as an individual is often self-inflicted. At least we can have responsibility for that, and pray that God would alleviate the pressures we feel from outside of us in the world around us.


Nope. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil gave us a sense of right and wrong.
No, your conscience is God given and by it you know the difference between right and wrong even without having been brought up under the Law of God. Romans 1. That we would know both good and evil experientially since the fall of Adam and Eve was not good. Disobedience is sin and leads to death. If there was no evil and death we would be back in the original state.


No, you are a liar, and a child of Satan, for spreading the same lie he spreads.
No, I was brought up on the truth of God's word.

Creation and conscience are how everyone knows God exists. That is the teaching. And I believe it is true.


No, you are a liar. You don't know God, and have said things that God never said.
Creation in Romans 1.

Then here (I have searched and this is the first time the word conscience is used in the book of Romans):

Romans 2:15 NASB - in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them,

See also in the Bible: conscience. <- LINK.


TOL Subscriber
God has given us a sense of right and wrong. We are here for a greater purpose. Greater than living for self. Only found living for God.

I agree.

This is what being "created in the image of God" is all about. God gave Adam (thus, mankind) moral agency to submit our wills to His sovereign will, according to His moral Law.

Adam failed to so exercise this great moral gift of cause and effect, given to him by His Maker.

This falling short of the glory of God, is the very definition of sin.


TOL Subscriber
Creation in Romans 1.

Then here (I have searched and this is the first time the word conscience is used in the book of Romans):

Romans 2:15 NASB - in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them,

See also in the Bible: conscience. <- LINK.

Yep . . . your studies are on track . . . do not let lawless unbelievers like Doom discourage your search for all truth.


I agree.

This is what being "created in the image of God" is all about. God gave Adam (thus, mankind) moral agency to submit our wills to His sovereign will, according to His moral Law.

Adam failed to so exercise this great moral gift of cause and effect, given to him by His Maker.

This falling short of the glory of God, is the very definition of sin.
If you do right, the cause is God.


New member
God has given us a sense of right and wrong.
Further evidence that you are a child of Satan.

This is what being "created in the image of God" is all about.
God gave Adam (thus, mankind) moral agency to submit our wills to His sovereign will, according to His moral Law.
Anti-Christ heresy. The absolute doctrine of Satan in the garden. You are going to hell, and not soon enough.

Adam and Eve knew NOTHING of sin or good and evil, until they ate, being seduced by your father.

Adam failed to so exercise this great moral gift of cause and effect, given to him by His Maker.


TOL Subscriber
Further evidence that you are a child of Satan.

Nonsense. Anti-Christ heresy. The absolute doctrine of Satan in the garden. You are going to hell, and not soon enough.

Adam and Eve knew NOTHING of sin or good and evil, until they ate, being seduced by your father.


Adam is held accountable for sin . . . not the devil.

That is only because Adam was already aware of the moral commands of God and the fair warning of death being the wages of sin, disobedience, which are the fruits of unbelief . . . before he partook of the forbidden tree.

Otherwise, Adam would have been held no more guilty than a cow that that passed by and nibbled at the low hanging fruit of idolatry.

Dumb beasts are never held so accountable for idolatry or disobedience. Only the man created in the image of God as a knowledgable moral agent, familiar with God's command, could so be judged as guilty for such an act.


New member
Adam is held accountable for sin . . . not the devil.

"He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil."


Yep . . . your studies are on track . . . do not let lawless unbelievers like Doom discourage your search for all truth.


All of us make decisions in life. I understand that your saying this is such a decision. The best to you in your intent. God can help each and every one of us.

